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Wolf O'Donnell for Brawl: The only good choice for a starfox villain

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Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Yeah but like I said, I remember becoming fully convinced about it when I saw an article on a credible site where Sakurai and Miyamoto were answering questions from the audience, after the first trailer showing...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006

Masahiro Sakurai: Of course there are plenty of other characters we're thinking about in particular, none of which happens to be shown today. Actually I almost want to ask everyone here what characters they'd like to see. [Laughter. Someone yells "Sonic", someone yells "Olimar". Someone yells "Master Chief". "Reggie". More laughter. It's a total love-in at this point. We've stopped trying to shield the dictaphone from the whooping laughs of those around us.]


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
I think people severely over exaggerate Falco's importance. All things considered between just him and Krystal, I'd say they're about equal. Falco doesn't really do anything to set him above the other wingmen; I'd guess that he got in SSBM because of popularity and that he's obviously more fit for fighting than Slippy or Peppy. The character roles in the Star Fox games get kinda convoluted but I'd say Andross is probably the second most important and then Krystal and then the wingmen all pretty close together (probably Peppy, James, Falco, Pepper, Slippy...in that order and I'd place Wolf right after Slippy) and then the other reoccuring characters.

Going by just Falco, Krystal, and Wolf...Falco has +2 games over Krystal and is really popular, Krystal has actual importance in two of the three games she is in and pretty popular in her own right on top of the (arguably superficial) factors of adding to the female count and the obviously unique moveset that can be derived from her staff. Wolf has the whole rival element to him, he's a reoccurring adversary and ally, has one of the more awesome theme songs of all time (it worked for Dr. Mario...<_<), and has his own, though noticeably smaller, fanbase.

So ya...Wolf for Brawl...<_<


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Falco is less important than... Than... Slippy! So Wolf will be in!

Okay, not really. Falco is important, I suppose, being Fox's best bud and being around since Star Fox for the SNES. Wolf's been around longer than Krystal, since 64, although they were in an equal amount of games, unless you include Star Fox 2. Then Wolf has been in more.

If Sakurai's claim of "MOAR FEMALEZ" is true, then I suppose Krystal DOES outprioritize Wolf. Yet if his claim of "MOAR VILLAINZ" is also true, then they are equal. WOlf is technically a villain, being hired to kill Fox in Star Fox 64, and the fact he was against James McCloud in the cancelled Star Fox 2 (Right? Someone said that.).

Wolf for Brawl!


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Miami Florida
Sure, if wolf made it, I wouldn't mind, but I'm sure four Star Fox reps would be too much. I'm sure Krystal will make it in, so if Falco was removed, I'd like to see Wolf take his place.

Wolves are my favorite animal, after all.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
I don't understand the fanbase of wolf.. but yes he would be pretty cool for a starfox villain, although I would prefer andross with full face for Subspace boss.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Falco outprioritizes both Wolf and Krystal, he is the second most important character in the Star Fox series after Fox, then comes Krystal and Wolf comes in last.
falco outprioritizes Krystal in importance and popularity... But krystal outprioritizes him in novelty and non-cloniness.

I actually make it a near toss up between the two.... wolf's dead last though... the other 2 would have to make it in first... then again... as ease of being made an alternate outfit... no-one would out-prioritize wolf here... still... as a PC he's last

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Falco outprioritizes both Wolf and Krystal, he is the second most important character in the Star Fox series after Fox, then comes Krystal and Wolf comes in last.
You sure? Falco is nothing more than a sidekick. His appearence in Brawl is like Young Link's appearence. HE WILL BE CUT! He's nothing more than a Fox clone. Wolf can have MANY unique differences. He's a Wolf, for example. He could have parts of his moveset Biting, a unique Blaster, and many other things. Just for you Falco-Tards, I'm making a moveset for him.

The thing about Wolf is, he is in competition with Falco if anything. Krystal outprioritizes both of them, make no mistake of it. She has much more to offer for the developers in terms of moveset and gender (yes, it counts...) than Wolf. Wolf is in a kind of lose/lose situation here:

- If clones come back, then they already have Falco. Will they really remove him for Wolf?

- If clones dont come back, then Krystal will make the cut before he does. Will Sakurai allow for 3 Starfox characters?

The last part there is very important to think about. Is Starfox worthy enough for 3 slots? And unique moveset slots at that?
Falco is nothing MORE than a clone. He has barely any potential. It's like putting in Dr. Mario again. He has barely ANY potential for a moveset. Wolf has been in more games than Krystal, and I'm pretty sure plays a MUCH bigger role in the Starfox universe.

