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Wolf O'Donnell for Brawl: The only good choice for a starfox villain

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Smash Master
May 23, 2006
off-topic, but how exactly are Geno fans Annoying? I haven't seen anything that would warrant such a title...
Humm, you must not get bashed by them as much as I:ohwell:

Example. .

Me: Blah blah blah Oh, and I don't think Geno will get in. Blah Blah blah (Blah=talk about other characters).

Geno fanboy: (Quote tiny snip of me saying I don't think he will get in)
GENO IS GETTING IN!!! he is the most likely new Mario rep and Mario is Nintendo's top series!!! He had 4 meansions on the poll (it's really a journal)!

Me: Well, he only appeared in one Mario game 11 years ago and he is a 3rd party character. . He isn't important to the series so I don't personaly see why he would be in.

Geno fanboy: HE IS 2 1/5 PARTY!!! {insert long as* rant about everything related to Geno}

Me:. . . :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Me: Blah blah blah Oh, and I don't think Geno will get in. Blah Blah blah.

Geno fanboy: (Quote tiny snip of me saying I don't think he will get in)
GENO IS GETTING IN!!! He had 4 meansions on the poll (it's really a journal)!

Me: Well, he only appeared in one Mario game and he is a 3rd party character. . He isn't important to the series so I don't personaly see why he would be in.

Geno fanboy: HE IS 2 1/5 PARTY! {insert long as* rant about everything related to Geno}

Me:. . . :ohwell:
^ ROFLMAO. That's SUCH an accurate description. Spot on, dude.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Humm, you must not get bashed by them as much as I:ohwell:

Example. .

Me: Blah blah blah Oh, and I don't think Geno will get in. Blah Blah blah (Blah=talk about other characters).

Geno fanboy: (Quote tiny snip of me saying I don't think he will get in)
GENO IS GETTING IN!!! he is the most likely new Mario rep and Mario is Nintendo's top series!!! He had 4 meansions on the poll (it's really a journal)!

Me: Well, he only appeared in one Mario game 11 years ago and he is a 3rd party character. . He isn't important to the series so I don't personaly see why he would be in.

Geno fanboy: HE IS 2 1/5 PARTY!!! {insert long as* rant about everything related to Geno}

Me:. . . :ohwell:

That's how it goes... Oy... And those who went to (Insert bleeping sound here since no one can mention a certain purple dragon whos club got destroyed T.T)'s thread were persecuted due to their flaming or spamming or what have ya...


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Even if Krystal isnt more popular than Wolf (I doubt it), the truth of the matter is that to the developers she is much more appealing. Are any of you seriously arguing against this?


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Humm, you must not get bashed by them as much as I:ohwell:
that probably because I support Geno, but thats not the point.

Example. .

Me: Blah blah blah Oh, and I don't think Geno will get in. Blah Blah blah.

Geno fanboy: (Quote tiny snip of me saying I don't think he will get in)
GENO IS GETTING IN!!! He had 4 meansions on the poll (it's really a journal)!

Me: Well, he only appeared in one Mario game and he is a 3rd party character. . He isn't important to the series so I don't personaly see why he would be in.

Geno fanboy: HE IS 2 1/5 PARTY! {insert long as* rant about everything related to Geno}

Me:. . . :ohwell:
alright, I haven't seen ANYTHING like this in the Geno thread, but whatever...

first off, Geno could easily represent the Mario RPG games as a whole. not saying he will, but he could.

second, Geno was mentioned in Sakurai's Journal 4 times. this journal not only says what the fans want, but what Sakurai think would be interesting in Brawl. 4 mentions would show that Sakurai at least likes the idea of him in brawl.

third, while he is technically third party, Sakurai doesn't see him as such, or at least views him as an easily obtainable character. this is evident by the fact he is included in with the 1st/2nd party character poll rankings. and given his popularity and originality, I don't see why he wouldn't at least be considered.

fourth, I shouldn't be talking about this in the Wolf thread...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Even if Krystal isnt more popular than Wolf (I doubt it), the truth of the matter is that to the developers she is much more appealing. Are any of you seriously arguing against this?
It's because the developers are furries. 0_o


