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[:zss:] NCSU Smash Rehash Vol. 5 "The Next Best Thing" ft. Florida, GA, MD/VA =]

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Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
i had a dream stingers falcon ditto'd me in tournament, then evaded the country to mexico directly after.

the prophecy.

wait, dave youre actually coming? friendlies will happen. i think nc forgot what you look like


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
i had a dream stingers falcon ditto'd me in tournament, then evaded the country to mexico directly after.

the prophecy.

wait, dave youre actually coming? friendlies will happen. i think nc forgot what you look like
Lmao, some of you have seen me sorta recently but yeah I know what you mean. Top tier work johns lol.

Yes I'm def coming.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm on track to having a Swiss pairing program finished by Saturday. At the moment it can do pairings and add a bye each round if there's an odd number of people. It also currently seeds by ranking. All for swiss is to add the ability to seed randomly or by PRs, to calculate new rankings (using either ELO or Microsoft trueskill), and letting the user enter who won the match. Most of that should be done by the end of the day, which just leaves brackets.

Also, the TO can mess around with pairings as much as they want. Each players name is represented by a box with a drop down list. For example, let's say I was facing PP while Ace was facing Stingers. The TO, Chris, wants there to be a Ganon ditto. So, Chris goes to the box that says PP and selects Ace from the drop down list. Now it has me against Ace and PP against Stingers. I'm planning to use the same system for brackets.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
At the moment, the program's almost good enough to run a tournament. There are just two things I need to add, which I just thought of (they'll be really easy to program).

All matches must have at least half the number of games rounded down plus one as the largest total number of games. For example, if the highest total number of games in a round is 3, each match must have at least 2 games. If the highest number is 5, each match must have at least 3 games. If the highest number is 4, each match must have at least 3 games (because it must have been a bo5, with no matches going to 5 games).

A player can't have a negative amount of wins.

The TO can't give wins to a Bye. Right now, the TO could have the Bye beat the player 100-0.

Those three things will all be really easy to program, and I think they're all that are necessary to make it the absolute minimum requirement. However, I'm still planning to add the other forms of seeding, ELO calculating after a match, and the ability to cut to double elimination brackets. It'd be annoying to have to go through this program for swiss, then go to a different program for brackets.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
It's in Java, because I figured once I was done I'd let any TO use it, and some of them might use Macs. I can send you the current version once I get home from school tomorrow, because I'm tired and don't feel like doing it tonight, and school starts at 7:30, meaning there's no way I'll be awake before then.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I looked at that, but I decided I preferred how my program worked. Plus, I wanted to make it simpler by having Swiss and Double Elimination being part of the same program.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
wait, so why exactly are we doing swiss again...? we won't have enough setups for it. i can almost guarantee that. and it'll take too long even if we did have enough. :|


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
cuz it allows worse players to get more out of the tournament by playing more people close to their skill level


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
lol wait, so we're doing this for the sake of "worse players"?....


that's partially what pools are for

idk, it doesn't make sense to do swiss imo when nc can barely run a pools/double elim tournament in a timely fashion.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
ya it depends on the setups


"So, whenever your player to setup ratio is 4:1 or better, swiss will be faster."

i'm not sure if we'll have that or not... i hope we would, imma try to bring 2 setups myself

but ya pools would be fine otherwise...

that article explains how swiss can still be potentially be faster and other stuff...

but i think the main thing is the seeding ends up better and we're trying to get a elo system up and running


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
yeah, i mean, if we have the proper amount of setups to have a player to setup ratio of 4:1 i'm all for it.


i'm just thinking of the last ncsu i went to, and it only had like 6 melee setups. i can see swiss being a disaster if we have like ~35-40 people at this with 6 setups. we would need 10 setups or more.

plus, people typically leave in the middle of the tournament for weed and other bull****, which would make the time situation even worse

we basically just need a lot of setups and good behavior by the children. if we have that, i can see swiss being cool and running efficiently (potentially even faster than pools). but it's a big "if", and honestly i doubt it can happen


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
ya i know what you mean, but the reality is that the structure of the tourney has nothing to do with whether the tourney runs smoothly or not...

the difference on paper is completely insignificant compared to outside factors...

i mean europe does bo5s then bo7s for semi/finals... can u even imagine doing that here?

Its all about like 2 dudes leaving for 3 hours for GREEN GREENS, but they're homies so they don't get dqed...

I wish we could just play the game... we could easily do swiss pools then bo5/bo7 bracket if people were there to play the game, but people just treat tournies like smashfests, which isn't what i want (since i have to drive 3 hours and rarely get to play besides tournies), but i don't blame nc locals, cuz to them its just a way to chill with homies... just wish they wouldn't enter if they wanted to just chill, but they try to do both

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Sounds like it will honestly need to be a decision day of unless we can account for all setups now and get a count going on that to get a rough idea.

I personally will be bringing my own setup/VCR. Possibly a powerstrip.

We should go back to emphasizing power strips imo because people probably forgot about that LOL.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I'm going to be bringing my setup/recording setup and a powerstrip.

Anyway, here's the current version of the program. I spent today working out a few bugs, so it should run smoothly. I'll add seeding by PR and randomly later today, which will give me the rest of the week to work on adding double elimination (I shouldn't need that long, though). I'm also going to add a detailed summary to be displayed at the end of the tournament. For each player it'll say who they played each round, and what their rank changed to.



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
No accurate answer that I could give would not be considered some form of "johns" or whatever else it is this community twists real stuff into so I'm just going to say "so that everyone else can enjoy their experience more".


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
rather be predictable on smashboards than in tournament roflllololol

naw ur right, theres nothing wrong with trash talking my secondaries and accepting mms and then copping out everytime i see you irl

i honestly don't give a **** anymore anyways man... you clearly aren't even on my level anymore, i doubt you ever were... and before you john about not playing, real life getting in the way, etc.... i understand, you don't seem to play or care much about the game anymore, so even if we did play i wouldn't even be happy if i won...
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