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Wolf O'Donnell for Brawl: The only good choice for a starfox villain

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Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
The roots of krystal's fanbase comes from people wanting to have more females in smash. I also presume people want wolf in for more villains in smash.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Wolf Moveset

Wolf Moveset
First Jump: Goes up 25% higher than Fox's
Second Jump: Goes up 50% of First Jump.

A- Sucker Punch
*Repeated punches with both of Wolf's hands. Chargable, but then you only get one powerful punch(Fully charged version is like Falcon Punch).
A-> Barrel Roll
*Wolf does a barrel roll for massive damage! Chargable.
A-V Submission
*Wolf's hands and legs go flying, in a submission. Like Mario's retired move, except chargable.
*Wolf bites upward. Chargable, and can be done repeatedbly.
B- Twin Barrel Blaster
*Twin shots from Wolf's Blaster. Flinches opponent. Chargable, as well.
B-> Grenade Throw
*Wolf throws a grenade from Starfox Assault.
B-V Counter
*Does a counter, like Ike's. Can also reflect projectiles.
B-^ Rocket Propel
*Pulls out a Rocket Puncher, then aims and releases it downwards to propel himself upwards. Goes up 25% of Wolf's first jump.

Grab: Grabs the foe's shirt with one hand, and neck with the next.
Grab Hit: Slaps the opponent's face.
Throw->: Does a massive punch, that sends the foe flying.
Throw-V: Slams the opponent to the ground, then in mid-air in a handstand position, pulls out rocket launcher and blasts the opponent, all in a matter of 2 seconds.
Throw-^:Bites the opponent, with thrusts it upwards, then shoots at with Twin Barrel Blaster twice.

#1. Laughs sinisterly, like Mewtwo.
#2. Throws Blaster in the air, and catches it.
#3. Says "I'll get you Fox!", or "You're good, but I'm better!", or "You're dead meat."


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
Wolf Moveset
First Jump: Goes up 25% higher than Fox's
Second Jump: Goes up 50% of First Jump.

A- Sucker Punch
*Repeated punches with both of Wolf's hands. Chargable, but then you only get one powerful punch(Fully charged version is like Falcon Punch).
A-> Barrel Roll
*Wolf does a barrel roll for massive damage! Chargable.
A-V Submission
*Wolf's hands and legs go flying, in a submission. Like Mario's retired move, except chargable.
*Wolf bites upward. Chargable, and can be done repeatedbly.
B- Twin Barrel Blaster
*Twin shots from Wolf's Blaster. Flinches opponent. Chargable, as well.
B-> Grenade Throw
*Wolf throws a grenade from Starfox Assault.
B-V Counter
*Does a counter, like Ike's. Can also reflect projectiles.
B-^ Rocket Propel
*Pulls out a Rocket Puncher, then aims and releases it downwards to propel himself upwards. Goes up 25% of Wolf's first jump.

Grab: Grabs the foe's shirt with one hand, and neck with the next.
Grab Hit: Slaps the opponent's face.
Throw->: Does a massive punch, that sends the foe flying.
Throw-V: Slams the opponent to the ground, then in mid-air in a handstand position, pulls out rocket launcher and blasts the opponent, all in a matter of 2 seconds.Throw-^:Bites the opponent, with thrusts it upwards, then shoots at with Twin Barrel Blaster twice.

#1. Laughs sinisterly, like Mewtwo.
#2. Throws Blaster in the air, and catches it.
#3. Says "I'll get you Fox!", or "You're good, but I'm better!", or "You're dead meat."
When I first read this I instantly thought.. clone. I read it again and I thought.. Luigi-fied.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
One move alike=luigi-fied. Nice logic. Barrel Roll is the only true move in common. Twin Barrel Blaster is much more different. I do admit though, I kind of made Wolf overpowered there.
Your right.. your wolf is more of a clone of numerous characters. his vB should be to turn into shiek (joking lol)


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Responding to a few anti-Krystal posts from a few pgs back...


So anyway, I still think Wolf could have a unique moveset. Claws, anyone?

The only reason Krystal fans use the "Krystal has a more unique moveset than Wolf, NYAAHH" argument is because they aren't creative enough to come up with a moveset that doesn't look like Fox's.
No, its that she already is guaranteed to have a unique moveset, a staff-based one. Any character can have a unique moveset of course, but some practically come with them while others require more time and imagination to be implemented. And that is what decides who gets in, with characters of similar popularity...