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
alright, I haven't seen ANYTHING like this in the Geno thread, but whatever...
Well I wouldn't know cause I have never (not once) posted on thet thread. All my Geno incounters are on threads that are not about him.:ohwell:

first off, Geno could easily represent the Mario RPG games as a whole. not saying he will, but he could.
Well I find it odd that one 3rd party character from one 3rd party dev mario RPG game could rep ALL Mario RPG games but w/e.

second, Geno was mentioned in Sakurai's Journal 4 times. this journal not only says what the fans want, but what Sakurai think would be interesting in Brawl. 4 mentions would show that Sakurai at least likes the idea of him in brawl.
That journal is look at way too much. He could have replied to thos post for any list of reasons. . . he actually replied to one Geno post because he was confused by the guy (he kept changing the names from Geno to Toad in Japanese) and another because Geno looked like Ponokeyho (sp) which reminded him of his childhood. Theres a million and 1 reasons he could have replied to a post about Geno that don't result in him saying "oh, Geno is soo rad!".

third, while he is technically third party, Sakurai doesn't see him as such, or at least views him as an easily obtainable character. this is evident by the fact he is included in with the 1st/2nd party character poll rankings. and given his popularity and originality, I don't see why he wouldn't at least be considered.
He was placed with mario characters cause he is a Mario character. But by all means he is a 3rd party character as in S/E will have to be in the credits as owners if he is in.

fourth, I shouldn't be talking about this in the Wolf thread...
Correct. . .you gave me a less fanboy like post about Geno even tho lil was said about him. . . one of the more controled fans I see.

(NVM this post. I don't want to debate, I just really don't like hearing these reasons from past debates)


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
I interupt your fierce debat to bring you this common sense!

Boy the Falco people and Wolf people sure get rowdy at each-other. Allow me to rant at you:

Characters are more than just representatives of series, they showcase their latest/greatest game in the "festival" that Smash Bros allegedly is. It isn't necessarily all about 'significance to the series'.

As for the 'clones dilemma' at this point, people are just looking for excuses. Nobody is going to make clones of anybody. For SSB64, the development didn't have anything to base a moveset on, so they made something up. This time around, after the release of both Adventures Assault and Command, the development now has a few more than 2 games to look at for reference. Krystal is pretty much in, and most likely with her staff, thereby adequately representing the Adventures part of the series. That leaves Assault and Command. Command doesn't have ground combat as far as I know, which leaves Assault. Using elements of Assaults ground combat as a guideline, the development can create a unique moveset for an additional StarFox character. Naturally, this niche would be filled by either Wolf, or Falco or both.

Having four representatives from the Starfox series is not inconceivable. The Kirby series has three as of now, and last time I checked, Kirby was well below the Starfox Series in overall popularity, sales, and recognition. Mario has five (Counting Wario) with at least one shoe-in: Luigi. The Zelda series has 2 as of now with at least one shoe-in: Ganondorf and several possibilities for additions. Four representatives are reasonable, but of course we being human and thus inquisitive, have to ask "what if there's only three?". being human and thus competitive, we must prove our own point right as to who gets the coveted 'Third Spot'

Trying to compare Falco to Wolf and deciding who is more important to the series is kind of pointless. The 'best friend' character and 'rival' character are like two different but necessary components to machine. Its like trying to decide if a Spark-plug is more important than a wheel in a car. Falco and Wolf are both important ok? The series wouldn't be right without either of them.

That concludes my rant. You may now resume your finger-pointing, bickering and flame throwing.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Humm, you must not get bashed by them as much as I:ohwell:

Example. .

Me: Blah blah blah Oh, and I don't think Geno will get in. Blah Blah blah (Blah=talk about other characters).

Geno fanboy: (Quote tiny snip of me saying I don't think he will get in)
GENO IS GETTING IN!!! he is the most likely new Mario rep and Mario is Nintendo's top series!!! He had 4 meansions on the poll (it's really a journal)!

Me: Well, he only appeared in one Mario game 11 years ago and he is a 3rd party character. . He isn't important to the series so I don't personaly see why he would be in.

Geno fanboy: HE IS 2 1/5 PARTY!!! {insert long as* rant about everything related to Geno}

Me:. . . :ohwell:
You're just being a **** troll now. Have you even read ANY of the arguements of the SmashWiki page?
Well I wouldn't know cause I have never (not once) posted on thet thread. All my Geno incounters are on threads that are not about him.:ohwell:

Well I find it odd that one 3rd party character from one 3rd party dev mario RPG game could rep ALL Mario RPG games but w/e.

