It has pop culture references... what doesn't? The lore is fine.
How many games with pop culture references base a large portion of zones around singular references? Look at Uldum: There's so much Indiana Jones in there, they might as well have called it Raiders of the Lost Ark. The entire plane sequence, various characters from the movies (or impersonations of such), mimicking quest dialogue...there is such a thing as "overkill", you know.
Now when Harrison Jones was at the entrance to BC's Zul'Aman, that's cool - it was a passing reference that was relatively subtle and appreciative. WotLK, it was a little much, but it was only one small quest line. Cataclysm, it was roughly a span of 40-50 quests; hardly an exercise in moderation. And that's just one reference among hundreds. My point is the dilemma that when you create a fantasy world and saturate it with modern pop-culture references that become a part of its identity, it's hardly an original one. Is it World of Warcraft or Family Guy Online?
But that's not my main beef with the lore: As I said earlier, WoW kills off all of its villains by saying "A pile of random nobodies did it", and it's said that for each and every villain both set in the original Warcraft lore and everything that has come out in WoW's time. What's worse is that this method of extermination is now considered actual canon, and the vast sum of its original Warcraft 3 villains are now dead because "Variable X did it". That makes all of its villains likened into little more than Monsters of the Week. Blizzard can't seem to make its poster-boy villains last any longer than a single expansion. So let's make some early predictions that will probably ring true. By the time you reach level 100, will you face Sargeras? Yep. And will 10-25 ordinaries with swords and sharp sticks be able to beat the God guy who participated in the creation of all things? Yep.
I mean idk about the DK thing.
IIRC the original DK's were Nerzhul's homies + paladins that arthas turned.
Well they were originally going to be an optional but permanent class change to the existing classes, and while I can understand that with the shifting balance between all the classes there would be a lot of people who would regret the permanent conversion, it undermines the "prestigious" status of Death Knights when every man and his dog can be one.
But like I said, I could bear that as I knew it was the best way to handle it without alienating too much of WoW's casual masses.