He is the spice that makes you want to play Starfox games. You always get confronted by him, because of that "thing" you did to him. Notice, he also even has an eyepatch. BUT, he helps you! He's just a rival, and a very peculiar one. I can see it now :

Wolf can be awesome for an unlockable boss in Subspace Emissary. His grudge fits perfectly in Fox's background.
I meant in terms of the Star Fox series, because Falco has been in since the beginning and has played a major role, then comes Krystal who's popularity and success comes from the fact that she is a female and lastly comes Wolf, who in the end, you bet they're gonna have a lot more work to do with his moveset than what they could do with both Falco and Krystal.
Describe to me this "Major Role". Falco is nothing more than a sidekick. Wolf is a reoccuring antagonist that appears as a rival, but holds some grudge against Fox.
Ah well, but I am still extremely confident that Krystal is in, have been since the start. Falco I was very sure about too, but then somehow my faith wavered (I do want him though). Wolf however, has never seemed likely to me because those other two seem much better equipped for Brawl status (uniqueness and veteran)...
Of course she is. Starfox's bad turn on a game (Starfox Adventures) had her in, as a new sidekick/filler so they'd get more sales, from the British and Female audience. Also, it appears she had a relationship with Panther, and that's just perfect for SubSpace Emissary.
I think people severely over exaggerate Falco's importance. All things considered between just him and Krystal, I'd say they're about equal. Falco doesn't really do anything to set him above the other wingmen; I'd guess that he got in SSBM because of popularity and that he's obviously more fit for fighting than Slippy or Peppy. The character roles in the Star Fox games get kinda convoluted but I'd say Andross is probably the second most important and then Krystal and then the wingmen all pretty close together (probably Peppy, James, Falco, Pepper, Slippy...in that order and I'd place Wolf right after Slippy) and then the other reoccuring characters.

Going by just Falco, Krystal, and Wolf...Falco has +2 games over Krystal and is really popular, Krystal has actual importance in two of the three games she is in and pretty popular in her own right on top of the (arguably superficial) factors of adding to the female count and the obviously unique moveset that can be derived from her staff. Wolf has the whole rival element to him, he's a reoccurring adversary and ally, has one of the more awesome theme songs of all time (it worked for Dr. Mario...<_<), and has his own, though noticeably smaller, fanbase.

So ya...Wolf for Brawl...<_<
Wolf is perfect for SSE, and Andross is an awesome Subspace Boss. Wolf is a reoccuring antagonist. Sakurai WILL put more in this time around, he has shown a liking to them.
Falco is less important than... Than... Slippy! So Wolf will be in!

Okay, not really. Falco is important, I suppose, being Fox's best bud and being around since Star Fox for the SNES. Wolf's been around longer than Krystal, since 64, although they were in an equal amount of games, unless you include Star Fox 2. Then Wolf has been in more.

If Sakurai's claim of "MOAR FEMALEZ" is true, then I suppose Krystal DOES outprioritize Wolf. Yet if his claim of "MOAR VILLAINZ" is also true, then they are equal. WOlf is technically a villain, being hired to kill Fox in Star Fox 64, and the fact he was against James McCloud in the cancelled Star Fox 2 (Right? Someone said that.).

Wolf for Brawl!
Well, he's equally important to Slippy. Falco isn't important! He's a filler/sidekick that's been around for a million years! Does Toad ring a bell? Wolf is arguably the best character in terms of SubSpace Emissary unlockable. His grudge to Fox could be revealed! The spice wouldn be like hotsauce! Sales possibly beat Halo 3! By the way, Krystal is just a sham for more money that turned out to work.
Sure, if wolf made it, I wouldn't mind, but I'm sure four Star Fox reps would be too much. I'm sure Krystal will make it in, so if Falco was removed, I'd like to see Wolf take his place.

Wolves are my favorite animal, after all.
Falco would get out indeed. Thanks for the support. If you want, mind being a Co Founder of the Wolf Club?
falco outprioritizes Krystal in importance and popularity... But krystal outprioritizes him in novelty and non-cloniness.

I actually make it a near toss up between the two.... wolf's dead last though... the other 2 would have to make it in first... then again... as ease of being made an alternate outfit... no-one would out-prioritize wolf here... still... as a PC he's last
There's a reason why Wolf isn't an Alt. He has much more importance, and fits perfectly for a SubSpace Unlockable. Once again, he would be awesome, and his grudge with Fox could be revealed. People have been wondering about his eyepatch, y'know..