That journal is look at way too much. He could have replied to thos post for any list of reasons. . . he actually replied to one Geno post because he was confused by the guy (he kept changing the names from Geno to Toad in Japanese) and another because Geno looked like Ponokeyho (sp) which reminded him of his childhood. Theres a million and 1 reasons he could have replied to a post about Geno that don't result in him saying "oh, Geno is soo rad!".

He was placed with mario characters cause he is a Mario character. But by all means he is a 3rd party character as in S/E will have to be in the credits as owners if he is in.

Correct. . .you gave me a less fanboy like post about Geno even tho lil was said about him. . . one of the more controled fans I see.

(NVM this post. I don't want to debate, I just really don't like hearing these reasons from past debates)
and I can't see how you don't see that Wolf is nothing more than a shallow bizzaro fox.
........right....... oh look a flying pig
Bull ****. Wait, did you know that you're a troll? I tried to get along with you by stopping an arguement at the Toad thread, but now you're just plain ****ing annoying.
Ok, I've had it with all you Krystal furries, go back to your own **** thread.

There you go RDK.
Thank you! Krystal is overrated! She's a female, that's the only reason she got into Brawl.
you only hurt your cause..... and, BTWm the Krystal fans here aren't furries... at least we aren't the ones posting pictures of Wolf in a thong
It's speedo, *******.
Wow. . .It's like Wolf fans are after everythin other than Fox! "Wolf is more of a vet. . . even tho he was only in one game before Krystal and they where in the same amount of games!" "krystal is just a love interest!!!".

I gone, this is getting . . . Half way as annoying as Geno fans when they try to "prove" he is 1st party.
You're gone? Nice bluff. Apparently someone hasn't had enough trolling. Geno isn't even in the title. You're comparing Geno fans to Wolf fans out of nowhere? You're a troll. I completely take away what I said about the 4 reps thing. **** Falco, Wolf is his replacement.
maybe nextit'll be Gardevoir or Tom Nook
Go to hell. If anything, Sonic should of been.
. . .Im saying that it's gone from Wolf vs Falco Lombardi in importance to Wolf REPLACING Falco Lombardi to now Wolf vs Krystal in importance(who has a friggin VA and is about the most shoe-innest character left. I can say that she is, by all means, going to be in brawl as a character ).

And yes, I may have gone too fare with that Geno comment (they are SOO effing annoying!!)
Krystal is overrated. She's a female BAM! she's unique and awesome(even though she's a **** and a filler character. She likes Fox AND Panther.).

"Too Fare"? You mean trolling, right? You're literally spamming the topic with negative Geno comments in a Wolf thread, with Sonic, right when I enjoy Turkey with my family. One more negative remark, and I'll see to it that you stop. Anyways, I'm making the SmashWiki page for Star Wolf Squadron.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
As for a 'club Wolf' sig, I whiped this up in photoshop:

I can modify it if needed
I must say, that is awesome work. Good job! I'll put that in my sig and hyperlink it to the front page RIGHT AWAY! I hope the trolls go away. They're really just spamming negative comments about Geno and Wolf. I'll work on a moveset right away.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
How do you put pictures in a signature? I want that Star Wolf thing. It looks so COOL!

And now for a nice comment for once (Or twice.): Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
([IMG [/IMG)<--- put a "]" after every g, and put the code of the image between the IMG]*link here*[/IMG

anyway wu tang I didnt understood u, u want a For brawl sig??

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
()<--- take out the spaces, and put the cod of the image between the IMG]*link here*[/IMG

anyway wu tang I didnt understood u, u want a For brawl sig??
Nooo I mean like cool text like faded blue with a black and grey background saying "Wolf for Brawl" and a Wolfen in the Background. About the size of the Dark Samus one.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
Why do people like wolf so much?, I recall him from StarFox 64 in which he was really annoying, and just seemed to be a CLONE of fox.

someone enlighten me.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
n00bflaming time! *echo* time time time *echo*

Wolf just seems like an evil fox on the outside, but hes more of an anti hero, his goal is to finish off fox...

he may SEEM like a clone, but he wouldnt be one in brawl, hes more of an agressive character,and foxs moveset wouldnt fit, a moveset with claws, which I believe would be awesome, will not only set him apart from the other space animals, but with his agressive attitude, prepare for sick hard hitting melee attacks...

