Fire Emblem would have such potential to make it's own fighting game. It's really a shame it cannot happen.

Speaking of, is there once will be a Fire Emblem fighting game similar to say, Soul Calibur, which characters would you want in?
Fire Emblem 1, 3, 11 and 12 cast:
Marth - Attacks mainly with the Falchion, but has moves involving the Shield of Seals as well. Also carries a rapier for armoured and mounted units. Fast and reasonably strong, but not too durable. Good enough jumping ability. Secret Techiques involve: Shield of Seals, healing with the Falchion, Astra / Dancing Blade, Luna, and Counter)
Shiida - Attacks with her Wing Spear mounted on her Pegasus, and is very fast, yet not so strong. Also carries a Javelin, and throws these pretty fast. Strong evasive game, but quite easy to take down. Can also fight unmounted with a Slim Sword.
Jagen - Can fight mounted with a Silver Lance or Steel Sword. Or unmounted with both. Very balanced fighter, yet not too durable. Has no real strenghts besides being an easy character to pick up.
Ogma - Stong Hero type character. Fights with his Silver Sword mostly, but also carries a Steel Axe and Tomahawk. Has good jumping attacks, and is reasonably fast and durable on the ground.
Nabarl - Swordmaster. Fast and dangerous. Uses Astra, and weapon of choice is the Killing Edge. Only weakness is no projectile, swordlockedness and just average durability.
Merric - Excalibur and Blizzard magic user. Pretty fast, and quite durable for a mage.
Tiki - Divine Dragon. She fights here in little girl form. Has limited uses on her Dragon Stone though, so most be precise in her attacks. Luckily, her attacks are very strong overall.
Camus - Very strong lance user who's speciality is mounted combat. Also carries a Spear for long ranged combat.
Gharnef - Dark Magic user who can create illusions of himself. As a mage though, he's generally not so durable. But he also carries a Nostrafatu spell. He's kinda slow however.
Hardin - Plays as a General. Very strong armour, and uses the lance Gradivus. Is also very powerful, and has a Silver Axe as extra weapon.
Fire Emblem 2 cast:
Alm - Fights with sword and bow. Also has the option to use axes (solo) as a Demon Fighter. Can switch between sword & bow or axe modes. A well rounded character. Though no apperant strenghts and weaknesses besides being versitile.
Celica - Fire Magic made. Also uses swords, yet not too effectively as most.
Palla - Stronger version of Shiida's moveset, yet slower. Attacks with a Silver Lance only. Quick and strong, but not too durable.
Catria - Somewhat weaker but faster version of Palla. Attacks with a Killer Lance and Javelin. Somewhat more durable than Palla.
Est - Weaker than Palla and Catria, yet comes with a Spear as throwing weapon.
*-Listed them here so fill up the FE2 roster. They're iconic enough to also be in this game.
Fire Emblem 4 cast:
Generation 1:
Sigurd - Lord Knight on his horse, fighting with his Tyrfing, and a Silver Sword. Also has Javelins and a Steel Lance. Quite durable, though not too fast. His Tyrfing is also very strong and adds up to his magical resistance. Can't unmount however.
Cuan - Duke Knight with the Gae Bolg. Strong, but not very fast. And only uses lances. Can't unmount just as Sigurd.
Aira - Swordmaster. Like Nabarl, fast and dangerous. Quite strong to, and good jumping abilities. Better skill than Nabarl, though not quite as durable. Astra is also dangerous. Lacks in range overall a little though.
Elthsan - Fights with the Demon Sword, Mystletainn. Very strong all over, cannot unmount however.
Levin - Holsety Sage, and very very fast. Has powerful wind magic and good avoiding.
Alvis - Fire Mage with very strong techniques namely: Valflame. Strong defences for a mage. Though not as fast as Levin.
Jamka - The first bowfighter. Uses a Killer Bow, and is both fast and strong. Not too durable, but can take a few hits. Also has the ability to shoot double arrows (taken from his continue ability).
Generation 2:
Seliph aka Celice - Junior Lord who can also mount as Lord Knight. Also fights with the Tyrfing, and is a little faster than Sigurd, but also a little weaker.
Julia - Shaman aka Light Mage with the Narga book. Very powerful spells, not too durable.
Yurius - Sage with Dark and Fire Magic. Fast, strong and durable.
Altena - Wyvern Rider with the Gae Bolg. Very strong, but not too durable. Not too fast either.
Lakche - A stronger version of Aira basically. She's only slightly less durable. Also comes with the Killing Edge, and also carries a Fire Sword for ranged attacks.
Skasaher - Stronger even than Lakche, but less durable and not so fast either. Comes with an Armorslayer sword.
Fire Emblem 5 cast:
Leif aka Leaf - Uses a Light Sword, and when mounted has the ability to use any sort of weapon! Good stats all over as well.
Fin - Paladin with the Brave Lance. No strong abilities all over, despite his above average durability. Lance locked, and cannot unmount like his King and Sigurd.
Fire Emblem 6 cast:
Roy - Fights with the Sword of Seals. Also has a Rapier as a side weapon. Very strong ranged attacks, and good abilities all around.
Marcus - Jagen clone of sorts
Lilinia - Magic glass canon. Also has Forblaze.
Wolt - Archer with mediorce abilities. But does his best, I guess.
Dieck - Stronger than Ogma, but slower. Carries a Iron Blade as weapon and Hand Axes.
Gonzales - Berseker, very strong, though does not hit often. Comes with the Devil Axe, and a Killer Axe.
Sue - Nomadic warrior who fights on her horse mostly with her Brave Bow. Also has a Short Bow, a Long Bow and a Steel Sword. Fast, but not so strong or durable.
Zephiel - Very strong and durable, and fights with the Exacuss blade. Which is a big sword with lightning effect.
Fa - Little girl in Divine Dragon form. Strong attacks, not too durable though but very great offence.
Fire Emblem 7 cast
Eliwood - Can fight mounted with his Silver Lance and Durandel, and unmounted with a Rapier. Graceful fighter, and the Durandal is very powerful. Not the most durable of Lords though.
Lyn - Very fast. Fights with the Mani Katti and her own personal style. Fast and deadly. Also uses a Short Bow.
Hector - Strong, durable, and not even that slow. Swings the Armads around like it's nothing. Solid defence, not that fond of magic.
Jaffar - Assassin with two shorter blades.
Karel - Wo Dao Swordmaster. Swift, and skillful.