I see what you mean shark, but you came in without knowing the story just like Niko. How can I get people to help with something harder than the DR and DT, when few Yoshis can do that. I got with a few to test, a d we started diving into it. So what am I supposed to do? Ask them to attempt something that hard and annoying to figure out? I think not. Since it involved the same principles as the DR, and the principles of DJCing. So I hope you see what I mean.
I will try and explain this to my best of knowledge, so Ill begin. This is cancelling aerials with double jumping. By doing this you can ovveride of with another attack. I accidentally did itin training a bit ago. I DJCd a Uair and saw it go about half way through it's frames, and it stopped and went into my fsmash. Which had the slide of a DR. I tried to repeat it exactly but came close and not exact though. It was through a GCA, or ground cancelled aerial, which canceled my uair and caused the DJ effects, Which was initiated during GCA, and re cancelled with an Fsmash.
You can also initiate it before and cause the waveland effect, going backward slide with bair, forward a tiny bit with fair, straight down with uair, nair, and dair. This can be useful in some situations. Like to reduce landing lag? But as Far as uses Im still trying to get this junk figured out, haha.
There is also another thing we are looking into which was Auto Canceled Aerials, but this we are completely unsure of. But involves ending the attack in the first few frames, we have no idea how to imitate this since we have no video to study, so we're going off of our hunches, which is hard.
Well and there is a thing I got to work once, which was a ledge cancelled, kind of like a scar, but again not sure here either.
Hope this enlightens you.