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Wofl Q&A/Social


Smash Cadet
Nov 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I'm preparing for E4U in the next couple of weeks, setting up smashfest with my crew and stuff. I got 17th last e4u I'm striving for top 10 this time. I need help on a couple of matchups for wolf. Diddy, MK, Snake, Sheik, and Marth. I feel like if I pull these guys in bracket it'll force me into using Wario which is ok but using wolf with knowledge of the MU's will throw em through a loop.

Any tips on those characters listed above? I thought I was good with the MK MU until Tyrant decided to show up to my tourney and take my money landing me in 2nd place looooool but now I know what I'm up against at e4u

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
I'm preparing for E4U in the next couple of weeks, setting up smashfest with my crew and stuff. I got 17th last e4u I'm striving for top 10 this time. I need help on a couple of matchups for wolf. Diddy, MK, Snake, Sheik, and Marth. I feel like if I pull these guys in bracket it'll force me into using Wario which is ok but using wolf with knowledge of the MU's will throw em through a loop.

Any tips on those characters listed above? I thought I was good with the MK MU until Tyrant decided to show up to my tourney and take my money landing me in 2nd place looooool but now I know what I'm up against at e4u
I'd say to watch my recent set with M2k for :metaknight: matchup knowledge. Gheb can tell you :diddy: well cause I'm being lazy right now lol. :sheik: just platform hop and space well. Use walk off bairs. Just avoid moving into :sheik:, space retreated aerials, and camp.

:snake: is a LONG write up. Ish will probably have input, but I'd just say keep him airborne, play smart, don't laser too much, juggle with Uair strings, and bair wall for spacing.

:marth: is a battle of punishment. Everything he does on your shield you can Fsmash. Whoever is Full hopping is in the worst position to the grounded one. Watch out for Up b at high percents when attacking :marth:.

Sorry for short explanations, but I'm too lazy to discuss five characters. That's a lot of typing...



Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
I actually typed up a pretty long paragraph for Marth and then control+z'd too many times. -_- I don't feel like re-typing it now, so I'll do it again tomorrow during lunch or after work. Seagull said it the short way pretty well. XD I'll elaborate for you tomorrow.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I actually typed up a pretty long paragraph for Marth and then control+z'd too many times. -_- I don't feel like re-typing it now, so I'll do it again tomorrow during lunch or after work. Seagull said it the short way pretty well. XD I'll elaborate for you tomorrow.
Hey, I had this great advice but my dog ate it. I'm not sure if it was Treble, Rush or Velgauder, but it always happens when I'm typing out advice that would break the game for us.

Today is crappy. I want to do something other than waste away inside...

Like golf.

Really? I am surprised, not like it's a +- thing, just means you broke the stereotypes I had for you.

I'm right there with you brother. -_-
I knew Kassy loved Golf.

I don't want either of you wasting away.

Maybe I'll have to move to Ohio or something and keep the Wolves from losing their minds.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
damn computer keeps crashing, will post less for awhile, good luck with tourneys/events etc, tired.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
My mans Arda Aysu bout to go asian hunting and slay smashers with :wolf::smirk:.

Oh man. You don't even know. Except for the part where I don't think I remember how to play Brawl anymore because playing Brawl on anything with lag makes me actually mad, and I don't have a CRT TV here ;____;

So, I'm wanting to put together a video of just a bunch of people singing the pokemon theme song (full version, this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKofewfeSoY ) If ANYONE would like to record themselves singing it (get only the vocals in the recording, don't have the backing music with it. In other words, just have headphones on when you're singing it, don't have the music get recorded into your mic because it's too loud or something) and send it to me, then that would be GREAT :D

Edit edit: You don't have to be good at singing either. Most of the people who will be in it aren't either.

I just might take you up on this lmao. Chances increase if JJ agrees to do a duet with me :p

I'm preparing for E4U in the next couple of weeks, setting up smashfest with my crew and stuff. I got 17th last e4u I'm striving for top 10 this time. I need help on a couple of matchups for wolf. Diddy, MK, Snake, Sheik, and Marth. I feel like if I pull these guys in bracket it'll force me into using Wario which is ok but using wolf with knowledge of the MU's will throw em through a loop.

