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Wii/Wii U


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2006
New Orleans, LA

Yea, notice that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection logo in the upper left-hand corner? If this game really does have online, I will buy it just to try out the Wii's online.

fyi, that boxart pic is from IGN.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2005
doing what they need to do to succeed? umm, i dont know where youve been, they just released the best system around, outsold the s- much-highly-anticipated-going-to-change-the-way-you-look-at-games-and-maybe-change-your-life system, the ps3. sony has failed. and microsoft has two things i consider good enough to keep them going, halo and gears of war. however unless they get some new ideas (halo 4? can you say rocky movies?) sometimes soon, theyre going to lose alot (if there is a halo 4 and it is released in 2009, there is very little chance ill get it, because its going to get repetitive...). sure gears of war is great, and a sequel will definitely be good, but they wont be able to just rely on those two franchises to make the 360 the best out there. now not that the wii has the greatest games out there (yet), but i think it has the best potential for making amazing games, and nintendo also has some of the best franchises to work with...if you think about it, just using characters from melee, you could have a good 20 games, all just first party. then you add third parties into that, and theres no way the wii will be lacking in good games in the next couple years. (please note that all of this is my opinion, im not claiming any of these to be absloute facts, its just what i can recall at the current moment...)
Hey, this is my opinion if you have a problem glady express like in your post and 360 aren't going to relly on just 2 franchises because there are more 3rd party support than the wii. You think halo might get repetitive? Look at Zelda:

New evil comes...
New Link comes...
Link must stop the evil...
Link must collect 1000 things to get to somewhere...
Link defeats the evil...
Game starts over from your last save...
No mutliplayer...
No fun...

Twilight princess and ocarina of time and all other zelda games were and are "the best game ever" and i agree with that all the way except when you finish zelda with like all hearts and poes(which i did) then your zelda will be at the bottom of your game stack, never to be played again.

BTW: Primus Fan, I'm not a 360 fanboy. I had a nes, snes, nintendo 64, gamecube, and i still have my wii. Also i am waiting for MP3 and brawl, and if MP3 was online....Then i'll call it the best game ever. Im on 360 side right NOW but if wii can get the best of games i'll be 50/50 with 360 and Wii, maybe more.

Now go on with your conversation.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
smashbros_777 said:
No fun...
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when was Zelda not fun? I had a huge amount of fun in TP's Sand Dungeon with my Spinner. Every boss fight was amazing. Not every game needs multiplayer. The Zelda series as a whole is about having the best possible single player experience. There are few series (if any) that reach the bar that Zelda has set and continues to raise.

I put 40 hours into Twilight Princess. After beating it, I put 50 hours into WoW. I enjoyed TP more, despite WoW having multiplayer and TP being a single player experience only.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah zelda is very repetitive, the twilight thing has been so many times, not to mention zant has appeared so many times as well, and dont get me starting on WW, the cell shade has been used in the zelda games for too long... [/sarcasm]

Blazing angels with online? I dont know, gotta check with IGN and check the score, to c if its good or not...


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Smashbros_777 said:
Twilight princess and ocarina of time and all other zelda games were and are "the best game ever" and i agree with that all the way except when you finish zelda with like all hearts and poes(which i did) then your zelda will be at the bottom of your game stack, never to be played again.
I agree with you, actually. Zelda does kinda dim away once you beat it all 100%...but seriously, the only one I've ever done that with was OoT, and it was just because MM sucked for me, so I had no other way to get my 3D Zelda fix.

DAMMIT GAW, I've been gone for like 3 days and saw that news 2 days ago, wanted to tell you guys but forgot to sit down at my computer yes'aday. Hoped I could tell you today but NOOOOOOOO, you've already told everybody. Pfft....jerk. That Gamefaqs thing, however, makes me wonder why the HELL people are so happy with the VC...

Anything with the WiFi thing on it doesn't mean it's online...yet. Remember, Tony Hawk for the Wii had the online thing also, but it wasn't online.

As for this whole GDC and stock thing...I'm not really sure what to think of it. For those who don't know about it, Nintendo asked the Japanese government to sell their stock...and they did. Now, they are unable to make any big announcements, due to the fact that that would be manipulation of stock prices. However, 'big' is a relative term, and Nintendo might be able to say certain things about certain existing games (read: Smash), without getting into too much trouble.

I guess we'll see, though, won't we?