The roots of krystal's fanbase comes from people wanting to have more females in smash. I also presume people want wolf in for more villains in smash.
Actually, its that Krystal is guaranteed to have a moveset of her own, while Wolf's will require more time to be distanced from Fox since he has little to draw from. I can already imagine Krystal in Brawl using some staff projectiles and her A moves involving staff whacks and kicks. Wolf, would need most moves to be pulled out of nowhere, which would take more development time away from other more requested characters.

Its just that a Fox Krystal Falco assemblage seems a lot more likely than a Fox Wolf Falco one...

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Did you not SEE my Wolf moveset? HE has plenty potential. You have yet to show reasoning on why Falco outshines Wolf. Don't follow the trolls that were here before, spamming the thread. I want to have a civil arguement.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
I'd change the grenade, counter, and ^Throw, just because they are similar/same as other characters attacks, and could be more unique. I am about to go to bed so I will think of something tomorrow if nothing else comes up.

Also his barrel roll could easy be changed to a unique move like an uppercut of some sort, that is chargeable.


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2007
ya kno im a major wolf supporter...i never knew there was a wolf thread. luckily i have stumbled upon this thread. blessings on this thread my peeps and bretheren. u kno wat i had in mind? this may have already been sai but f*** it lemme lay down my thought for ya. well first u have to look at the facts. if u played assualt than u probably kno that fox and wolf are nemisis's to each other but they dont hate each other. sorta...basically wat im tryin to say is they have a friendly beef. u kno like they hate each other but they both kno they are alike in many ways which makes them kinda kool so they compete alot but in a very oposite way. fox does it the couragous way...the prideful and ritous(if thats how u spell it) way. where as wolf's path is the dark gloomy bad boy path. now i think the relationship between them is a mere goku and vegeta friendship. they may wish death on each other at times but in the end the both seek the same goal. now as for SSBB....fox has always been a character that has always used a variety of kicks to satisfaction... now this is the point im seein... if fox uses kicks than wat the hell wolf can take another route wit the same concept and have a different variety of punches! fox is a character that does some sort of kick boxing...like mui thai or somthin... now wolf should b like the ali of brawl... he could do jabbs to cross's to hooks and uppercuts.... NO KICKS. just a grimey an dirty moveset of punches... as for his b moves changed it up...fox is from the life of livin as a soldier... wolf on the other hand grew up on the wrong sie of the lylat system...or somthin like that... i dont kno..but wolf's b attack can b different based on his path....like ok hes not in the lylat army or watever so he doesnt got the same thing fox has...i dunno....wat yall think...i could b wrong..


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Did you not SEE my Wolf moveset? HE has plenty potential. You have yet to show reasoning on why Falco outshines Wolf. Don't follow the trolls that were here before, spamming the thread. I want to have a civil arguement.
You really arguing that Wolf is more important to the franchise than Falco? I hope not, because Falco even has his own weapons that can be used to declone him...

My point is not that Wolf cannot have a unique moveset, I stressed that throughout my post... Its that Krystal's potential for a unique moveset is that much more. You got to think about this from the perspective of the developers. When trying to include as many characters as possible, who would they turn to when creating a new Star Fox character: the one who has a unique weapon and established moves from a successful game in the franchise, or the one whose development time would rival Fox and Falcon's from Smash 64?

Think of it this way, would you pick the glass thats half full or the one thats almost empty, to fill quicker?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Exactly,hes an enemy, wolf would have a reason to BE in the subspace emmisary if he knewed an enemy of his is behind it...

Wolf for brawl...


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
Wolf should be a minor Subspace boss that leads up to a major subspace boss... andross. I see Krystal and falco as being the only 2 other reps for Star Fox, Wolf getting in if Sakurai is feeling generous.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
and krystal is getting in if sakurai wants her to be in, ur point?

Ur saying stuff like its fact: Krystal and falco are in and if sakurai has the time, wolf...

got ANYTHING to back that up while ur at it?

Wolf has been in SF for a longer time, and krystal was just added in the SF series, because nintendo bought the game dinosaur planet, if it were for that then krystal wouldnt even BE in SF...

