Smash Rookie
Tiers are for queers... No character really sucks, it's just people have personal preference. I played Yoshi just last night for the heck of it. And I thought he was pretty darn good. Besides, how many characters do you know that can swallow Ganondorf, trap him in an egg and rack up some serious damage? I think people keep forgetting about Yoshi's B move. If you can trap an enemy and rack up the damage, Yoshi's not too bad. Besides, Yoshi's Up-B now gives him a little bit of air, but not much. I think his major drawback is the side-b. If you aren't paying attention, you can fall right off the stage. (My CPU's do this in Classic and All-Star mode all the time.) Besides, if we're all "NO ITEMS! FOX ONLY! FINAL DESTINATION!" then it stops being Smash Bros. and "NO ITEMS! FOX ONLY! FINAL DESTINATION!" So give Yoshi a break.