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  • Thanks :) Today I went to a tourny, and against Snake I outcamped him :D But, I need to learn to stop camping and start attacking when he is approaching.
    Dark you there? Wanna have some online games at all peach against zelda if you need practise... we might lag a bit though because of our regions.
    thanks for the games. I thought I improved a little from last time we played. But I need to learn to kill. Your peach is still beast
    Reading comprehension - you lack it again.

    Reread what I said, or at least let me know if English isn't your first language.
    That could explain your state of depression. I just can't understand idiots like you that shrug off all their problems or things they cannot deal with.

    How about you explain yourself - like you were going to but I was "an idiot" because you couldn't read.

    -Oh **** low shot-
    Reading comprehension. I told you you were lacking.

    You can go back and read it to. When I assume - I always state that I am assuming. Otherwise I look like an idiot.

    Now that you have no reason not to, please. Do enlighten me like you weren't going to because "you think you know things about me in real life and you don't which makes you stupid".
    "Now I could have that was not there cause iread that."

    The amount of grammatical errors in that sentence is astounding. I can't even make out what you were trying to say.
    In case you are failing at reading. Before I even listed anything I stated I was assuming.

    "With this I can assume multiple things.

    1) You do not know any Pit's or DK's at a competent level offline
    2) You do not recognize that your character's flaws are indeed limiting to the point of why she is behind others.
    3) You do not recognize the other character's pros. "
    Go read my post again. I said I am only led to assume. Do you know the definition of an assumption? Apparently not.
    I didn't even act like an idiot to do it. I pointed out your flaws using logic and said you wouldn't respond.
    Reading comprehension. You need some.
    I said I could only assume. Also notice how I used DK in a plural forum.

    Just because I can beat my friends Meta Knight doesn't make Snake vs Meta Knight an advantage. Nor does it make Snake better then Meta Knight.

    Your problem is when someone presents you with an argument, you find some way of not having to respond because you don't have an answer.
    Alright now. Wall of text time.

    You state that Peach is better then DK and Pit, and you give reasons. Yet you also say you are not a part of the tournament scene. With this I can assume multiple things.

    1) You do not know any Pit's or DK's at a competent level offline
    2) You do not recognize that your character's flaws are indeed limiting to the point of why she is behind others.
    3) You do not recognize the other character's pros.
    4) Any combination of 1, 2, and 3

    With this - you are no better then any random _____ main coming in and saying their character is better then ____ character for ______ reasons.

    Theory != Fact

    Also I don't play follow the leader. That's a children's game. I play call out people who don't make any sense and watch how they react because it's funny that they can't be mature about something or they are far to thickheaded or plain out stupid to understand or admit that they are wrong.
    Our avatars should get together some time.

    Also stop taking tiers so seriously.
    Hey, I have a new account now. You can get rid of 'Silverness' if you want. Sorry for all these friend requests, I'm trying to catch up stuff from my old account to my new ones through SWF and youtube ^^;
    Ok its getting way too late for me i am sry to leave you like this but i must get some rest tonight! Have a good night and i am allways up for a chat!
    I though wifi made ppl worst at playing this game lol but that is lame you cant play online. I only play online no one here to play at all also i feel that i am getting to old for this game to really go to the events.
    awwww i should play you in smash online one of these days but its too late atm... i must say peach dose look fun to play but i just can get her gliding throw to work well nor can i flout well but i would like to lurne how to!
    I play zss, shiek/zelda, ness mostly but i do play peka and luciro from time to time if i really want to win and there a good bit of lag lol.
    I know xD
    But I'm starting to miss Smash lol. Finishing the texture will take me 20 minutes at most. so no worries.
    I was going to message you about it. And I know I haven't talked to you about it anymore...exams were taking more than half of the free time I had :ohwell: I don't even have time to make textures for my own enjoyment lol, hell, I haven't touched the Wii for like 2 weeks now.

    However, I promise I'll give it to you before Sunday. The texture is almost ready, I just have to change what you asked me to and that's it.
    "Hey do you do wifi? And if it's a yep would you care to play? =D"
    "I cant play wifi"

    I was going to ask a similar question since I would like to know the match-ups of various characters better and I dont' with Peach. You know of anyone you could direct me too that plays well with Peach, and wouldn't mind playing on wifi?
    sup man, yeah do you mind if you can be the main leader for Peach Boot Camp? I know you probably want this more than me, so I think you should be the main project leader, but I can help. We need all of the help we can get. Oh we need to inform the other peaches, because I haven't talked to them yet to see if they were willing >_< Lol all of this was a proposal so I didn't know many people would like the idea.
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