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Why I am a Christian


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
I agree. What is normal? I don't know what the exact definition is. Who knows. All I know is that it has absolutely nothing to do with your religious beliefs. There are so many different ones, how can one of them be normal. Eor was implying that I should "leave the normal people alone." He was implying that normal people are religious, which makes no sense at all..What is religious? What is normal?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Saying that I look dumb and that I know nothing is really constructive. What would you consider to be constructive? A solution to get rid of religion? If you want to say these things about me for saying my opinions fine, you look dumb, not me.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Saying that I look dumb and that I know nothing is really constructive. What would you consider to be constructive? A solution to get rid of religion? If you want to say these things about me for saying my opinions fine, you look dumb, not me.
I'm dumb how? I'm not the one acting like I have some personal vendetta with religion.

You've provided nothing constructive to the argument only derail it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
I don't agree with organized religion. I do have a personal problem with organized religion. Im not acting like it, i am it. I think that religion forces, and nothing forced can be good. What do you want me to say?
Im being as contructive as i can be on the subject.
All youve done is provided attacks on me.


Smash Cadet
Jan 27, 2008
Arlington, Texas
Just want to start off saying that I really liked the OP's post, and he's the perfect example of Christians that I do enjoy and that I believe join for the right reasons: the people, and not the crazy ones, but the ones who are nice, smart, and helpful. Because at this point in time, I really think it's near-impossible to find a smart person that also believes everything the Bible says as well. Let's face it, common sense today tells us that most of the Bible simply can't be true.

Just like every religion, Christianity has its extreme goods and its extreme bads. For example, US churches have donated more money/supplies to 3rd world countries/victims of natural disasters than anything in the entire world, including the government and other religions. No matter how we look at it, religion is a very very good thing when it comes to the economy. Christianity in many (not all) places is now converting from a way of life to a nonprofit organization. For an example of bad... well, everyone in the movie "Jesus Camp".

I'll admit that I don't technically have a religion. However, I do believe that I could consider myself "Christian" (although if anyone asks, I just say I don't have a religion) even though I don't go to church, don't believe in God/heaven, have never read the (entire) Bible, and honestly can't think of one religious person I can even STAND to be around--I live in Texas, which is known for its religious nuts. However, I do believe that the Bible is a very good general outline of lessons and morals that basically shows how to live, and I highly respect the churches for all the work they've done just for their constant efforts make everyone happy.


The Ultimate Sore Loser ♡
Nov 20, 2007
I'm filling in for my mom at the inn we run~
People, people, this isn't a discussion, but a Q&A thing. Keep it like that.

I will try to answer any questions you may have. Please understand that it may take time to find your answer and write it up. I may also have to go to someone more knowledgable and get the answer.
(And the topic creator isn't here, whats the use? He hasn't even answered a question either...)

CivicSmash, if you want to debate try here. Its of God and Christianity, enjoy yourself.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Christianity a non-profit organization? Please don't make me laugh. The church next to my house costs tens of millions of dollars to build. The pastor of that church has a bentley, jaguar, and porsche. His house costs several million. Where did that money come from? Rich Christians.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Christianity a non-profit organization? Please don't make me laugh. The church by my house probably costed tens of millions to build. The pastor of that church has several cars over the 100,000 mark. His house is a gigantic mansion in a private neighborhood with its own golf course and country club. Where did all that money come from? Wealthy Christians. Wow being a pastor can be a high paying profession. Maybe I should consider it.


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Please read my post, and then you can ask me some questions at the end. Also, if you can tell me how to edit my posts to add some indents in the paragraphs to make it look neater I'd appreciate it! I ask that all parties in this thread please remain civil, and try to ask things in a fairly neutral manner.

I want to start off with a personal testimony of how I became a Christian. After that I will go into some things you guys might be a bit more interested in. I am only one person and I would guess that there are a great many eloquent athiests/deists/agnostics on this board. I ask that you do not overwhelm me with questions, and that you do not ssume that I am not an intellectual due to my belief. I may not have all of the answers, but if I do not, I assure you I will make every attempt to find someone that does have the answer. And with that, I'll begin my short testimony.

I grew up in a decidedly non-Christian home. I guess you could say that my parents were deists. They even called themselves Christian, and so did I. We didn't go to church, we didn't own a Bible, and "Jesus Christ" was a word you said when you were angry. I suppose we were 'cultural Christians'. So as I got older I went from being vaguely deist to hardcore outspoken athiest throughout much of my high school life. In fact, at the time, I hated Christians. I certainly would have hated God too if, as I thought, he actually existed. I suppose I hated the idea of God more than anything. I felt strong, I did not need a 'crutch' as I called it.

I didn't feel like I was missing anything in my life. I was fairly popular in school, I was smart, had a loving family, and I always had food on the table. I didn't understand what the big deal was with going to church. Video games sure sounded like a better proposition for sunday morning to me.

Near the end of high school I started watching a group of kids who always stuck together and were very tight knit. I knew they were Christians. In fact, the few that were in my classes earned some pretty harsh statements for being such pseudo-intellectuals. I made it my job to be mean to this one girl in my class every day, every chance I could get. She did something that made me angrier and angier every day. She was nice to me. I couldn't understand why she didn't slap me, or yell, or even report it to a teacher.

