alright, for some reason i examined the backside of the ssbm cover today and i noticed that the characters play with 5 instead of 4 stocks. this made me wonder if sakurai wanted the game to be played in a way like this?
so lets go over this idea in detail. first of all something in favor of this is that the matches leave you more time to adapt to your opponent (exactly one stock more). that will nerf characters that only rely on cheap tactics since you have a bigger studying window to get used to your opponent. this would benefit the real smart players for example armada. because if armada loses stocks due to cheapness for example hungrybox does utilt to rest which can settle a game with 4 stocks but not with 5 stocks since armada knows exactly when its gonna come next time. and hungrybox then doesnt know that armada knows that because as i said 5 stocks will leave you with more room for real skill instead of abusing cheap strategies over and over again.
so i think moves that even armada cannot predict because they are random/weird/no one would do it in that situation can settle a match with 4 stocks but that isnt true skill rather than relying on luck. 5 stocks gives the player a chance to comeback and it would benefit the real skilled player. im certain we wouldnt see so much backair spam/rest spam with jigglypuff. but what we will see are crazy mindgames for example from armada.
what do you think?
so lets go over this idea in detail. first of all something in favor of this is that the matches leave you more time to adapt to your opponent (exactly one stock more). that will nerf characters that only rely on cheap tactics since you have a bigger studying window to get used to your opponent. this would benefit the real smart players for example armada. because if armada loses stocks due to cheapness for example hungrybox does utilt to rest which can settle a game with 4 stocks but not with 5 stocks since armada knows exactly when its gonna come next time. and hungrybox then doesnt know that armada knows that because as i said 5 stocks will leave you with more room for real skill instead of abusing cheap strategies over and over again.
so i think moves that even armada cannot predict because they are random/weird/no one would do it in that situation can settle a match with 4 stocks but that isnt true skill rather than relying on luck. 5 stocks gives the player a chance to comeback and it would benefit the real skilled player. im certain we wouldnt see so much backair spam/rest spam with jigglypuff. but what we will see are crazy mindgames for example from armada.
what do you think?