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Wolf O'Donnell for Brawl: The only good choice for a starfox villain

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I think we should take in consideration that Wolf appeared in the Intro to SSMelee. I'm not gonna say he's confirmed just because of that. But that Samarai G. from Fzero was also in the intro and he's an assist trophy.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
with all the talk, you'd think that wolf was confirmed.... I actually wish that it WAS a wolf outfit since I don't think wolf will be a PC and this would be the best way for him to be in the game as a non PC

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I guess.... but I really don't see him before Krystal or Falco
...Wolf has much more collective importance. Krystal was only in as a new filler, disguised with female and a unique british accent, to rake biased girl fans' opinions (like y3nia, for instance).

Falco is trivial. No one liked him for being too overpowered, and a clone. I assume Wolf takes his spot. Wolf has more importance. He's like the Godot of Starfox. In Starfox assault, he had an awesome boss theme.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
...Wolf has much more collective importance. Krystal was only in as a new filler, disguised with female and a unique british accent, to rake biased girl fans' opinions (like y3nia, for instance).

Falco is trivial. No one liked him for being too overpowered, and a clone. I assume Wolf takes his spot. Wolf has more importance. He's like the Godot of Starfox. In Starfox assault, he had an awesome boss theme.
I'm not a falco fan in the least... but seriously... Wolf doesn't have NEAR falco's importance.... no wolf before falco.

And krystal is different enough to be in a different category... not that she doesn't have the fans to make it on her own, as you mentioned.... and she actually was very important in adventures... more important than wolf ever was


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
If Wolf made it it (which is a true possibility again) I would think he would be a great way to showcase some of the StarFox Assault foot combat in SSBB; or Falco if that is the case. Krystal, however, would likely showcase the Adventures aspect.

(yay for obvious statements)

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Not to rain on any one's parade by the Dark Fox alternate is clearly meant to be an imitation of Wolf. Just lacks the eye patch.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I'm not a falco fan in the least... but seriously... Wolf doesn't have NEAR falco's importance.... no wolf before falco.

And krystal is different enough to be in a different category... not that she doesn't have the fans to make it on her own, as you mentioned.... and she actually was very important in adventures... more important than wolf ever was
Hahah. Wolf was in the Starfox series before Fox was even born. Starfox 2 had featured him against James McCloud(canceled, sadly). How is Falco so important for being a sidekick? He's like Luigi in 64, he has yet to gain much importance. Wolf is to Fox as Dark Vader is to Lucas. See where I'm getting at? Brawl will get MANY more antagonists this time around with more free time. Wolf is SURELY, to be one of them.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Not to rain on any one's parade by the Dark Fox alternate is clearly meant to be an imitation of Wolf. Just lacks the eye patch.
Ok, then that must mean there MUST be a reason for Dark Link. Care to elaborate who Dark Link is imitating? I MUST, hear your response. Of course, if Dark Link isn't portraying another character, that must mean the same for Dark Fox. Besides, if Sakurai were that dumb and ignorant, Dark Samus would be a Samus Alt. There's a major reason it/she isn't: She/It is the sole revival of the Metroid series' 10 year hiatus.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Hahah. Wolf was in the Starfox series before Fox was even born. Starfox 2 had featured him against James McCloud(canceled, sadly). How is Falco so important for being a sidekick? He's like Luigi in 64, he has yet to gain much importance. Wolf is to Fox as Dark Vader is to Lucas. See where I'm getting at? Brawl will get MANY more antagonists this time around with more free time. Wolf is SURELY, to be one of them.
-_-... and no... Vader is the nemisis... that would be andross... Wolf is the rival... so um... yeah... not even in the story

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Dark Link can't be a seperate character because he's pretty much a long time pretty much clone in the Zelda games of Link. He's not unique enough to be his own character. Dark Samus won't be a Samus skin because it's a different character all together.

So you using them as a reasoning for why Fox's Dark costume isn't Wolf inspired is flawed. Look, I'm not trying to say Wolf doesn't belong in Smash Bros, but the outfit is clearly inspired by him.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
-_-... and no... Vader is the nemisis... that would be andross... Wolf is the rival... so um... yeah... not even in the story
I thought The Empire [Or narrowed to Palpatine] Would be considered the Nemesis. I mean, when you think of how Luke is sort of "paired" with Vader, especially with the links and such, Rival kind of fits.

but I can also SEE him as being considered Nemesis, so I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm just offereing another view.

Back on topic. I'm ecstatic for the Dark Fox Alt as it proves everyone saying it disconfirmed was wrong.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
-_-... and no... Vader is the nemisis... that would be andross... Wolf is the rival... so um... yeah... not even in the story
Um...Dark Vader isn't the nemesis. He's the accomplice of Emperor Paladin or constatine or whatever, who wanted to corrupt the dagobah system and rule it. Wolf is the accomplice of Andross, or before Andross died. Now, he's to Fox as Metaknight is to Kirby.
Dark Link can't be a seperate character because he's pretty much a long time pretty much clone in the Zelda games of Link. He's not unique enough to be his own character. Dark Samus won't be a Samus skin because it's a different character all together.

So you using them as a reasoning for why Fox's Dark costume isn't Wolf inspired is flawed. Look, I'm not trying to say Wolf doesn't belong in Smash Bros, but the outfit is clearly inspired by him.
Oh, I thought you meant Wolf IS the alt.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Come to think of it, I was thinking we should make a Wolf Association. Like..

Star Wolf Medalists.

I could be an founder, as xianfeng because he gets props for making the thread. Next guy to post gets to be third founder. Next 5 people who want to join are co. founders.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Come to think of it, I was thinking we should make a Wolf Association. Like..

Star Wolf Medalists.