I don't understand the fanbase of wolf.. but yes he would be pretty cool for a starfox villain, although I would prefer andross with full face for Subspace boss.
Wolf has a fanbase for being the spice of Starfox, and having incredible themes. He'd be even better as a Subspace unlockable. He is obviously something to Fox's past, he's mentioned it every game he was in.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
You sure? Falco is nothing more than a sidekick. His appearence in Brawl is like Young Link's appearence. HE WILL BE CUT! He's nothing more than a Fox clone. Wolf can have MANY unique differences. He's a Wolf, for example. He could have parts of his moveset Biting, a unique Blaster, and many other things. Just for you Falco-Tards, I'm making a moveset for him.

Falco is nothing MORE than a clone. He has barely any potential. It's like putting in Dr. Mario again. He has barely ANY potential for a moveset. Wolf has been in more games than Krystal, and I'm pretty sure plays a MUCH bigger role in the Starfox universe.
Im sorry but you have a air of Falco hate that results in me haveing to debate this. As I said on the other page. . .

Said it once and I will say it again, I think Falco should (and may) have 3+ jumps and the glide ablity like other winged charcaters (he is the only bird to make it into the game and he has friggin wing arms. . . he should have these things to both saperate him from Fox and make him beatter in mid air play IMO at least). Giving him new Assult weapons like the sniper gun (Bv: aimable) along with the jumps I listed earlier would effectivly make him super unique compared to the other SF series characters like Fox and Krystal.
And Falco is "just" a side kick"? What is the point of saying that? Luigi was "just a side kick" and he got in the first smash game because of that. Diddy was "just a sidekick" for a long time as well. Sidekicks ARE important to smash seeing as they are often times the 2nd character from a series to get in (by that I mean Side kicks or different versions of the main character. . . .I got a formula explaining this somewhere).

If Wolf was such a highly more important character to the devs than why did Falco get in as the clone and not Wolf? Because he beat him on the melee poll? Because Smash has a record of choosing the sidekick before the actually villian? Because he is more popular than Wolf to not only th smash fans but the SF fans?

IDK which is the reason he got in or if ALL are reasons he got in but he was choosen over Wolf for melee when there is no reasonable reason Wolf couldn't have been the Fox clone other than "they chose the sidekick over the villian".

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Im sorry but you have a air of Falco hate that results in me haveing to debate this. As I said on the other page. . .
I used to like him, but now you ignorant people keep on saying Falco is THE MOST IMPORTAMPT CHARCTAR .

And Falco is "just" a side kick"? What is the point of saying that? Luigi was "just a side kick" and he got in the first smash game because of that. Diddy was "just a sidekick" for a long time as well. Sidekicks ARE important to smash seeing as they are often times the 2nd character from a series to get in (by that I mean Side kicks or different versions of the main character. . . .I got a formula explaining this somewhere).
Falco is one of 5 sidekicks. He got in for being the cool guy, nothing more. Wolf hasn't built up to his reputation yet. He only starred in 2 games.

If Wolf was such a highly more important character to the devs than why did Falco get in as the clone and not Wolf? Because he beat him on the melee poll? Because Smash has a record of choosing the sidekick before the actually villian? Because he is more popular than Wolf to not only th smash fans but the SF fans?
Because Falco is just the cool guy. Wolf hasn't built up his reputation yet. He was just the O'Chunks of Starfox, until it showed that he is a reoccurring character who adds spice to the story. Wolf's fanbase back then was nothing more than a cult.

IDK which is the reason he got in or if ALL are reasons he got in but he was choosen over Wolf for melee when there is no reasonable reason Wolf couldn't have been the Fox clone other than "they chose the sidekick over the villian".
Wolves are more unique. Falco would be a clone for sure. I mean, he can't even fly. Wolf has much more diversity. Besides, DeDeDe's got the role for Jumping Birds.

By your logic, K. Rool shouldn't get a spot. Besides, Melee was RUSHED! Many characters were intended, like Snake, Sonic, DeDeDe, Wolf, and many more, but it was rushed. This is also why we had clones. Wolf deserves a spot, seeing that antagonists this time 'round are much more likely and acknowledged by Mashiro.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Falco is the most important character, he's been a sidekick since the first Star Fox, Wolf debuted in 64 and his role is not as important as Falco's, plus, if Wolf is the important one by your logic, why isn't he the one in Melee?
Actually read my posts.

