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Y. Link Match Up Discussion. Ask Questions Here!


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I once got someone with the three hit dair, the last hit being a firespike.

**** was boss

Now try Dair -> Dair - > Dair - > Uair -> UTilt -> Dair.

I have done that on a Ganon. It is on film. I just have to find that VHS..

Also: That Falcon needed to grab more. That's what breaks Young Link. Grabs lead into auto knees.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
You guys really better hope Laijin is on his A game that day lol. I wouldnt want all the YL players thinking they should lose that MU when its actually in their favor.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I play both characters and I can tell you how it is from both points of view. But I'll only do YL for know cuz I'm lazy..

Young Link: First off you have to realise that you can break Samus' missles with ANY move. But the most reliable move to bust them with is Nair because of how long it lasts. Even jab can bust them.

You don't want to keep Samus on the ground or face her while she's on the ground because she can CC everything Young Link has to throw at her. And usually when she CC's a move, she's going to counter you with something to cripple you (D-Smash/F-Smash).

Bombs are you're friend. They have multiple hits and the more hits you rack up on Samus the harder it is for her to CC or stay on the ground. Boomerang is alright I suppose but it's situational. Arrows can be used as a edge guard from when she's trying to recover from a horizontal or from below. When she's horizontal you want to give some charge on the arrow. When she's recovering from below just tap B.

Your main kill moves against Samus is Uair/Dair. Usually can be caught in auto combos with the bomb. Uair is a excellent move to keep Samus in the air. Our air priority is greater and we kill with them.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Im not completely sure yet, sorry. But Im definitely willing to mms. Like I said, I just gotta see how much extra cash I can muster up.

Ill def be able to let you know before the event.
Alright sounds good. We gotta hype the match up. I'll get Dogysamich go around the venue screaming about the MM and see if we can play on the live stream.

Also Vectorman, I want a Yoshi vs Young Link MM with you. It will be mad fun. My MM vs Eggm was ridiculously crazy. I can only imagine how crazy it'll be with an even better Yoshi. We need to play on the live stream as well and make it HYPE.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
also to deal with a samus plat camping with missile cancels simply throw a rang underneath the plat when hes on top of the plat. he cant go down and now hes trapped on top! approach and punish him while hes in a weak position! if he tries to wait out the rang and then drop scoot over there and nair him or get under him with a uair and juggle him. and samus' only chance of recovery against ylink is a sweetspot grapple.

also does anyone know if ylinks tech chase from dthrow is actually for real on ffers? i summon MewTwoKing or m2k or mew2king. however he does that


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Young Link's u-throw sends fast faller's up and slightly away from him. All you have to do is react to which way they are thrown, take a few steps towards them and regrab. It works pretty much like a chain grab. They have to be completely on the ground before your hookshot can grab them. Try it out on CPU Fox ;)


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
ya but mean can i tech chase them for real from the dthrow. cuz they can get out of that upthrow. that chainthrow only works a very few times. id rather dthrow and tech chase around for percent then upthrow when i want to combo them into fair or something. Ive done the tech chase on spacies and falcon before for about 5 throws. then i either missed it or it wasnt fast enough idk. so does ylink have a viable dthrow techchase? if so all ylinks neeeeeeeeed to do it. it really good damage and control


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2011
West Nyack, NY
Anyone else think it'd be a good idea to have like, an organized description of tips for each character in the first post or something? I mean it's kind of in the killing FAQ, but not really. There are some good tips here, and it'd be cool if we could get them compiled somewhere for easy reading.

Anyway, back on topic. From what I noticed Yink can't really do tech chases except at super lower percents, and it only works on heavier characters / FFers. You can also do some nifty stuff with the fthrow at mid percents, because usually there's just enough space for you to grab again if they don't techroll away.

Mostly I dthrow or uthrow, though, and sometimes tech chase.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I know I don't post here anymore but I'm making another combo video and figured I'd alert anyone who might be interested

Use Bombs Wisely 3 derpaderp edition delux coming out Q1 or Q2 of this year blargablarga

keep on spamming spot dodge sound effect my fellow lil lankers


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
I know I don't post here anymore but I'm making another combo video and figured I'd alert anyone who might be interested

Use Bombs Wisely 3 derpaderp edition delux coming out Q1 or Q2 of this year blargablarga

keep on spamming spot dodge sound effect my fellow lil lankers
yay! so no ones knows if the tech chase is legit? like sheiks vs ffers?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2011
West Nyack, NY
So, I know the Peach matchup is supposed to be one of Yinks best, but I never played too many Peaches until today, any advice on how to handle her?


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
**** that matchup. it's boring.

simple advise is to camp the hell out of her.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
I'm lenient towards pokemon stadium or FD. large enough so you have running room, but the stage isn't so big that she lives forever, like dreamland.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
She should never be able to catch you on dream land. Doesn't matter how long she lives, just matters if she can approach you or not lol.

Choices in order vs Peach(Neutrals):

Fountain of Dreams
Final D

I prefer Yoshi's over FD since it makes it easier to run and camp actually.

If its your counter pick, Pokemon or Dreamland.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
...making interesting maneuvers in the Okanagan...
^ knows what's up.

Platform are every decently mobile characters friend against her. Cause she can't use them.

Who is RC and where is this 'inspiring post'?

I'm thinking of using YL as my final character...but I need convincing.

I like his mobility and flexibility with gtfo nairs and LOVE his pivot ftilts and jabs and his aerials are all good and I like how his finishers work and like the idea of trying to line them up or land them. Projectile game will be fun again since I haven't used Link in ages but used to be effectively smart with it, though combos will be something I'm completely unfamiliar with and his grab range is odd to me right now too.

I need to be sold on this I think. I like, but I'm still MEH about it.

What's AWESOME and/or FUN about YLink.
As in...what thoughts and playstyles can he have use effectively and is it diverse through all his Match Ups?

I guess like...
Do you semicamp and that's all there is? Or can't you spam aggro and it works?


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
For the most part, YL's MU's are all about camping. However, there are different ways to camp. If the person is more defensive, then the best option is the play defensive as well and camp them up harder. If they are SUPER campy, then you can actually play pretty aggro and get away with it by rushing them down and pressuring them a lot. Keeping them from using that shield with bomb juggling off the shield. Young Link can shield pressure most characters very well. In my opinion, he has the third best shield pressuring abilities in the game(next to Fox and Falco) because of his ability to catch bombs off their shields with ease and rethrow them quickly.

If they are playing super aggro and are pretty fast, then you're camping style suddenly becomes setting up traps for them while they chase you around the stage(Example: Have them chase up up on a platform and while their coming up on it, drop a bomb on their head). That alone can be pretty fun.

He is so fast and mobile. He has plenty of options.
A couple of more random perks:
Although he can't kill very easily, Young Link is actually one of the best characters in the game for racking up damage the quickest. His normal BnBs do up to 30-40+ damage just from a couple of hits(Bombs = up to 15%, strong boomerang = up to 19%, n-air = 12%? Plus you can juggle floaties with n-air alone 3 or 4 four more times, etc etc).
In teams he is a great stock tank and works well with someone who can kill easily(since well...YL can't kill lol but racks up damage fast) as long as you camp and keep them from hitting you much.
He has very good match ups against a couple of top tier characters that most other characters WISH they were good at(Namely Jigglypuff and Peach).

Aggro Young Link does work. You just have to be careful since his normals are slow compared to other top tier characters. Watch some Jash videos for aggro Young Link gameplay.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I forgot how to camp guys.. For some reason today I thought I could approach with Young Link. Just blindly running in..

I feel so bad.

I'll read Laijin's paragraph in the morning..
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