Any tips on those characters listed above? I thought I was good with the MK MU until Tyrant decided to show up to my tourney and take my money landing me in 2nd place looooool but now I know what I'm up against at e4u
:diddy: - Throw bananas up. Don't get fair'd. Stay in the air and try to prevent Diddy from getting in or punishing your landings. Shine is good and stuff.

:metaknight: - Man, I don't know. It's okay if they don't know how to go offstage and kill you out of your sideB with reverse shuttle loops, or how to SL every bair on their shield, or get off the ledge like someone with a brain. Idk, take Seagull's advice here lol

:snake: - Seagull hit the main points. Juggle him, trap his landings, trap him at the ledge, don't do anything stupid or you're eating 20% from ftilt, dance in circles around him because you can. Oh, also, learn to camp Snake, it helps a lot imo.

:sheik: - Eh, this MU isn't so bad. Her recovery isn't too hard to take advantage of since there's no hitbox when she comes out, she can't really kill outside of gimps, utilt > usmash, and a lucky DACUS (which shouldn't be sweetspotting you often at all), and she gets trapped at the ledge pretty badly.

:marth: - Marth is bad, unless you're playing a top Marth that knows how to space things, because then everything sucks. I play this MU a bunch, or at least, back when I still had people to play with lol. Juggle Marth and ledgetrap him, those and killing earlier (as well as being able to kill reasonably well out of juggling/ledgetrap situations) are your main strengths. Oh, and camping lol, they don't like that. Don't punish anything OoS that you don't know for sure is punishable, because most stuff is safe when spaced properly. After DB 2 you can usmash Marth OoS, DB 3 too, so whatever you're comfortable with. Dair outranges his uair, can be useful. Don't get gimped by runoff fairs. Try not to get grabbed at low %s. Keep an eye out for the insane punishment range Marth has with DB, and also how it can get you offstage (where you really don't want to be).

Hope that helped, lmk if you want me to elaborate on anything. See ya there :)



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
okay i'll sing with you arda
Yessssssss. Sometime today after 6pm sound good?

but i don't think you have any authority to write anything about the snake match up =)
PLAY ME WITHOUT LAG skdjfnvksdjnvksdfjnv brb crying forever ;_____;


Shall we? :3 I really *really* need non-laggy practice before E4U lol

EDIT: There's a 27-inch for $20 too, basically pick out whatever you want since I can't really bring a TV back with me to NJ :p

You can Usmash :marth: after DB 2 and 3? Really? I usually drop and Fsmash.

Yep. Usmash OoS is just a tiny bit slower if you buffer it (like 2 frames I think?), but does more damage and sets up better imo.



Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
if we hang out, it has to be this friday. i start work monday in SF.

pick any tv you want. id ont have any cash though. i spent it all on my new york trip.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Work never stopped me :p lol aight, I'll text you later and we'll see if we can work something out for today. Are you still free on weekends?



Deleted member

@Kassandra, do you golf?

@Lumi: What stereotypes..? :c

Ended up going golfing with my parents yesterday. It was a lot of fun, even if I do suck at it. :bee:


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
lmaao, Auspher I was the one that said that, and it's not a bad thing, jezux dude. I am glad you broke who I had you pegged for, it's always fun to learn new things about people.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2011
Driving range is da bess

hitting the guy who collects the golf balls is da bess

regular golf is alright, something i'd like to do more often but nothing too excessive

i'm pretty beast at mini golf tho


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
My mini golf sucks so I imagine my normal golf is proportionately worse.

damn fires in CO.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
I work in SF. I probably wont bring my car up so it might be hard to hang out after work
Oh, word. I can pick you up if you get off somewhere close to San Jose if you'd like, but yeah, not having a car makes things harder lol

Driving range is da bess

hitting the guy who collects the golf balls is da bess

regular golf is alright, something i'd like to do more often but nothing too excessive

i'm pretty beast at mini golf tho
This guy knows what's up.



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Ah not much. Been kinda tired, and lately I've been trying a Let's Play of FE10 so yeah. lollll
Nice :o I've never played FE10 and am kinda trying not to play FE anymore because I have mild OCD issues with that game, but don't focus on 1P games enough anymore to avoid pulling stupid moves X___x so, I might check your LP out lol, link perhaps?

Ish Are you going to be at E4U??
I am indeed :3 I assume I shall see you there?

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