Well, my friends eventually became hardcore alcoholics. It seemed like every night they'd go out and drink. Sometimes they'd bash mailboxes and other really idiotic things. I decided not to do any of that. One morning, just on a whim, I thought I'd 'try this church thing out'. Those people I'd treated bad before seemed very excited to see me at church. The fact that my friends were so tolerant of me really made me think. I did not immediately become a Christian. It did cause me to step back and take a 2nd look at Christianity. The rest, as they say, is history.

I'd never seen anyone really live out what they say they believed like I did these people. In fact, it shocked me to see that some Christians actually do occasionally 'practice what they preach.'

Now I understand that many people have a problem with Christianity because of Christians. I believe I read a quote by Gandhi at one point saying "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians." I think it is important to note two groups within Gandhi's Christians. First, I think there is a group that imitates Christians to give them a bad name. I believe this is a small group proportionally to the other group, which are 'cultural Christians'. These are people that have been brought up to be a "Christian" because thats what mommy and daddy said they were. These people sincerely believe that they are Christians, and they do not see a need to act like a Christian in their public life. They have a face they wear 6 days a week, and then they have a sunday face. These are the big instigators of trouble inside and outside of church for Christians. For example, they may not ever tithe, but when the finance report for the church comes around they have the most questions and complaints.

Unfortunately, I cannot blame fakers for all of the problems of the Church. I make mistakes. All Christians make mistakes, and we will be the first to tell you that. My pastor goes so far as to say "Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints." The Bible teaches that we are freed from our inability to resist sin. We are still capable of sin, but it is within our power to fight and overcome a temptation in our life. Also, if we commit a sin, we are forgiven for that sin if we repent and truly make the effort to turn from that sin. Please understand that we are human, and that at times we may make a mistake.

I will try to answer any questions you may have. Please understand that it may take time to find your answer and write it up. I may also have to go to someone more knowledgable and get the answer.

Thanks for your time!
Deadtosin: Amen to what you said. I mean. Its true. Us Christians are still people. We still make mistakes and that we are sinful. And God is always forgiving.

Civicsmash: The way that you're talking ain't earning any respect from anybody. But let me explain to you: Christians, aren't necessarily "rich". I'm not sure if that church that you're talking is a Christian church. It could be morman, or catholic. And it's all different. You ask, how does the church get money? Well, Christians offering our money to the church, in God's purposes, such as construction of the church, church activities, church facilities, etc.


Mar 15, 2001
Christianity isn't a religion.
Dictionary.com said:
re·li·gion [ri-lij-uhn]
–noun 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
Well, everybody else disagrees.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
Ireland. . . anyone?
What debate, we both know that christianity is a religion based on fabrication (either of the abilities of a character or the character in its entirety) and that anyone who believes in it is obviously deluding themselves. Now that doesn't make it a bad thing unless christianity causes them to be a disruption of society(ies).
Yeah, all true, I'm not really sure what we're disagreeing about. I'm just waiting for DeadtoSin to respond, where's he off to?

Although I'm not sure about the "obviously deluding themselves" sentiment, for instance, if God himself were to talk to you directly and prove his existence to you, for whatever reason, and you subsequently converted to Christianity, I think you would be justified in doing so, no?

CivicSmash said:
Christianity and the catholic church are evil.
Stop trolling, stop triple posting, stop the intentionally provocative gross generalisations and start contributing to this thread. That, or leave


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I agree. What is normal? I don't know what the exact definition is. Who knows. All I know is that it has absolutely nothing to do with your religious beliefs. There are so many different ones, how can one of them be normal. Eor was implying that I should "leave the normal people alone." He was implying that normal people are religious, which makes no sense at all..What is religious? What is normal?
No, I was implying that normal people are tolerate. I'm agnostic, I definitely do not view the basis of normality on religion. Instead, I was calling you an arrogant prick who knows nothing of the world, and I was saying you are no different then Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson. Maybe when you grow a sense of empathy and can judge people outside of your shell you can have a serious debate about this.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
I am a tolerate person, I don't believe that christians are because there history and beliefs are based on intolerance. I never called anyone an arrogant prick, but go ahead and say that if it makes you feel better. Also, Eor, debating with a little kid is a waste of my time.
I know nothing about the world? Im a college graduate and ive been here for longer than you.
How am i like Pat Robertson? He is a consevative christian.........?
Instead of attacking me personally why don't you try to point out flaws in my statements.
I do have empathy...empathy for all that have died as a result of religion, probably millions.
I cant feel empathy for a christian because I cant understand the way they think the way they do.


Banned via Administration
Jul 12, 2001
Soviet Russia
CS, enough. This isn't a debate topic. Stay on topic, or I'll eject you from the game.

I'm sorry to those of you who just lost.