I could be an founder, as xianfeng because he gets props for making the thread. Next guy to post gets to be third founder. Next 5 people who want to join are co. founders.
How about just the New Star Wolf Armada?

All members of Star Wolf, Flying at out leader Wolf O'Donnel's side. :D


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
Wolf in Brawl playable? Maybe, I don't know how many spots Starfox deserves, I'd say 3


either Falco or Wolf

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Wolf in Brawl playable? Maybe, I don't know how many spots Starfox deserves, I'd say 3


either Falco or Wolf
For oncw I agree with you. However, Wolf is much more important, and is a popular antagonist. I feel that a Wolf is much more fitting than an Italian Bird.

Say, what accent is Wolf anyways? I hope they add a Jamaican Accent Monkey in the next one. That'd just be plain hilarious.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
We're still in debate with the name, but are you positive you want to be the third founder? Hurry up with the name so I can make a banner.
Sure, What can I do to help out and everything. I'll do what I can.

As for a name, I'm rather fond of what I suggested. What are other topic goer opinions as far as name goes?

So far we have:

Wu Tang Gen: Star Wolf Medalists.

Darkfur: New Star Wolf Armada

Any opther suggestions I'll try and keep track of.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
For oncw I agree with you. However, Wolf is much more important, and is a popular antagonist. I feel that a Wolf is much more fitting than an Italian Bird.

Say, what accent is Wolf anyways? I hope they add a Jamaican Accent Monkey in the next one. That'd just be plain hilarious.
:chuckle: I can't disagree with you on this one either, I support villains too.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
Come to think of it, I was thinking we should make a Wolf Association. Like..

Star Wolf Medalists.

I could be an founder, as xianfeng because he gets props for making the thread. Next guy to post gets to be third founder. Next 5 people who want to join are co. founders.
I would not be against joining this little organization if it is to be founded. As for a name, just a few off the top of my head:

1st choice: Wolf Pack
2nd: StarWolf Squadron
3rd: Team StarWolf


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
The thing about Wolf is, he is in competition with Falco if anything. Krystal outprioritizes both of them, make no mistake of it. She has much more to offer for the developers in terms of moveset and gender (yes, it counts...) than Wolf. Wolf is in a kind of lose/lose situation here:

- If clones come back, then they already have Falco. Will they really remove him for Wolf?

- If clones dont come back, then Krystal will make the cut before he does. Will Sakurai allow for 3 Starfox characters?

The last part there is very important to think about. Is Starfox worthy enough for 3 slots? And unique moveset slots at that?


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Nope nope. Sakurai has talked about Krystal to fans after the first trailer's showing, asking "what they thought of her, why they liked her, and how cool it would be to see her with that staff of hers"...

If you were on a development team, who would be a more appealing choice: a character with established moves and weapons or a character who would need to be worked on from the ground up? Krystal offers a much faster and unique moveset process...


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
I meant in terms of the Star Fox series, because Falco has been in since the beginning and has played a major role, then comes Krystal who's popularity and success comes from the fact that she is a female and lastly comes Wolf, who in the end, you bet they're gonna have a lot more work to do with his moveset than what they could do with both Falco and Krystal.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Ah well, but I am still extremely confident that Krystal is in, have been since the start. Falco I was very sure about too, but then somehow my faith wavered (I do want him though). Wolf however, has never seemed likely to me because those other two seem much better equipped for Brawl status (uniqueness and veteran)...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
The thing about Wolf is, he is in competition with Falco if anything. Krystal outprioritizes both of them, make no mistake of it. She has much more to offer for the developers in terms of moveset and gender (yes, it counts...) than Wolf. Wolf is in a kind of lose/lose situation here:

- If clones come back, then they already have Falco. Will they really remove him for Wolf?

- If clones dont come back, then Krystal will make the cut before he does. Will Sakurai allow for 3 Starfox characters?

The last part there is very important to think about. Is Starfox worthy enough for 3 slots? And unique moveset slots at that?
From what I see it's Fox THAN Falco THAN Krystal and maybe Wolf (Slippy was 2nd to Falco on the Melee poll with Wolf being 3rd so thats why I say that).

And I really think people are looking at this too bluntly. Sure, Krystal on first glance has the most unique weapon and magic moves if you look at SFA compared to melee Falco but melee Falco was simply a clone of Melee Fox. . . . didn't even have a chance to show how unique he could be.

Said it once and I will say it again, I think Falco should (and may) have 3+ jumps and the glide ablitity like other winged charcaters (he is the only bird to make it into the game and he has friggin wing arms. . . he should have these things to both saperate him from Fox and make him beatter in mid air play IMO at least). Giveing him new Assult weapons like the sniper gun along with the jumps I listed earlier would effectivly make him super unique compared to the other SF series characters like Fox and Krystal.

And I think SF will get 3 characters. Seems reasonable.

Important female figure

Sounds about right to me. Wolf is simply the rival-villian guy and I think he will be in 4th IF theres a 4th spot (Falco is Fox's Luigi. Sidekicks seem more important in this respect). If there aint a 4th spot than choose Black fox and name him Wolf. . . Mind over matter!
Nope nope. Sakurai has talked about Krystal to fans after the first trailer's showing, asking "what they thought of her, why they liked her, and how cool it would be to see her with that staff of hers"...
Link please? Never heard this and Im a huge Krystal fan.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Hmm, I will have to get back to you on that one, the only place I see that mention is in that rumor mill from here:


But I could have sworn I read it somewhere more credible like on IGN or something...
I wouldn't put much into these rumors:ohwell:

When ever someone says something about how someone says they talked to someone with out a stread of creditable sources or every earning the least bit of creditablity than it's most likely a lie or fan made up BS.
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