By the way, how exactly is Falco the most important character? Is this why you like Ashley so much?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I used to like him, but now you ignorant people keep on saying Falco is THE MOST IMPORTAMPT CHARCTAR .
. . .Im going to ask you to reframe from calling me "ignorant". never said he was the most important character, just that he has the role that is often times seen as a important role to full in smash. . . important enuff to full over a villian.

Falco is one of 5 sidekicks. He got in for being the cool guy, nothing more. Wolf hasn't built up to his reputation yet. He only starred in 2 games.
Falco=Fox's bestest bud ever. Every one of them are in a team, Falco is the sidekick to Fox because of their relationship.

Wolves are more unique. Falco would be a clone for sure. I mean, he can't even fly. Wolf has much more diversity. Besides, DeDeDe's got the role for Jumping Birds.
Fox has the role of "fighting future space K9 with future weapons". And D3 hasn't been shown to act as I described Falco.

Also, Falco can easyly become his own character:ohwell:
By no means is he a "for sure" clone.

By your logic, K. Rool shouldn't get a spot. Besides, Melee was RUSHED! Many characters were intended, like Snake, Sonic, DeDeDe, Wolf, and many more, but it was rushed. This is also why we had clones. Wolf deserves a spot, seeing that antagonists this time 'round are much more likely and acknowledged by Mashiro.
. . . Never said K wouldn't get in (BUT I don't think he will). By no means does my "logic" say DK will only get 2 characters. . . but if that happens than look at who got in (Main character and Sidekick).

And link where Wolf was plained for melee.

AND THATS MY POINT! If they rushed melee resulting in clones than by all means why wasn't Wolf the clone? Cause they chose Falco over him.

Never said Wolf shouldn't be in, just that he don't look to be replacing Falco in my book.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Lots of arguing. Ooh. Falco importance vs. Wolf importance. By now, I'd say it depends on how big each one's fan base is.

Then again, FALCO doesn't have a club up-and-coming, does he?

A Wolf club could be the best club on Smashboards since another that I can't seem to mention without getting in trouble (Begins with R....) and the Bomb Squad!

Star Wolf Squadron for Smashboards!

Of course, that would only make for more flames between the Krystal thread and this one.

"Ha HA! We've got a club and you don't so NYAH!"

Well, not exactly like that, but let's hope things won't be like it was between the Geno Alliance and that certain club everyone loved or got eaten by.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Lots of arguing. Ooh. Falco importance vs. Wolf importance. By now, I'd say it depends on how big each one's fan base is.

Then again, FALCO doesn't have a club up-and-coming, does he?

A Wolf club could be the best club on Smashboards since another that I can't seem to mention without getting in trouble (Begins with R....) and the Bomb Squad!

Star Wolf Squadron for Smashboards!

Of course, that would only make for more flames between the Krystal thread and this one.

"Ha HA! We've got a club and you don't so NYAH!"

Well, not exactly like that, but let's hope things won't be like it was between the Geno Alliance and that certain club everyone loved or got eaten by.
You're basing their importance on how many fans they have on these boards? If the Falco thread doesn't top this one is because Falco is a veteran and people don't get excited about veterans.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Lots of arguing. Ooh. Falco importance vs. Wolf importance. By now, I'd say it depends on how big each one's fan base is.

Then again, FALCO doesn't have a club up-and-coming, does he?

A Wolf club could be the best club on Smashboards since another that I can't seem to mention without getting in trouble (Begins with R....) and the Bomb Squad!

Star Wolf Squadron for Smashboards!

Of course, that would only make for more flames between the Krystal thread and this one.

"Ha HA! We've got a club and you don't so NYAH!"

Well, not exactly like that, but let's hope things won't be like it was between the Geno Alliance and that certain club everyone loved or got eaten by.
Is there a Luigi/ Jpuff club? I would sure like to know how many people make up support clubs for characters who have been in smash before brawl:ohwell:

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I can't believe that you're all ignoring my points, and pressing onward with fake arguements. Any more trolling, and this thread might get shut down. Now, kindly stop. Anyways, who wants to make the Banner? I feel that Star Wolf Squadron should be the name. I'll create the Wiki Page, Chronology, and other **** for the first page and Wiki Page.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
I can't believe that you're all ignoring my points, and pressing onward with fake arguements. Any more trolling, and this thread might get shut down. Now, kindly stop. Anyways, who wants to make the Banner? I feel that Star Wolf Squadron should be the name. I'll create the Wiki Page, Chronology, and other **** for the first page and Wiki Page.
I can't really do that stuff, but I do have an idea: a collage (Spelling? T.T) of official Wolf artwork from various games, or pictures of his Wolfen/Wolfen II in a sky background.

