There are some potentially crazy-awesome games coming down the pipeline for Wii, by the way. You guys have no idea. I know that's vague -- has to be, but I've seen some stuff that you simply have no idea even exists and frankly, if you did, you'd flip out. Comments like these have a way of backfiring on me and i'm sure some people will be annoyed that I've even brought up, since I'm unable to give even a hint about the projects in question. Others will undoubtedly say that I'm merely making crap up because there's no way anybody can disprove statements that are intentionally so unrevealing. But whatev. I know that if I was in your position, I'd be happy just to know that some very cool, unexpected stuff is brewing somewhere way behind-the-scenes. I swear, when this stuff finally shows up, I'll let you know that I blogged about it way back when. In the meantime, this is probably good material for the IGN Wii message boards.
Next week should be fun. We've got some companies stopping by to show us some Wii games. We'll be announcing a new project or two during the week. Nothing earth-shattering-major, so don't hype yourselves up, but kind of neat all the same. And if we can ever actually play them, games like SSX will be reviewed. By the way, EA never announced its new Wii project, did it? That must be forthcoming, too.
I drive back Sunday, pick up Bozon, and then the two of us make the five-hour trek to San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference. Miyamoto's going to be there. Aonuma. Kondo. Suda 51. And a bunch of other Nintendo peeps and third party devs. I'm expecting the full launch of the Wii Game Demo Channel. I don't know if that's what it's called, but it's the original game equivalent to Virtual Console titles. These are new projects developed for Wii, but downloadable. Do I really need to go on? You know what I'm talking about. I also think Nintendo will go seriously aggressive -- big, big, big -- about supporting and encouraging third parties to go crazy making new "garage" style games for Wii. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.