Wolf on the other hand has been with SF since 64 (was to be SF2 but got cancelled)... hes a villain which we lack (I know we lack females just keep reading) and has been with the company for far longer, he deserves the shot, and u want a unique moveset? ill batch up a claw moveset later on...

also krystal would just be a minor sidekick in SSE, hmmm...

minor sidekick
badass mini boss/boss in SSE?

hard to choose isnt it? [/sarcasm]


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
and krystal is getting in if sakurai wants her to be in, ur point?

Ur saying stuff like its fact: Krystal and falco are in and if sakurai has the time, wolf...

got ANYTHING to back that up while ur at it?

Wolf has been in SF for a longer time, and krystal was just added in the SF series, because nintendo bought the game dinosaur planet, if it were for that then krystal wouldnt even BE in SF...

Wolf on the other hand has been with SF since 64 (was to be SF2 but got cancelled)... hes a villain which we lack (I know we lack females just keep reading) and has been with the company for far longer, he deserves the shot, and u want a unique moveset? ill batch up a claw moveset later on...

also krystal would just be a minor sidekick in SSE, hmmm...

minor sidekick
badass mini boss/boss in SSE?

hard to choose isnt it? [/sarcasm]
I said "I see..." as in I think/vision/believe. I never stated that what I said would actually happen.

Although it is most likely.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
I support Wolf, I bet this thread gets into a lot of fights with the Krystal one huh?
The difference between wolf and krystal is... shes already comfirmed to be in brawl in some form.. (due to the voice actor incident), while Wolf is just based on hope and predictions.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
I'm a Wolf supporter as well, particularly since the only Star Fox game I've played is Star Fox 64 (well and Star Fox for the SNES). But then again I've always thought Wolf would be a good rep for Star Fox since, as the thread says, he's the only good choice for a star fox villain.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I just want to know. . . do any of you actually think Krystal aint getting in at this point or are you all pinning Wolf against her just to pump him up?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
The difference between wolf and krystal is... shes already comfirmed to be in brawl in some form.. (due to the voice actor incident), while Wolf is just based on hope and predictions.
What?! I CANT believe what I heard... PLEASE send me the link and if its some not reliable source I swear I will forever consider u as a n00b...


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
What?! I CANT believe what I heard... PLEASE send me the link and if its some not reliable source I swear I will forever consider u as a n00b...
Are you telling me you didnt hear about krystal's voice actor posting her work on brawl as krystal's voice?


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
What?! I CANT believe what I heard... PLEASE send me the link and if its some not reliable source I swear I will forever consider u as a n00b...
I hope that was sarcasm for your sake, otherwise DeuceBlade isn't the only noob here...


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
Yeah it's official,n00b... seriously IMDB is NOT a reliable source, I mean they had ganondorf a few months ago,and now hes gone, ae u telling me hes deconfirmed? this is stupid...
I think your in denial now.. Krystal will be in brawl as playable.. AT.. or sticker no one knows yet... but her chances are at the moment.. higher than Wolfs...

but for all we know they both will be in and SF will have like 4 reps..


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Denial: no
Using logic: yes

Krystal will be in brawl, shes a shoe in yada yada yada a blue female fox yay...

Its fact she has a high chance... BUT saying shes confirmed JUST because IMDB says so is ********, ganondorf was ON that page a few months back, and hes gone, OMG DCONFRMDE!!1!1one

AND saying krystal has a higher chance than wolf without anything to back it up is stupid...

wolf is popular
has been in more games
has been with SF WAY longer
was in Melee intro (meaning sakurai knows he exists)
and has potential with a unique moveset with say.... claw based moveset?

besides wolf would impact way more in the SSE than krystal... enemies > partners in impact....


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
it wasn't just on imdb, it was on the voice actor's resume site.. and was talked about on various websites due to that, and what does movesets have to do with it... anyone can have a moveset... someone made a moveset for tingle WTFUX? anyway just realize while wolf could be in brawl.. don't get your hopes up.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Denial: no
Using logic: yes

Krystal will be in brawl, shes a shoe in yada yada yada a blue female fox yay...

Its fact she has a high chance... BUT saying shes confirmed JUST because IMDB says so is ********, ganondorf was ON that page a few months back, and hes gone, OMG DCONFRMDE!!1!1one
Deuce never brought up IMDB, even without the IMDB example, every other link still pwns you.

