Wolf O'Donnell is the leader of the fictional Star Wolf team and a rival (and possibly an antihero) to Fox McCloud from the Star Fox series of video games. He flies the Wolfen fighter (and the Wolfen II in Star Fox 64), which is more agile and perhaps faster than the Arwing used by the Star Fox team. Although Wolf and Fox are at odds at each other, the exact reason why is never fully explained.
Wolf is a starfox villain both of those things need representation Starfox first of all needs mroe representation as it is quickly becoming one of Nintendo's flagship series with 5 games under it's belt (including Command) and another one in talk for the wii this series is too big for just 2 characters. There were only 3 villains in SSBM and everyone loves to play as a villain Wolf is clearly the most plausable starfox villain (Andross and Aparoid Queen are unfeasable due to their shape and General Scales has no known abilites).
A lot of people have been saying Wolf would be a fox clone well some very clever people in this thread have created some movesets here are some specials (I am up to page 7 in searching)
Kaid's Set of Specials
^B: Booster pack
<B: Homing launcher
B: Machinegun (3 shot burst)
vB: Sniper rife
Ember Joe's Specials
B - TwinCannon Blaster - Drawing a gun similar to Fox and Falco's B attacks, Wolf would have a double barrel style Twin blaster, that would be fairly larger then Falco and foxs. Two consecutive shots would be made, with a pause before the next 2 shots could be made. Thus, the time between shot 2 and 3 would be around 3 times the time between shots 1 and 2. Shots 3 and 4 would have the same time difference as 1 and 2, and onward. Assuming Fox and Falco's damage remains 1% and 2% respectively, Wolfs should deal 5% per shot, with the second shot degraded to 3% on consecutive hits (only if it was the second shot in a twin fire). A similar freeze effect to Falco's would exist, with some knockback, but the time between two shots and the following two would be much greater than between falco's single shots.
SmashB - Canine Crash - A variation of the Fox Illusion, this would a greater lag prior to doing the move, but would cover a similar distance, at a similar speed, and cause much more damage. The move could be modified to grab hold of the first character hit, continueing to move, and bringing them crashing to the ground with him (this could also be used to suicide kill an enemy, further enemies hit after grabbing one would recieve damage, but not be draged down)
UP B - Wolf Pack - A variation of the fire fox/fire bird. A blue & purple gas flame like charge would form below ODonnels feet. Titling back his head, he would let out a wolf howl as 3 coloured silhouettes fade away from his body (similar looking to the trail in Fox Illusion but both purple and blue, fading between the colours). they would then thrust in unison, with the true wolf slightly ahead, with a purple gas jet flame behind him, the others would form a triple helix about him. The charging up phase would do no damage, and would be longer then Fox and Falco's, but with greater damage and area of damage as it travels.
DownB - Convertor - A shield similar to the reflector that instead absorbs damage taken from items and attacking enemies, and converts it into an outward shock blast of 2 times the total damage. The absorbing shield would be red, and the shock wave would be an outward red blast. If an enemy was hit with the shield while attacking, they would be knocked away and the damage from the attack added, if they were not attacking, they would be drawn in, and then sent outward like a projectile, when the blast occurs. Absorbed items would be destroyed.
Now there are two people that think Andross would be better than Wolf, If you run across them and you say the whole he doesn't have a body thing they may show you a picture of what Andross would look like with a body well clever old mr. Vulpine has created a pictture to counter that and to this picture they have no response, use it wisely young Wolf supporters.