You just did it, you didn't look at anything I've said and didn't say anything with any substance. Respond to what I have said. It really looks like you just responded to the last sentence, the others are there for a reason as well.
Your lack of comprehension is very irksome. I ignored the rest of your post because it was flat out invalid. You're making a false assumption about my argument, so all I need to to is point it out, and correct you. I don't have to entertain the conclusions you made with your false assumption, because the very fact that you falsely assumed something about my argument makes yours untrue. I have not rejected scientific facts. I'm not saying that quantum physics is a lie, far from it. In fact, the observed phenomena in quantum physics further advances my own point, that science needs to explain some very confusing things in order for an atheistic theory of creation to be sound.
And the best part about Quantum Physics is that most of the outlandish claims have been empirically observed. Double Slit experiment varifies that atoms exist as both waves and particles (2 states at once), Scientists have actually gotten 2 atoms entangled. Don't try to mistake Quantum physics with theoretical physics. Must of the claims have been verified through observation. Also, to claim that the more outlandish the claims become the more we should question them is silly. The universe doesn't act in the way that it seems to us. For example Quantum mechanics seems ridiculous because it only works at molecular levels. Since stuff like this doesn't happen in our daily lives, you can expect it to seem weird. The same goes for Relativity. The concept of time being able to tick at different rates for different objects, that space can curve all seem directly contradictory to our senses. It's because these describe situations that never occur in our daily lives is why the seem silly to us.
I'll repeat the same thing I just said to Holder. I do not doubt the observations of quantum physics, I doubt the ability of those premises to lead to an ultimate truth about creation that does not deal with metaphysics. This doubt comes from the very fact that the very observations of quantum physics are outlandish, unpredictable, and difficult to comprehend. For example, the results of the Double Silt experiment are true. That's fine, but WHY are they true? How can they be true? What causes them function in this manner? Has science answered these questions?
Also, the reason Atheist's don't ask questions is because they leave Science to Scientists. If they say something, I'm not going to question it because they most likely know a lot more about the subject and spend much more time dedicated to it than me, so I'd just let them do Science rather than question things that seem silly and be regarded as an idiot.
It's absolutely foolish for an atheist to not question science. This is the problem I have with atheism: it assumes the truth that God doesn't exist without fact, and people who ascribe to that belief do so without trying to understand existence past what science tells them. You jump to a conclusion, hoping that other people will do the thinking for you. At most, I can understand agnosticism, because agnosticism acknowledges the unknown and the lack of effectiveness of science alone to make the conclusion, but not atheism.
You don't have to question the credibility of a scientific discovery, but you do have to question the origins of that theory, how that theory is made possible in the first place.
Not everything lol, don't get your hopes up. But we know enough to say with certainty certain things about the universe.
If you recall my statements about 20 pages ago, I said multiple times that I don't believe science could ever understand everything without accepting metaphysics, so that answer doesn't surprise me, and my hopes certainly weren't up. The certainty at which we can determine things about the universe is completely unknown. Think of before Einstein's theory, when it was "certain" that time moved at a set pace. None of us has any idea how certain we can be about how we understand the universe.
The quantum fluctuation theory that particles come in and out of existence from nothing.
Ok, so you do understand that I'm not debating whether or not this theory is true, right? I'm saying that, even if this theory is true, in order for an atheistic argument for existence to be sound, there must be an explanation for why particles come in and out of existence that does not require metaphysics. You can't simply conclude that the universe could be made without a god if you don't know why and how particles come in and out of existence.
Once more, you simply wish to believe in God. You say, with no knowledge of the subject, that it is "fishy", and therefore find it less stock worthy than your outlandish idea of God. You admit this, but then just go on to say you're right anyhow.
Ok, in case you didn't get the picture last time, this time I have highlighted what exactly you are misunderstanding about me.
The blue is your faulty premise. You think that I think that the discoveries that we've seen from science are lies. This is false, I'm not saying this. What I think is fishy is the trend that these observations follow, and that trend is the total absurdity of scientific finds. My point is that to totally understand creation, science now has to understand and explain these absurd empirically observed phenomena.
The red is your faulty conclusion, which I will ignore because since your premise was faulty, so was your conclusion.
Do you understand now why I ignore half the stuff you say? It's because far too often you misunderstand my arguments.
And scientists are constantly questioning and testing things everyday, I believe you are the only one not questioning anything, with your cop-out answer that God is some illogical thing that made us.
I certainly have questioned more than you. It seems to me that you can't ask a question that science hasn't already answered. You're totally dependent on science to think everything for you. Have you asked at all, "How is it possible that particles come in and out of existence at random?" Have you come up with a theory that makes sense? Have you philosophized over it? If so then tell me. Show me all the questions you ask, since you claim that I'm the one not asking the questions.
The argument for God is not a cop out. It's the argument of necessity, cause and effect, the same argument I made several pages ago, that you could never find a flaw in. More than anything, you're the one who simply wants to be an atheist, because you're the one not asking the questions and jumping to conclusions without any knowledge of emperical fact and no developed philosophy.