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Haha, sorry Sensai.

and why the hell is Cassamassina's blog not in the top 20 or w/e anymore. Pisses me off, cause I can't find a search blog function on there.

Anyways, I hate to admit it, but I'm enjoying myself much more playing OoT for the first time than TP. I honestly think that TP is a great game, but the magic meter and tons of sidequests in OoT make it much more epic. I also see myself spending much more time beating OoT than TP (even though TP took me 65 hours to 100%).

Man, there is a serious dryspell of Wii games right now. Maybe I'll get Mario Party 8, but otherwise theres nothing.

Actually, I'm considering getting SSX Blur, but other than that the soonest game coming out that I want is BWii.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Mr.GAW said:
Man, there is a serious dryspell of Wii games right now. Maybe I'll get Mario Party 8, but otherwise theres nothing.
Delayed 'til June, I think. Sorry to break it to you...

The blog thing is something I'm unsure about, but for some reason their blogs are always effed up. There were no new posts, so don't worry too much about it (it was someone else's favorite blog, so I clicked it).

When is BWii coming out? It's got online play last time I checked, and I love strategy games, so I'll be picking that one up.

And you don't want Super Paper Mario? It looks so cool...haha.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Actually, I forgot about that paper mario. I loved the N64 one and the Cube one, but still, isn't that like April 27th release date or something?

BWii has no official release date, but I hear rumors of a release before summer. I think the game is just about finished up, but they need to make online and ninty's giving them nothing to work with.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2006
New Orleans, LA
BWii is actually one of the games i'm looking forward to most. I don't know why, but it just looks freaking AWESOME. The online play will add a lot also. I'm so interested in BWii that I ordered the original Battalion Wars for the Cube the other day, since I haven't played it yet.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

I'll probably be getting that sooner or later...

You guys see the games that came out today for the VC?

Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - SNES - 1 player - 800 Wii Points
Elevator Action - NES - 1-2 players - 500 Wii Points
Sword of Vermilion - Sega Genesis - 1 player - 800 Wii Points

Nothing else to report. See you gents at a later date.



Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
BWii looks good, but there's 2 other titles I am very interested in- Heatseeker, and Space Station Tycoon. Heatseeker looks to be awesome, according to GS, who went hands on recently, and SST is Tycoon, so it should be a blast.
There's a lot of non-big-name great titles coming out, that's good.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Hey, this is my opinion if you have a problem glady express like in your post and 360 aren't going to relly on just 2 franchises because there are more 3rd party support than the wii. You think halo might get repetitive? Look at Zelda:

New evil comes...
New Link comes...
Link must stop the evil...
Link must collect 1000 things to get to somewhere...
Link defeats the evil...
Game starts over from your last save...
No mutliplayer...
No fun...

Twilight princess and ocarina of time and all other zelda games were and are "the best game ever" and i agree with that all the way except when you finish zelda with like all hearts and poes(which i did) then your zelda will be at the bottom of your game stack, never to be played again.

BTW: Primus Fan, I'm not a 360 fanboy. I had a nes, snes, nintendo 64, gamecube, and i still have my wii. Also i am waiting for MP3 and brawl, and if MP3 was online....Then i'll call it the best game ever. Im on 360 side right NOW but if wii can get the best of games i'll be 50/50 with 360 and Wii, maybe more.

Now go on with your conversation.
Multiplayer =/= great game. Metroid and Zelda are known as some of the greatest series ever created in video game history. By introducing multiplayer, you're challenging the very essence of those two franchises (i.e. feeling of being alone to explore a huge, unknown world). I think that multiplayer for Metroid and Zelda should be limited to gimmicks/spinoffs like Hunters and Four Swords Adventures rather than a canonical game. Don't get me wrong, I thought Hunters and Four Swords Adventures were great, but I don't consider them an actual continuation of the storyline but rather as spinoff titles.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
WiiToob (they misspelled it on IGN, or they changed the official spelling) works fine. All it does is make the video a tad bigger so that it fits on your TV better. I, myself, am not convinced it's better, per se, as you can easily zoom in a little on YouTube for a fairly big picture.