HOW was he annoying? he just sayed I got u know and other lines... Navy, slippy and other are moe annoying, including falco cause u hear him talk and talk ALL OF THE GAME...

also just because U think he would be a clone, doesnt mean sakurai thinks so as well...

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Why do people like wolf so much?, I recall him from StarFox 64 in which he was really annoying, and just seemed to be a CLONE of fox.

someone enlighten me.
Wolf is the spice of Starfox 64 and Assault. In 64 Assault, he tries to shoot you down because of something that Fox did to him, a grudge(He has an awesome saxophone theme, as well). Later on in Assault, he saves your life along with his crew. He appears to be your rival, he saves you from other people trying to kill you so he can have the pleasure of killing you himself. That Grudge, is not fully explained. That, is thus the spice of the story. He gives thrill. If it weren't for him, Fox would be dead, and the storyline would be boring.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
the point isn't that wolf couldn't have one... just that Krystal's moveset practically writes itself... it doesn;t make sense to pass up on that to try to make a movest for wolf when he's practically a clone of Fox.

In my opinions, and the opinions of most other people, Krystal > Wolf.

And N64 as opposed to gamecube hardly makes wolf classic... he's only a few years older... tops

Wolf is in Star Fox 2, for the SNES. Although unreleased, he dates that far back...

Blue Lightstar Kirby

Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2007
Why do people like wolf so much?, I recall him from StarFox 64 in which he was really annoying, and just seemed to be a CLONE of fox.

someone enlighten me.
Why do people like Krystal so much? I recall her from StarFox Adventures in which she was really annoying, and just seemed like a tacked-on love interest for Fox.

Someone enlighten me.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
Wolf is the spice of Starfox 64 and Assault. In 64 Assault, he tries to shoot you down because of something that Fox did to him, a grudge(He has an awesome saxophone theme, as well). Later on in Assault, he saves your life along with his crew. He appears to be your rival, he saves you from other people trying to kill you so he can have the pleasure of killing you himself. That Grudge, is not fully explained. That, is thus the spice of the story. He gives thrill. If it weren't for him, Fox would be dead, and the storyline would be boring.

I always loved the lines Wolf said in Star Fox 64. I mean Wolf himself is saying he's better than Krystal right here: "You're good, but I'm better!"


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
At least Wolf is a different species than Fox. Krystal is just a blue Fox with boobs.

Blue Lightstar Kirby

Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2007
At least Wolf is a different species than Fox. Krystal is just a blue Fox with boobs.

So anyway, I still think Wolf could have a unique moveset. Claws, anyone?

The only reason Krystal fans use the "Krystal has a more unique moveset than Wolf, NYAAHH" argument is because they aren't creative enough to come up with a moveset that doesn't look like Fox's.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
n00bflaming time! *echo* time time time *echo*

Wolf just seems like an evil fox on the outside, but hes more of an anti hero, his goal is to finish off fox...

he may SEEM like a clone, but he wouldnt be one in brawl, hes more of an agressive character,and foxs moveset wouldnt fit, a moveset with claws, which I believe would be awesome, will not only set him apart from the other space animals, but with his agressive attitude, prepare for sick hard hitting melee attacks...

HOW was he annoying? he just sayed I got u know and other lines... Navy, slippy and other are moe annoying, including falco cause u hear him talk and talk ALL OF THE GAME...

also just because U think he would be a clone, doesnt mean sakurai thinks so as well...
agressive.. hard hitting... sounds like fox to me.

oh and I do agree, falco is annoying.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Agressive in the way only bad guys can be.. .and wolverine from x men, he may be "aggressive"in smash, but in SF hes a calmed pilot...

and by hard hitting I mean powerful looking attack, not just something like foxs usmash, i mean hard hitting ala ganondorf or something...

seriously hes a bad guy, bad guys are ruthless...

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Agressive in the way only bad guys can be.. .and wolverine from x men, he may be "aggressive"in smash, but in SF hes a calmed pilot...

and by hard hitting I mean powerful looking attack, not just something like foxs usmash, i mean hard hitting ala ganondorf or something...

seriously hes a bad guy, bad guys are ruthless...
Hey, hows the thing going? If you're bad at backgrounds, just use a planetrenders.net one. If you could do that, you can be a Co Founder. It'd be AWESOME for that to be on the first post.
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