Would like to point out that it is likely 0.66% FW startup is going to be changed to 0.75% FW endlag.
What? Why? I believe that makes it even more gimpable. What players did in Vbrawl was jump to the edge and jump
back giving the illusion they'd grab the ledge to force Zelda onto the stage. Adding extra end lag would simply... kill any chances of her landing safely on stage >.< I would rather have it normally if I'm honest.
And I think the usmash power seriously hurts her now IMO. I'm afraid it's gone from amazing Zelda to... bad bad Zelda for me lol =(
She's been nerfed horribly now lol. I noticed some things:
- People can tech dtilt now so sometimes not even a dsmash will strike them... you'd have to opt for something more lingering like usmash. I believe they might be able to roll back, hindering any chances of dtilt setups, which is a big loss =(
- Usmash was by and far one of her most important kill moves, and now that's gone =(
- I've noticed that it's easier to DI out of Fsmash on reaction now... as the first hit simply pops you up really quickly. At least before you had to spend effort DIing =(
- And ftilt, despite the speed, is as useless as ever. =(
- Have lightning kicks been nerfed? they do 20% damage now instead of 21%, and they seem harder to connect now =(
- And finally! Uair is harder to combo into now =(
The fact is... she isn't fast on the ground at all. It takes a jab to knock her out of place. She can't grab well, and her frontal OoS options are terrible. Her quickest option is to drop shield and dsmash, but even that's trickier to connect with added shield stun. She can't pressure shield nearly as well now with the speed at which her multihits hit the opponent's shield, so that element to her game is gone. Her combos are now simply lacking. I thought she might have something from FSmash at early percents, but they can tech away from her.
I know this sounds crazy, but I think relative to the whole cast, she's not going to fare very well. I'm being
***** byquick, fast characters who string hits together like crazy and happen to have slightly worse killpower, yet the speed at which they rack damage and kill is much much better than the speed at which she does all this.
Sorry for the big change of heart. I'm using 4.0... can someone enlighten if she's changed at all from the transition of 4.0 to 4.1? Peach on the other hand has turned into a combo and kill machine... >.<