faux finder has some good players.
allisbrawl has more good players.
i've learned what i've learned in 2 environments. wifi, and irl vs. on wifi, it's a combo of friends and with anyone... it culminates in hours various scenarios and situations that add to the total "experience" ... my move sets, approaches, defenses, etc. heh sitting with sandbag in the practice room has actually made me come up with some crazy combos that I then try and sometimes they work, usually tho it just adds to the mind games which is at the heart of battle. IRL where I play there's never lag. we join up and play teams or have little mini battels and round robins or whatever but it somehow always boils down to who's going to be the "prick" and pick metaknight or who's the better marth (I hate dittos) then I go back online and play more wifi cause there's so much more variety. lag issues asside, I still learn way more online.
the third environment I don't actually do... Training Mode. Unlike in TK or VF I see no real advantage to using training mode over the wifi waiting room. could this be expounded on more? I mean there's the obvious; sandbag's physics are different, etc. and you can't program him to run away, LOL! that'd be funny looking, but anyway yeah I just don't get why training mode is important, if it's just to cleanse yourself of lag-brawl that's not really necessary IMO unless you suffer from that specifically.