There has been quite a lot of talk in regarding how video game companies handle season pass content reveals (based upon Tekken 8's second season pass that revealed Anna Williams' return plus another three unrevealed characters) with some saying that they should had followed the approach in which the likes of how Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 1, Guilty Gear Strive, Fatal Fury COTW revealed the contents within their pass.
Whilst I can see this as a benefit to those who truly want to know what sort of content is within the pass that can guarantee and justify their purchase, but at the same time, personally I wouldn't mind keeping them unrevealed as I am the kind of person that likes to keep on guessing.
I do predict that if the next Smash does do a season pass (similar to Ultimate), should they take the approach to reveal all of its content within the pass route or should they leave parts of its content such as characters unrevealed until the reveal date route?
What is everyone's opinion on season pass reveals?