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WI Thread


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Racine, WI
so anyone else going to the cyber arena/screenz tournament today, that's driving and has room for one more in their car? i'm totally on the way down to chicago. "looks at eighteenspikes"


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
haha cosmo i dont understand our sig at all but i love it :D
I think all of cosmos sigs are pretty amazing myself. specially weej.

Here's a lil taste of whats goin on in the solid snake discussion thread....

Havokk said:
I'm grounded for running away, my computer time is limited due to me moving rooms (otherwise I wouldn't have it at all). I should be ungrounded in a week or two, but until then expect few if any updates from me. I have more important things (suprisingly)then SWF. My girlfriends suicidal right now, and going through a really rough time. I'm trying to help her through it. Me and my parents are obviously going through a rough time, otherwise I wouldn't have run away. Other then personal problems with family and my girlfriend, everything is going alright.

Family problems have stopped since I told them things, but I'm still in trouble for running away. So give that 2-3 weeks to settle down and have me return to full activity.

Girlfriends doing better, but still going through a really rough time. She's more important than anything in this world right now, including family. However she won't really affect my activity because I only get to see her at school / school events / when I'm invited by her grandparents to go somewhere, otherwise we text or chat on a dA chat. (god I wish I could drive...)
Take it and get out.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
Dude, you gotta go ganon. Two ganon mains for empire? gg every other crew ever.

And sheik is like the copout character....IMO
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