And GDC news is a no. Miyamoto's speech is Thursday, and pretty much nothing at all today. I'll keep you guys posted.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
The normal YouTube screen kinda bothers me on the TV. Zoom on the movie image and you have a fairly big screen I suppose, but I can't read anything subtitled (guess it's only my problem; I happen to view a bunch of Japanese things). Then when I zoom from the right side on the screen, it goes too far and I can't see the whole image. You'd think zooming wouldn't be a problem on the Wii, like simply pushing and pulling the remote from the screen.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Ok...I'm just going to assume that the Nintendo news is going to flood at us on Thursday/Friday....

Seriously. It's gotta be that way. The only news, with the small exception of SquareEnix's 'Build Your Own Game Training' game thing for the DS, is COMPLETELY X360 related....

C'mon man. Throw us a bone. Hell, even show us what Sony's doing. Just give me something new.


Updated to show a quote from Devastlian on another thread...:

Devastlian said:
According to one RawmeatCowboy, Nintendo's stuff doesn't start until Wednesday, though, we might get something (something as in anything from Nintendo pertaining to anything) tomorrow.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I hope Ninty tells us something new. If it weren't for OoT, I would be completely bored with my Wii as of now.

Elebits is fun... there's just nothing encouraging me to finish and unlock all the extras.

... and how the hell do you make a basket?


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Primus, that's (probably) not true. That was probably seen on BestBuy.com or something, and just copy/pasted. It's also a Friday, when Sunday is the historic day for Nintendo to release 'ZOMG-****e!'

Also, for those who owns a PS3 and enjoyed Miis, it looks like you'll be getting to do the exact same thing, AGAIN. In better graphics! And on top of that, for those who like the 360's achievements, that too has been added into the PS3. Yay Sony!


On top of that, there's a game that bears a strange similarity, kinship, or something to Elebits...it looks, actually, REALLY cool.

But why are they focusing on this? There are so many other problems with the PS3 right now, why would they go and try to do this before correcting others?


And for those who had heard and maybe believed in the rumors that no third party online games would be released in 2007...take a look here.


In the comments, someone has a link that leads to a few screenshots of a Sega game, too.

And to top it off, there are Miis in the Sega game....cool.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wow they 1st took the sensibility idea from nintendo, now they made their own versions of mii?

Wow sony give urself a pat on the back for originality [/sarcasm]


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Nintendo has to start releasing some new stuff. What's with the dryspell? Sony and even M$ are constantly releasing new games and features, and Nintendo really need to step it up a notch.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Bloody... I'm actually quite surprised at Nintendo. You'd think after being ripped off so many times, they'd start stealing some of Sony's ideas, but they dont. They just keep chugging along with new, inventive ideas. In a way it's honorable, but in another... I WANT A RIPOFF OF KINGDOM OF HEARTS!


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I have kindom hearts 1 and 2, and I've gotta say, I don't really enjoy playing them. I can't say why, but I never really got into FFX either. Those are the only RPG's for the PS2 that I have, maybe I need some better ones, but I like what Nintendos doing right now. I'd much rather have another zelda than some Sony ripoffs.

The only game I have for PS2 that I really enjoy is Guitar Hero II (and I), and Wii already has that coming out in 08. (Hopefully).

The only thing Nintendo should copy from Sony is the direction the art and graphics are going. I know Wii can't handle PS3 graphics, but the general art direction that Sony is taking looks great.

BTW, I like the sig common, I have good memories with those comics.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2006
Palm Bay, FL
I really stopped caring what Sony does. I know Im never going to own a PS3, so why should I care? They can rip of as much as they want. They could even create something totally original. I still wouldnt think its worth the $600+. The Wii or mabe a 360 would do just fine for me.

I really dont like what Nintendo is doing right now. It really needs to start supporting 3rd parties and online play. Here we are screaming at the top of our lungs for some online play and It seems Nintendo isnt jumping at the opprotunity. If I could play with other people across the world then it would have been more Elibits than just a rent, Madden 07 wouldnt be collecting dust, and Wii Sports wouldnt have gotten so old so quick.

edit: Ditto on the Calvin and Hobbes. I still have my book from the 4th grade.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
New Wii Release Dates from GDC

Super Paper Mario: April 9 - Nintendo

Prince of Persia Rival Swords: April - Ubisoft

Bust-A-Move Bash - April - Majesco

Bionicle Heroes - April - Eidos

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon - May 15 - Midway

Mario Party 8 - May 29 - Nintendo

Tamagotchi Party On - May - Namco Bandai

Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End - May - Disney Interactive

Escape from Bug Island - May - Eidos

Spider-Man The Movie 3 - May - Activision

Big Brain Academy - June 11 - Nintendo

Pokemon Battle Revolution - June 25 - Nintendo

Cosmic Family - June - Ubisoft

Heatseeker - Spring - Codemasters

Legend of the Dragon - Q2 - American Game Factory

Shrek the Third - Summer - Activision

Transformers the Game - Summer - Activision

Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/771/771326p1.html

The article also states that MP3: Corruption will not have a Q1 or Q2 Release Date.

