Paranoid, I just can't imagine what's taken them THIS long to release it. I mean, seriously...unless this is them just attempting to strategically space their titles, then I cannot think of any other reason.
I just watched something 'bout the DICE thing on IGN...and they (kinda?) interviewed somebody up top about Wii Sports II. They (Jessica Chobot) asked if it was in the works, or could we expect to see it soon, and the guy answered 'If I told you that, I'd have to kill you.' Then, after pushing a bit more, he said 'Well, I won't deny it...'
And now I'm listening to the Wiik in review thing, and they're talking about Sonic and the Secret Rings. This is Matt, Jess, and Bozon....and none of them really seem to like it, although Matt did say something along the lines of it being the 'best 3D Sonic game ever, although that's really not saying anything.'
He also just said that it looks really good for a Wii game, which is good.
And now they're talking about Wii Play. If you didn't see the Wii Play review, it was pretty bad, according to them. Anyways, I'll report back if anything else is said.
Weird...they're talking about something that they can't talk about. Interesting. I'll try to type out the can tell me what you think. The '...' is me skipping space.
Bozon: 'But we did play a game...we obviously can't talk about...Can we touch on the fact that we visited and saw this game?'
Casa: 'I don't think we can even do that. But there are certain games out there, I'm sure you guys can figure it out...'
Bozon: 'Lemme just say I have been enjoying first person shooters and I took a good look at CoD 3 again to kinda compare it to one of it's competitive projects.'
Casa: 'I think you can pretty much figure it out. There're not too many direct competitors to CoD 3.'
Then they go on to talk about how there will be more seen on Tuesday, and more seen [Casa:] 'on other channels somewhere else, since we got effed on that one.'
Bozon: 'Oh ya, no exclusive.'
And then, looking for anything else to talk about, Matt says that they do have some 'major, major news' that they can't talk about any of that 'for a long time.'
WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! Could it be about MP3? At first, that's what I was thinking, and when he said the thing about 'exclusive', I thought he meant other news sources...but now, looking over it, he might be talking about other channels on IGN, meaning a game on more then one platform.
And the big news...I have no idea. No idea at all, seeing as how the Game Developer's Conference isn't all that far away...