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Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
"Lets nerf Mac's Side B even more!" :D - Sakurai 2014
It was already pretty sad seeing him having to horizontally recover vs anyone with a Counter ( like 8 chars now? lol ) and then I watched a :4jigglypuff: vs :4littlemac: and questioned why they thought his design concept was a good idea.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
The Sonic user is 6wx and I think the Sheik might be False, who also plays Luigi. I think he might have been eliminated though, so it could be someone else. Abadongo is the Pacman and MVD is the Duck Hunt/Mac that beat aMSa I believe.

EDIT: Beaten by 2 seconds by Lavani. And Mr. R is the Sheik, not False
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
I just started watching the stream. Guys, help. I'm supposed to be getting some writing done...

I'm guessing nobody has been using Zelda in singles or doubles? Nairo's ZSS is friggin great though.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I know Aonuma really well(Despite not knowing him in person, or even seeing the man), I have read almost every interview he has ever posted, and I have read, and even created many Zelda Wii U analyses myself that some turned out to be true. While it is "open world" it is definitely not going to be like Skyrim, nor is there going to any shortage of sidequests either. When it comes to an open world, I think it is going to be exactly what the series set out to do. With the original Legend of Zelda, you could go anywhere you wanted, yet some things were "blocked off". I think it will be the same with Zelda Wii U. Aonuma has been revisiting that with ALBW, HW, WWHD, and MM3D. He has stated many times he wanted to revisit what made Zelda games good. and put all of those things culminated into a single Zelda game.
If you are worried about a story too, do not. Aonuma has stated

So the cutscenes will be good, meaning there will be a story.

Not only that, but Miyamoto has stated that the world will change depending on what you do. What this says to me, is a story and gameplay that is unique to each playthrough. I predict that the overworld will change, and become more troubled with each dungeon you complete. This would provide an excellent contrast to the initial beauty of Zelda Wii U, and into a darker, malevolent world. I believe this is going to happen because of Majoras Mask 3D as well. I suspect that if you can complete dungeons in any order, then they will also get more difficult, the more dungeons.

For the places with dedicated themes. Do not worry. Miyamoto stated in the iJustine interview that the a single area, is as big as the world in Twilight Princess. Now this was very interesting to me, as the mention of TP caught my eye. So I did an analysis. You can see many of the areas withing Zelda Wii U's map that are from, or inspired by TP, more like it. It is right here, I also apologize for the shoddy workmanship, I am no artist.
View attachment 37579

There is going to be a lot of content however. Miyamoto also stated that you could get distracted and do as much as 50 things while completing one objective. But I am sure, everything will have more reason to it, unlike Skyrim. ALBW pulled that off marvelously.

All in all, I do not think you have reason to worry. Let us keep our eyes and ears open for new information, and hope for the best. I think they will deliver though, as the whole premise of Zelda Wii U was very well thought out. I think Zelda Wii U has the opportunity to be the best Zelda game we have ever seen.
No one responded to my analysis... I want to know what other people think.......
Ganondorf is sad....

B-but I want senpai the King of Evil to notice me. :p
Ganondorf knows. He just wants you to see his heart in a new manner.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
@ Lozjam Lozjam your, analysis makes sense. I'm still pretty sure that Zelda Wii U will be relatively story light. Not as light on plot elements as ALBW, but probably around Skyward Sword's level.