AND saying krystal has a higher chance than wolf without anything to back it up is stupid...

wolf is popular
has been in more games
has been with SF WAY longer
was in Melee intro (meaning sakurai knows he exists)
and has potential with a unique moveset with say.... claw based moveset?
Krystal VA leak >

besides wolf would impact way more in the SSE than krystal... enemies > partners in impact....
Wolf doesn't warrant his own SE segment. Stop kidding yourself. PIGMA deserves it more than Wolf. Lol.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
Nowhere did I explicitly say that Krystal was confirmed. Besides, this isn't anything to bust a nut over, she has higher chances to begin with. In fact, Wolf and Krystal are not even disputed for the same niche; that is between Falco and Wolf.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Nowhere did I explicitly say that Krystal was confirmed. Besides, this isn't anything to bust a nut over, she has higher chances to begin with. In fact, Wolf and Krystal are not even disputed for the same niche; that is between Falco and Wolf.

Why would that be? They have completely different roles in the games. . . plus, Falco is the Luigi to Fox:ohwell:


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
Wolf doesn't warrant his own SE segment. Stop kidding yourself. PIGMA deserves it more than Wolf. Lol.
Now that is a bit of an exaggeration... and even though I think Wolf would be a cool character for Brawl, he has nothing in Krystal, the two don't even compare. She is confirmed to be in the game in some way or another, we just don't know what yet (so no, she isn't confirmed playable even though it's possible).

Falco is the only character competing with Wolf, and if Falco is confirmed, say goodbye to Wolf's chances.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
HOW does pigma deserve the shot more than wolf?

Wolf was the attack force on *forgot planets name* against star fox so the bomb could explode, and later on he was the last line of defense before facing andross...

in assault he was yet again against star fox, at 1sthe was just there to take him out... later on he helps fox, stating hes the only one thats gonna finish him... he then gives him some words that makes fox react at the end and persue to take down aparoid queen... but before that star wolf almost risked their lifes so star fox and beat her...

im not sure about command, but heard his role is bigger in the game...

now tell me how exactlyafter hearing that, how is krystal and pigma more deserving?

if krystal is in than awesome, I wnat her in, but u can deny the fact wolf has a good shot, maybe even higher than hers (just because the so called leek confirms her, doesnt mean wolf aint more deserving, they could have added him 1st, buttheres no leak to show his confirmation)...

and also tell me why do you think the love interest would impact more than wolf I mean look at peach and zelda... there SUCH an impact to the SSE as of yet >.>

Falco is the only character competing with Wolf, and if Falco is confirmed, say goodbye to Wolf's chances.
ok excuse can u please send the part were sakurai said there can only be 2 male space animals in brawl? k thanx...


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
In Smithy's Factory Mains: Fox, Sheik Brawl Mains:
Wolf Moveset
First Jump: Goes up 25% higher than Fox's
Second Jump: Goes up 50% of First Jump.

A- Sucker Punch
*Repeated punches with both of Wolf's hands. Chargable, but then you only get one powerful punch(Fully charged version is like Falcon Punch).
A-> Barrel Roll
*Wolf does a barrel roll for massive damage! Chargable.
A-V Submission
*Wolf's hands and legs go flying, in a submission. Like Mario's retired move, except chargable.
*Wolf bites upward. Chargable, and can be done repeatedbly.
B- Twin Barrel Blaster
*Twin shots from Wolf's Blaster. Flinches opponent. Chargable, as well.
B-> Grenade Throw
*Wolf throws a grenade from Starfox Assault.
B-V Counter
*Does a counter, like Ike's. Can also reflect projectiles.
B-^ Rocket Propel
*Pulls out a Rocket Puncher, then aims and releases it downwards to propel himself upwards. Goes up 25% of Wolf's first jump.

Grab: Grabs the foe's shirt with one hand, and neck with the next.
Grab Hit: Slaps the opponent's face.
Throw->: Does a massive punch, that sends the foe flying.
Throw-V: Slams the opponent to the ground, then in mid-air in a handstand position, pulls out rocket launcher and blasts the opponent, all in a matter of 2 seconds.
Throw-^:Bites the opponent, with thrusts it upwards, then shoots at with Twin Barrel Blaster twice.

#1. Laughs sinisterly, like Mewtwo.
#2. Throws Blaster in the air, and catches it.
#3. Says "I'll get you Fox!", or "You're good, but I'm better!", or "You're dead meat."
im starting to like the possibliity of having Wolf in the game. this moveset is good and those taunts sound like something he would say.
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