Also from GDC: http://wii.ign.com/articles/771/771336p1.html
You can plan to see the first online game for Wii in North America June 25th.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
GAW...you beat me yet again.

And I cannot think of one Sony idea that I want Nintendo to take.

....wait, I can't think of one Sony idea that wasn't taken from somewhere else period.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Super Paper Mario now. It seems you still level up and gain badges, but it's put toward helping your platforming skills, rather than your fighting ones. April 9th.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I actually think the "Home" idea is pretty cool. It's different enough from Miis that's hardly a rip. With Miis you can create a caricature of yourself to use in a few games. With "Home"(is that what it's actually called?) you can have a room you can decorate with items you get from games.

It would have been nice if Nintendo had done something like this. I would like to have a little room decorated with items like Midna's helmet from TP. The graphical style and capabilities aren't even similar to Miis. And it's not like Nintendo invented avatars are something. Maybe now Nintendo will add a feature like this. I know I wouldn't complain.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Still it has similarities, Nintendo made a motion sensitive control, and look sony add motion sensitivity too, and now, nintendo created the miis, personal caricature avatars of urself, nintendo is the 1st of the 3 companies to make it, and now all of a sudden sony made their own? sur ehtey added more stuff, but I, way back when I use the mii channel for the 1st time, Imagined that future versions of the mii channel will have accesories, like headphones, and t shirts with logos, so I didnt complain...

man if Sony copies the touch screen from the DS and adds it to the psp, im gonna be incredibly pissed...


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
That home managing, being able to customize you room, and inviting friends over reminds me of Animal Crossing. o_O But you know, a lot more realistic. Looks like Nintendo and Sony could end up competing in matters that don't even have to do with actual games, but rather simple communication with others.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
...so I got Sonic and the Secret Rings. Really hard to get used to, but once you do, it gets really fun-- and a bit distressing at times.

There's some point where Wii developers are going to think: "You know what? We don't have to TRY as hard as we've been doing."

There's times in sonic where you just wish you had a control stick. Just to jump somewhere. But no, you have to contort your body in various ways to back up, jump on a ledge, and grab a ring.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
I really stopped caring what Sony does.
Well, that attitude is a bit silly. >_>

Just because Sony made a few lousy business decisions--albeit business decisions that resulted in an overpriced console, a dearth of games, a lackluster launch, and awful cosmetic/aesthetic designs--doesn't mean that gamers shouldn't care about what Sony is doing.

Whether we like it or not, Sony is a large contributer to the videogame industry. SCEA produced some kick*** games (ICO and Shadow of the Colossus), and their console is one of primary means that RPGs appear in the US (Disgaea, Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, etc.).

People are under this really weird assumption that Sony (like Microsoft) is this really evil company that steals ideas to make themselves rich, and cares only about profit. . .but the whole POINT of a firm is profit maximization, not the satisfaction of their consumers (though the two are obviously related). People forget that Nintendo is the same way. That's why they're using that "Blue Ocean" strategy to widen their consumer base. . .they want more money. :ohwell:

. . .in other news, Super Paper Mario looks incredible. They have this really cool mechanic where you can flip the world between 2D and 3D. Come April 9th, I'm definitely getting that.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Absolutely nothing from Miyamoto's keynote, in case anyone was wondering.

Given, we all knew that it would be very little, if anything. Pretty much the only thing said was that Miyamoto's working on a channel that is some type of popularity contest for the Wii, and that Mario Galaxy is coming out in 2007. Given, we already knew that last part...

And I think the Home thing is cool, also. That's what makes me distraught: that Nintendo OBVIOUSLY had the opportunity to do this, but didn't.

Here's to hoping that AC is **** near perfect on the Wii.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Dont lose hopes yet sensai, they will probably give more info when were at least expecting it, just like SSBB, we just gotta wait and hopefully by tomorrow night we get mp3 info, or a new ssbb trailer
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