I'm not worried about Zelda Wii U at all. Star fox Wii U is the game I'm really wary of.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I made a frame speed listing again... I don't know what I'm doing with my life... This was posted in the Character Competitive Impressions thread by the way: http://smashboards.com/threads/character-competitive-impressions.367669/page-340#post-18493254. Basically a copy-paste thing. :p

:4diddy:. All right, he has really good frame data which is fine since :4drmario:/:4mario: have good frame data too, but here's the kicker, his limbs stretch and he has the fastest aerials with Fair, Bair, and the infamous Uair along with the fastest Up Smash, fast Side Smash and Down Smash, and fast Dtilt which combos into itself. I remember someone using his Down Smash and it's a good Down Smash coming out at frame 3, but most people go for the D-throw > Uair schtick that annoys a lot of people. Diddy could have been less irritating if people mixed up his game.
Jab: 3rd fastest at frame 3; out of 10.
Dash Attack: 6th fastest at frame 9; out of 4 characters.
Ftilt: 7th fastest at frame 10; out of 8 characters.
Utilt: 4th fastest at frame 6; out of 9 characters.
Dtilt: 2nd fastest at frame 4; out of 3 characters.
Side Smash: 3rd fastest at frame 12; out of 4 characters.
Up Smash: The fastest at frame 5; his alone.
Down Smash: 3rd fastest at frame 6; out of 7 characters.
Nair: 7th fastest at frame 8; out of 6 characters.
Fair: 2nd fastest at frame 6; out of 6 characters.
Bair: 2nd fastest at frame 4; out of 3 characters.
Uair: The fastest at frame 3; his alone.
Dair: 14th fastest at frame 17; out of 7 characters.
Grab: The fastest at frame 6-7; out of 22 characters.
Dash Grab: The fastest at frame 8-9; out of 20 characters.
Pivot Grab: 2nd fastest at frame 9-10; out of 17 characters.

:4greninja:. While this was originally supposed to rag be on Diddy, I noticed that Greninja shares the same speed for Jab, Dash Attack, Ftilt, Bair, and Dair. Also, that Dash Grab is pretty good, but it's weird how it's the fastest grab. Most people have fast standing grabs and slower dash and pivot grabs.
Jab: 3rd fastest at frame 3; out of 10.
Dash Attack: 6th fastest at frame 9; out of 4 characters.
Ftilt: 7th fastest at frame 10; out of 8 characters.
Utilt: 7th fastest at frame 9; out of 5 characters.
Dtilt: 3rd fastest at frame 5; out of 10 characters.
Side Smash: 4th fastest at frame 13; out of 4 characters.
Up Smash: 8th fastest at frame 12; out of 4 characters.
Down Smash: 13th fastest at frame 16; out of 2 characters.
Nair: 13th fastest at frame 12; out of 3 characters.
Fair: 11th fastest at frame 16; out of 4 characters.
Bair: 2nd fastest at frame 5; out of 3 characters.
Uair: 5th fastest at frame 7; Greninja's alone.
Dair: 14th fastest at frame 17; out of 7 characters.
Grab: 7th fastest at frame 14-15; out of 2 characters. Yoshi's grab ends at 24, so Greninja recovers faster out of the 2.
Dash Grab: 2nd fastest at frame 9-10; out of 8 characters.
Pivot Grab: 6th fastest at frame 15-16; out of 3 characters. Link and Toon Link's grabs end at frame 21, so Greninja recovers faster out of the 3.

So... yeah... what do you sisters think about this?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
No one responded to my analysis... I want to know what other people think.......
Ganondorf is sad....

Ganondorf knows. He just wants you to see his heart in a new manner.
Don't worry, I both read and appreciated it <3
Your post was just too good for me to think of proper responses :p

Can't say I've kept up to date enough with the guy, but based on your quotes he shouldn't make an lolSkyrim Zelda.
Definitely understand why ppl loved the old semi-free roaming Zelda during NES and I've got my love for special moments in the years after ( OoT's Bottom of the Well omg Dead Hand is the coolest enemy ever ).


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
This is for Lavani but not necessarily specifically at him: Dedede's UAir is legitimately my favorite UAir in the game, this coming from a G&W main who has a silly UAir. It's this massive hitbox that beats basically every DAir in the game.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
This is for Lavani but not necessarily specifically at him: Dedede's UAir is legitimately my favorite UAir in the game, this coming from a G&W main who has a silly UAir. It's this massive hitbox that beats basically every DAir in the game.
Oh, I completely agree. I'm just miffed about him losing his terrific throw game.

