With the recent Capcom Super Election polls especially with the question of which Capcom games audiences would like to see a sequel, here are some of my thoughts on what Capcom could potentially do with some of their dormant franchises:
Dino Crisis - This game had been on many fans radar for quite a while which is why it topped the poll of audiences wanting a sequel. Personally, I think a great way of rejuvenating the Dino Crisis franchise is to maybe follow suit of the Resident Evil reboots for the first and second games.
Darkstalkers - Although this was the fifth in the polls, Darkstalkers had been a franchise in which many fans like myself had long waited for many many years. With the success of Street Fighter 6, the Darkstalkers franchise could very well be something that Capcom's fighting game department could look in to if they really want to expand their fighting game library.
Ace Attorney - Although the series had not seen a new game since the Spirit of Justice, I do hope that Capcom will not only look in to making a new entry within the franchise, but maybe consider doing a HD versions of Ace Attorney: Investigations 1 & 2?
Dead Rising - Even though Dead Rising was not within the top ten poll, I do think that if Dead Rising were to have a new entry, I would prefer it if they consider a reboot by going back to what made the franchise so special in the first place.
How do you want to review bomb a show called "The Acolyte" when you can't even get yourself to put a "The" in front of "Acolyte".