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  • Me likes getting grab released. I do nothing and get a nice glass of water and see myself getting star koed through the ceiling. We like Ike we like Ike.
    Gg's for earlier btw. I need to stop being so agressive and running into stuff. I get so impatient sometimes...

    My poor ROB got ruined :( I need to be more diverse in my characters :( Perhaps sometime I'll take some time out to practice with them all
    Lol crap sorry

    It's 2965-5298-7403

    I don't understand what's happened. My save file complete with online playtime is still there but... :confused:

    I've just logged onto Wi Fi and...my FC has changed. My Friend roster has been completely deleted, yet my online play record is stil there


    I don't know what's happened but apparantly my new FC is 2965 5928 7403

    I don't get it...can you check if my old FC profile still exists is online?
    Oh yeah! Congrats on that btw! I saw the new board and thought it was a great idea. As long as you can steer your respective boards in a good direction, I think the site will generally be more productive.

    Turbo controller? Sounds... crazy! Your sonic and ike are getting progessively harder and harder to fight >.< my peach got wrecked! xD
    GG's :) I thought I'd throw Random in there...I want to try and get better with other characters. Lol I love hitting Ike's out of Aether :p
    Lol there really is no need to. I'll only say no if I really can't be bothered or if I have work to do :p

    If you're still there, I'll be on soon
    Wow, so since you don't know her why haven't you spoken to her in the Pm she sent you then? You'd know her then, just try talking to her for me at least. She's a nice and funny person, you two would be like best friends :)
    I didn't go to the tourny in the end >.< I would have spent far more for travelling there in the first place than what the potential prize for placing would have been, which wasn't an incentive for me sadly.

    I've decided to try and run tournys at my uni soon. We have weeklies already, but it's more semi-casual if anything. I can see it developing into something more now that we have a few more players there. I'll advertise on smash boards maybe. I don't expect a good turnout considering it's the UK and players are scarce, but we shall see xD
    Yea...I know the feeling. I really need to be doing more revision but actually finding the motivation is very difficult. Plus, there's so much to learn. I'm not so worried about Chemistry but Biology...the sheer amount that needs to be learned combined with other subjects is overwhelming :(
    *dies* AS actually :p

    Don't even joke, I am ****ing myself about them. The pressure is loading on by the minute. Hows things going at your end? And hello too :p
    I dont know, I just thought you somehow didnt like me >.<

    and the falcon board hates me. they wanted me perma banned.
    Definitely must play you one time on wifi, and irl when I've done my A-levels.
    Lol don't worry about it. And lol 'tier whoring'. I don't mind at all xD Gives me more of a challenge :D

    That Peach Bomber stage spike was funky
    Getting killed at 90% by Snake's Up Tilt wasn't :(
    No I don't think your johning at all ^^... I think I play my best at this hour generally because I feel more comfortable playing when I'm 'relaxed', which doesn't apply to all players. I always enjoy playing you however!

    And I'm considering it Chis... when is the event again? Sometime this week or next? I've seen the thread but cannot remember the link (if you could post it that would be great)
    Thanks chis! Funny games there! Remind me never to take snake to luigi's mansion though xD
    Ah I was wondering where you'd got to :) Glad to hear you had a good time :)

    I did a Biology ISA a few days ago. Wasn't too bad, I think I did ok. What do you mean you've finished Chemistry? O.o

    Lol revision :( Stupid revision...my Easter is not going to be fun. Revision is something everyone really needs to do xD
    Hey chis if you're on at all me and rizul are trying to organise some team games. Either rizul or myself will host so feel free to join if you're available. I've messaged rick so we'll see what happens xD
    Hey chis I noticed you're online but I've got a match with someone from the zelda boards so if you join and I reject you then that's the reason >.< If they can't join me though I'll open up a room and you're free to join whenever!
    Scary... I love that stage as well. I hope these types of deaths aren't common (though they are really funny when it happens to your opponent xD)
    Yeah I know... I saved only one replay but it was when I was Sheik(or Zelda) and you were Snake on frigate, and then... you just died =O I was like wtf???

    I couldn't figure it out at the time so I'm going to have a look back sometime tomorrow.
    Well, besides being in edgehog hell XD Lately I've been off, but he's the only character I can go almost even with SM5 :urg: I've considered Sonic, I'm working on playing as him even as we speak ;) I know that you guys will help me but...

    Here's the link http://www.smashboards.com/group.php?groupid=802 Its not really for those who have ADHD but its just for us to be random, 'kay?
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