A lot of people don't realize that despite Hornet being ridiculous, Inzektors are a combo based deck. The defensive tools we have in YuGiOh today are actually really good at stopping combo based decks. Wind-Ups are considered the best combo based deck of the format, because their combo can be executed on turn 1.
Suppose your opponent is playing Inzektors. You control Kabazauls, a set Fiendish Chain and have Effect Veiler in hand. The Inzektor player cannot make a major play unless Hornet is in their grave. Then, if the Inzektor player does have a hornet, they must still have another Inzektor to execute Hornet's effect. Now, the good part about Inzektors is that after making their play, they end with Dragonfly in hand, to make the play again. However, that Fiendish Chain you have set means that you have control over the Inzektor player. You wait until they make their play. If you let them equip hornet from their hand, and then use Fiendish Chain, they will go -2 (after you beat the Inzektor monster over). Then, they will have to draw another Inzektor Monster before having a change to do anything else.
So first, they need to have a 2 card combo. Then they need to make a play successfully, without getting stunned. Lastly, they need to kill you before you stun their play, or you will effectively break the loop of them being able to make the play again. Then they will have to draw into the second piece of the combo again. In this time, you can simply draw into another stun card.
Going back into that base example. If I have Dragonfly, Hornet in hand, and you have Kabazuals and Fiendish Chain set. I normal summon Dragonfly, and equip hornet. Then you activate Fiendish Chain. I immediately lose the Hornet. Even though it can be retrieved from grave, it still is not a card that can be used at the present, so you have generated advantage.
If I do not have a response to summon, I now have to deal with the potential of a normal summoned second vanilla. This grants Laggia or Dollka. Either of them is another out to an Inzektor play. If you still have veiler in hand, you're pretty much not going to let an Inzektor go off the entire time.
If I try and beat over you, you are liable to respond with Lance, or another Fiendish Chain. Or I might just negate the summon of your monster altogether.
In game 2, there are even MORE ways to stun Inzektors. Shadow Mirror, Skill Drain, Macro Cosmos, and D.D. Crow are all devastating cards.
If you are getting rolled over by Inzektors, it probably means you're just not running enough responsive cards in your deck. Pretty much everything stops them. Book, Compulse, Torrential, Warning, Veiler, etc. They are a combo deck, and this makes them fragile. Breaking their plays up is not hard to do, and often devastating. Coupled with the fact that they still have to draw the combo, the deck is far from unbeatable.
However, it does have ridiculous attack power if you are unable to stop it.
Also, Konami does not determine the pricing of cards. This is generated by supply and demand. Konami provides all cards in booster packs, which come at set pricing.