I actually preferred bair or nair off of dthrow in 1.0.0, but 1.0.4 changed it so uair was the only real option at most percents, and past 60% or so (much earlier with rage) you just don't have throw combos at all anymore.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I'm ready for my top tier zelda buffs coming. Nintendo will like force Sakurai now, they are being competitive
If Zelda got significant buffs, you can count me in as a Zelda main. Maybe they can buff Ganondorf and Link too! BAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
This is for Lavani but not necessarily specifically at him: Dedede's UAir is legitimately my favorite UAir in the game, this coming from a G&W main who has a silly UAir. It's this massive hitbox that beats basically every DAir in the game.
I think you meant Triple D's Uair beats every Uair since ROB's Dair hitbox is insane unless I'm misunderstanding something.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
I don't find :4littlemac: vs :4jigglypuff: that bad tbh :/
I can't find the actual video I saw, but basically Puff distanced itself off-stage to force Timeout.
Problem was that on WiFi FG, you get kicked for idling if you don't make yourself active so the Mac had to try and kill Puff basically on Ledge as possible.

The Mac didn't seem to be a brainded drone FG dweller tho, it actually looked like he just didn't have the kit for dealing with it.
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The Flying Dutchman
Jan 9, 2015
The Netherlands
Couldn't watch much of the top 16 Smash 4 stream, cause of timezone annoyances, but the time I watched I hadn't seen a SINGLE Zelda main. Hopefully the matches will be uploaded soon. And wait what, Nairo used Zelda again in dubs?

I stayed up for the Leffen vs Chillin ditto though. Definitely worth it, lol.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Tbh they actually had representation so they probably think that they're good. Also apperently sakurai mains ganon
He mained Ganondorf in Brawl. We don't know who he mains in Smash 4. Also, that didn't stop Ganondorf from being buffed from Brawl to Smash 4, and in Version 1.0.4.
Link and Ganondorf also had some pretty low representation. Though, as long as Sakurai nerfs the top tiers, I will die happy.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
I don't think Sakurai mains Ganon. He's just the only character we've ever seen him play because of that "HE IS ENTERTAINER!!!" video. He could have just picked him on a whim. Plus, when asked who he plays as, he pretty much dodged the question because he doesn't want people to think that he's biased towards any one character.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
I thought sakurai mained ganondorf because he reminded him of his father.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I bet yall that he thinks Ganon in brawl is OP
Why do you think Ganondorf was bottom in Brawl? He had to be nerfed. Meanwhile, in Super Meta Knights Brawl: Round Table Edition. :p
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
I thought sakurai mained ganondorf because he reminded him of his father.
That whole thing was made up by some guy on /v/ and is about as legit as those Miyazaki gifs running around on tumblr.

I bet yall that he thinks Ganon in brawl is OP
He probably thought that all of the Zelda characters were too strong. As of smash 4 though, I think he believes that Samus is the strongest character of all time. I think he's onto something there! Look at all of those options she has!


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
Couldn't watch much of the top 16 Smash 4 stream, cause of timezone annoyances, but the time I watched I hadn't seen a SINGLE Zelda main. Hopefully the matches will be uploaded soon. And wait what, Nairo used Zelda again in dubs?

I stayed up for the Leffen vs Chillin ditto though. Definitely worth it, lol.
I only saw one set of Nairo in Singles and Doubles. He went Robin in Singles and Zero Suit in Doubles. Though he prob used Zero Suit for other Singles sets.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
Maybe his real dad sucks and Sakurai wants a father just as evil as he is. Also, why is Sakurai's dad black?
Karen, you can't just ask people why they're black!

Anybody wanna play, ladies? I just got up :'D

He said he would go zelda at least once so yay for days

Mocha sis can Ya play?
Up for it kiddo?
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