Wiki for the win!

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Honestly this is a crazy argument.

When they wanted a fox clone for Melee, who did they choose?
Who is the most popular starfox character (yes, even more popular than fox himself)?
Who has been in more games and for longer: Wolf or Falco?
Who is more likely to be different from fox: Wolf or Falco?

it makes no sense that they would replace a VERY popular character with one of significanlty less popularity, importance, novelty or seniority.

Falco beats wolf in every category.... and Krystal? she's in a completely different bracket... which I guess kinda gives her the edge over wolf too.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
1.- When they wanted a fox clone for Melee, who did they choose?
2.- Who is the most popular starfox character (yes, even more popular than fox himself)?
3.- Who has been in more games and for longer: Wolf or Falco?
4.-Who is more likely to be different from fox: Wolf or Falco?
1.- Oh yeah be happy falco turned out as a clone, getting a falco with a new moveset is SO much better than getting a NEW character with a UNIQUE moveset...

2.- Wolf and krystal, falco is cool, but wolf is more popular than him, smash-based popularity obviously falco wins, but if u ask star fox fans, wolf is more popular...

3.- Doesnt matter, number of games don't matter, but ill play ur game:
what do we lack? female and VILLAINS
who has been the most reocurring villain in SF? Wolf
ok so do we add ANOTHER hero or an enemy SF series LACKS in brawl?

4.- Lol u burned urself with number one:
When they wanted a fox clone for Melee, who did they choose?
If falco gets a new moveset, he will sitll have some properties similair to fox, so people that used falco can still get used to him, sure this is speculation, but I think it works...

also give wolf a claw based moveset... = UNIQUE 100% MELEE-BATTLE-BASED CHARACTER


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
1.- Oh yeah be happy falco turned out as a clone, getting a falco with a new moveset is SO much better than getting a NEW character with a UNIQUE moveset...
Actually, it is depending on how you look at it and if your a faclo fan or not. By what means is having the most wanted SF character for melee given his own move-set worst than having a lesser wanted SF character replace him with a unique move-set?

Thats like saying. . . Zant should replace Ganon cause Ganon was a melee clone well Zant is new and unique even tho both could have unique move-sets.

2.- Wolf and krystal, falco is cool, but wolf is more popular than him, smash-based popularity obviously falco wins, but if u ask star fox fans, wolf is more popular...
I have zero idea how much any SF fan likes either. If we are talking about smash than we should stand on that IMO.

3.- Doesnt matter, number of games don't matter, but ill play ur game:
what do we lack? female and VILLAINS
who has been the most reocurring villain in SF? Wolf
ok so do we add ANOTHER hero or an enemy SF series LACKS in brawl?
. . . Are you saying Wolf should be in over Krystal or that he should replace Falco? Cause Krystal is "another hero" well Falco is "the side-kick like Luigi/ Diddy etc".:ohwell:

And I would think the # of games Falco has been in would add to the importance of his relationship to Fox. . . . very much making him the Luigi of SF.

4.- Lol u burned urself with number one:
When they wanted a fox clone for Melee, who did they choose?
If falco gets a new moveset, he will sitll have some properties similair to fox, so people that used falco can still get used to him, sure this is speculation, but I think it works...
Who burnt who? When they wanted to add a last min SF character who did they go for? The side-kick. . .not the rival-villian guy who looks alot more like Fox. Im pretty sure that Falco would have been his own character with out melee being rushed and Im sure that he will have a move-set in Brawl thats very unique to him.
Sure, it's a assumption, but by no means do I think Ganon will come back with Falcon like moves so that his old fans still stay use to playing as him so I don't see that happening here either.

also give wolf a claw based moveset... = UNIQUE 100% MELEE-BATTLE-BASED CHARACTER
Why in goddess's name would he have a "crawl based moveset"? In that respect Falco would have a beak and talon based moveset. . .but they are both friggin future space animals from games where they use future weapons.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wolf should have a claw based moveset, hes an agressive and voilent dude, its fits the personality and would make him unique, I mean hes an animal, imnot saying the res should do the same, but slashing an oponent with claws looks not only awesome but agressive (wolverine in arcade games for example) it fits wolf... better that than ANOTHER laser using space anima l(I know its what he does, but lets give him some originality?)

