In the case of Wolf, yes. I would rather they spend their time on a more unique character, like Captain Olimar or Krystal for example.
Let's say one original character takes the same development time as three clones. That would mean that dark Samus, the Black Knight and Wolf could all be included as clones in the same ammount of time that an original move set could be designed for Wolf. Hypothetically.
Or one of these three could be an original. Yes I see what you mean having those three characters would be nice but, I would rather see one of them(preferably Wolf) be an completely original character. I don't want to see more than one Mario for example. Regular Mario was enough thank you. I don't need him to have a small psychics change and his fireball be pills. Marth was great(I mained Roy for a year so don't you dare argue this) but having Roy be almost exactly the same as him just gets annoying, Pikachu was great, I didn't need his attack power increased and him hurting himself just so I can look like a baby him(BTW Pichu shouldn't have been more powerful IMO). The only clones I really approved of were Y.Link and Falco. G.Dorf was badly made just admit it. Y. Link and Falco both played very differently from their counterparts.
Where does Wolf being a clone fit in this? Well put simply, Falco played very differently from Fox and we all sshall agree on this or be called noobs. Now then, why can't we simply leave Falco in as what he is, a clone that plays completely different, and give Wolf a new moveset to add a new character? Wolf is not an unoriginal character as you think he is. He could almost be handed some form of short ranged weapon(A claw) and then be given many space weapons. Think about it, Fox only had two high-tech weapons(reflector and blaster). Give Wolf some high tech stuff along with a claw or something and you have a brand spankin' new style of play and an awesome character with a huge fanbase going into the game.
Onto my opinion on Krystal shall we? Krystal owns. She is a very great idea. She could be very unique having the use of a staff. But it is very possible that as unique as she would be she could be very bad. Let's say Krystal does make it in shall we? Her moveset would probably be based off her staff. Now then, considering this to be true she would have the fireball attack, it is probably going to be VERY similiar to Fox and Falco's blaster. Rapid fire with stun probably.(Falco moreso I guess.) Her recovery would be the boost jump thing. Just a straight upward movement. I guess she is our no-damage during recovery character for Brawl if that's the case. She may have the earthquake move as her down B but how do you make this do damage really? I guess it could have a small shaking effect and cause damage within that radius but, Nintendo would probably have it do the grounding thing from Melee. Which would make her VERY broken. DK had this effect on one of his moves but he was big, slow,and his other moves had no range. Krystal would be too much with this effect if used but, it would be hard to not do it and it still have damage. Now for side B. She would probably have the ice blast. Another stun move probably. Just another way to make her broken. She would be able to stop an oncoming player with it far too easily. Understand that IC's move with a freezing effect was stuck primarily to the ground and IC's moves were very bad anyway. Krystal's would be MUCH stronger considering all the things listed above. She just would not be a fair character. Do I still want her in? Yes. Should she be in over Wolf with a more unique moveset? No.
In conclusion, before i forget. Krystal is an excellent choice but has a very high probablity of being very broken. Wolf on the other hand can come out just as original and a more even character. So Wolf>Krystal if only my a small amount.
Don't get me started on Olimar...