UpB upperclaw:
Kinda like a combination of marths and marios upb (KINDA), Wolf will propel himself upward makin slashing all the guys that in their way, the attack will give multiple hits, lacks knockback but does a lot of damage (But if u get hit when Wolf beggins executting the attack, at the very start of the move when u get hit the attack gives high knockback damage, kinda like luigis UPb, tough instead of sending the enemy just upward it will send the oponent fliying forward).
On the ground: Wolf will just do a small hop and execute the attack, will not give multiple hits just the strong one hit I mentioned...
B: Machine guns
Like the name says Wolf will take out 2 machine guns and fire a certain amount of shots, would stun just like sheiks needles...
On the air, same effect but unlike sheik, wolf will still shoot forward instead of diagonally down, BUT u can, after pressing B and then rapidly tilting downward, shoot straight down...
<>B: Dash claw
Like the name says, Wolf will dash forward and if connects:
(dont know which Idea to implement)
Will give a ferocios slash, his claws slashing from over his head, then straight down doin like an X, bringing the claws down (dont know if I explained myself XD), well point is the attack would have higher knockback the foxs <>B but would lack dash range, Meaning he wont cover as much distance like the Illusion...
If the attack connects, wolf will do to 3-4 hit rapid combos to the oponents, the last hit giving hight knockback and damage...
Wolf will place himself in a stance where he will wait for the blow, Would work just like marths down B, would take the same amount of time and will give a high knockback atatck after countering and oponents move, the diference would be if wolf gets hit during the time the stance takes, he'll always counter (unlike marth, if he gets hit durin the part of the stance where hes glowing, he'll execute the counter, but if he gets hit when hes NOT glowing, he'll receive the hit)
Dont know if u got all of the moves, im bad explaining things XD...