Alright WI. Here's the deal. I'm about to propose something pretty extreme, and I already know there will be some people opposed to it (Spikes). But I'm def planning on hosting tournies on a regular basis soon. as in monthlies. Here's the deal, as a business major, I've been going through a few ideas in my head on business ideas and what not. I've got some ideas for stuff video game related, but in order for me to start making some money to put toward a checking account for that I've decided to host tournies for profit!!! what you say? tournies for profit? Pay outs would be the exact same as my past tournies. The difference would be in the venue fee.
Here's what I've decided to do. I'm planning on hosting the tournies at the same place RoW was held. Same prices for both venue and entree fees, the difference is set up fees. Instead of everyone who brings a full set up getting the fee waived, the first 10 people to bring full set ups will get it waived. So say 30 people show up. 10 get in free, the other 20 bring set ups, I break even. If 28 show up, I lose money. But if more than 30 show up, I make cash. It's not a huge amount of money being made on my part, but I'm seeing it as a risk-reward type of deal. And since I'm also taking what's left of venue fees, I'm promising to run smooth tournies. I understand that in the past I've had a lot of help from other people to run my tournies, and I wouldn't be where I am without them, but I feel like I can handle this on my own, and I really want to start doing these tournies more often, since what I plan to do for business is VERY based on it. If these go over well, you can expect them monthly starting in late May/Early June. If you don't like it, you don't have to come, although not much will be different, other than I'm putting a huge target on my back to run a smooth tourney. Anyways, I thought I'd let WI know, and if/when I do host these, I'll make sure it's in the thread so that EVERYONE is aware, and I'm not pulling any funny business in the background.