Im not against falco, I want him to return and I like him, but the other guy is acting like only one of them can be in, I mean why can'tboth, its obvious, I then decided to go bash falco and put wolf instead just for fun, but I really want both in...

seriously SF can get 4 reps, I mean the roster is almost doubeling in size, why not?

fox - hero
falco - sidekick
wolf- enemy
krystal - love interest

seems like a good combination...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
But when all is said and done, and it comes to push and shove, Wolf deserves a spot in over Krystal.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I have zero idea how much any SF fan likes either. If we are talking about smash than we should stand on that IMO.
Nintendo held a vote... so anyone who checked nintendo.com could have voted... which is a much larger and more accurate sampling than Smash boards.... and falco is more popular here too BTW.

But in that vote, falco took more than half of the votes... almost doubling fox's votes who, in turn, almost double Krystal's votes... and those were the top 3.

Wolf just doesn't have a very big following really... you wouldn't guess that from this particular forum because, as previously mentioned, veterans don't get ridiculous fans and thusly, it doesn;t look like they have as much support... but even a SmashWorld wide poll would probably put falco WAY above wolf and Krystal above wolf as well. Even then, however, the poll is way too small. Only a small fraction of people who have an opinion in the matter are actually on smashboards.

But... Falco has his own forum... Wolf just has a thread


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Wolf should have a claw based moveset, hes an agressive and voilent dude, its fits the personality and would make him unique, I mean hes an animal, imnot saying the res should do the same, but slashing an oponent with claws looks not only awesome but agressive (wolverine in arcade games for example) it fits wolf... better that than ANOTHER laser using space anima l(I know its what he does, but lets give him some originality?)

Im not against falco, I want him to return and I like him, but the other guy is acting like only one of them can be in, I mean why can'tboth, its obvious, I then decided to go bash falco and put wolf instead just for fun, but I really want both in...

seriously SF can get 4 reps, I mean the roster is almost doubeling in size, why not?

fox - hero
falco - sidekick
wolf- enemy
krystal - love interest

seems like a good combination...
I would think his A moves should be mostly be Punchs to show a agressive and voilent mood but I see where your coming from.

And the general tone here seems to be like high lander. . . as in "there can only be ONEEEE!!!". Wolf fanboys (Wu Tang Gang) started acting as if Wolf HAD to replace Falco so thats why everyone Falco fan is bashing such idles. I could see them all making it too but I don't think Wolf will/ should or could replace Falco.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
But when all is said and done, and it comes to push and shove, Wolf deserves a spot in over Krystal.
not so.

Krystal is:
A) more popular
B) more unique (like completely)

The argument has been done repeatedly... and krystal always comes up with the goods. I've made the argument so many times that I'm starting to get tired of repeating it.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
I think people are putting wolf on a pedestal... When I think star fox villain I think of Andross.. not wolf. Falco and Krystal are far more popular than ..wolf. However if wolf made it in his moveset would have to be unique or else he would just be a clone of fox.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Wolf and Krystal have been in the same amount of games, Krystal wins because of her potentially unique moveset and the sexist fact that she is a female, she is more popular either way.
right... when it comes right down to it, and the fanboys on either side cancel out, Krystal ends up with more support


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
What he said.

And when did you come around the Wolf boards RDK?!
I used to come here a lot, but, as you can see, it's mostly overrun by Krystal fans nowadays.

not so.

Krystal is:
A) more popular
B) more unique (like completely)

The argument has been done repeatedly... and krystal always comes up with the goods. I've made the argument so many times that I'm starting to get tired of repeating it.
Krystal is in no way more popular and unique than Wolf. Wolf is a classic SF character. Krystal is not. The only reason Krystal is liked is because all of the Starfox fans that started the series with the most recent games like her for whatever reason. It's SF newbies that like Krystal. She seems tacked on in all the games she's in. And none, if any, of the new SF games are really that good, with the exception of maybe Asault if you count the multiplayer mode.

Wolf and Krystal have been in the same amount of games, Krystal wins because of her potentially unique moveset and the sexist fact that she is a female, she is more popular either way.
That's definetely not a deciding factor. Basically all of your arguments are subjective.
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