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I am a tolerate person, I don't believe that christians are because there history and beliefs are based on intolerance. I never called anyone an arrogant prick, but go ahead and say that if it makes you feel better. Also, Eor, debating with a little kid is a waste of my time.
I know nothing about the world? Im a college graduate and ive been here for longer than you.
How am i like Pat Robertson? He is a consevative christian.........?
Instead of attacking me personally why don't you try to point out flaws in my statements.
I do have empathy...empathy for all that have died as a result of religion, probably millions.
I cant feel empathy for a christian because I cant understand the way they think the way they do.
You don't understand us Christians because you certainly have never tried to understand or find a way to understand.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
You don't understand us Christians because you certainly have never tried to understand or find a way to understand.
Originally posted by CivicSmash:
"I cant feel empathy for a christian because I cant understand the way they think the way they do."

Empathy doesn't have positive or negative connotations. All I said was i cant put myself in their shoes and identify with them based on the fact that I don't believe in their god.

Im done posing in this thread.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
It takes even more faith to believe that the infinite complexities of this world were created by random chance from...nothing.......riight

Athiests do not accept the idea of a higher power simply because of moral views
You do not want to be held accountable for your actions, you don't want authority and you want to live for yourself. Thats all there is to it you are all self serving and prideful.

Science? what oh your gonna tell me science goes against christianity??
uh yeah ok science has never disproven the bible or anything that is considered fact in it.
When you disprove the existence of jesus or solomon or something come back to me then.
Ignorant people attempt to make christianity sound like an old way of thinking that people refuse to give up on because we cling to the idea of life after death. Technology and science has done nothing to disprove god only now do we understand how complex life really is because of technology. I believe athiests cling to the idea that they are free and no one is watching them which sounds very attractive. If i wasn't raised in the church i might have gone to it myself.
The bible makes sense out of this world and no one has proven otherwise.

People are sinners even christians even me you will never know a true christian only jesus lived the christian life. Athiests are afraid of god and will do anything to disprove him.
IF i'm wrong guess what nothing happens you and me end up in the same condition when we die. I don't regret going to church or attempting to live according to my beliefs I lost nothing in the process. If your wrong when you die you will have to answer to god and tell him why you refused his message when it was right in front of you. You wont have any excuse, not who raised you, not where you lived, nothing because people have been telling you your entire life and you chose to live for yourself. You have no say and you can never take it back as much as we had warned you you decided to condemn yourself.

Christianity doesn't sound practical? doesn't sound reasonable? get over yourself. If you still believe that live your life die sleep forever become dust and let the people have there hope. You are the speakers of hopelessness and death you have done nothing for this world. Religion doesn't hinder society in fact most of the advances through out history were because of religion. A world of hopeless advanced monkeys with a 90 year life span that become dust. You die you feel nothing. look forward to it. If there is no heaven i wont get the chance to be disappointed but i feel really bad for you if there is. It will be more than disappointment thats for sure.

I didn't become a christian because my mami told me to be. I didn't become a christian because i made nice friends hell in fact i made more enemies. people FOR SOME REASON hate people that tell them they are going to hell if they dont accept christ i mean i dunno why ...doesnt make any sense to me lol./sarcasm I'm not some ignorant kid that just picked it up. It makes sense , it doesnt contradict anything that we know now as fact because of science/technology. It explains the infinite complexities of life and gives me a reason for my life. The fact that I exist for a purpose that i am unique is the greatest thing to know.

If there is no god
You are an animal
you have no soul
All we do here is for nothing.

And your mission is to tell me this?

Great job

Your awesome

If you want something else in your life ...no im not gonna say go pick up a bible or go to church. Accept jesus as the son of god and you will live forever its not harder than that.

If you have doubts because you feel like it doesnt make any sense to follow christianity because it doesnt make any logical sense. Try going here:

Im probably never going to post here again because people hate you after you post these kinds of things.

God bless :laugh:

-That Zoro


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Originally posted by Zoro: "uh yeah ok science has never disproven the bible or anything that is considered fact in it.......The bible makes sense out of this world and no one has proven otherwise."

yeah, it really explains how we got from 2 people two millions without explaining evolution, or incest, rampant incest. Adam and eve never existed.
There are so many contradictions between science and the bible, you have no idea.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Nottingham, UK
Thank god that Zoro isn't gonna continue his pointless preaching anymore.

If theres anything worse than a wall of text it's a wall of text about smiting the non believers etc.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Originally posted by Zoro:-
"IF i'm wrong guess what nothing happens you and me end up in the same condition when we die. I don't regret going to church or attempting to live according to my beliefs I lost nothing in the process. If your wrong when you die you will have to answer to god and tell him why you refused his message when it was right in front of you. You wont have any excuse, not who raised you, not where you lived, nothing because people have been telling you your entire life and you chose to live for yourself. You have no say and you can never take it back as much as we had warned you you decided to condemn yourself........If there is no heaven i wont get the chance to be disappointed but i feel really bad for you if there is. It will be more than disappointment thats for sure."

You have been scared into buying into christianity. You are admitting that there might not be a heaven, that your entire life you might be living a lie, and your okay with that? wow.

I think that the biggest flaw in Christians is that they don't think outside the box. The bible is made of FICTIONAL STORIES. People who take the stories in the bible literally are insane. Oceans don't separate on whims, people cant live to be 930 years old, and there are no talking snakes.

Ive always wondered how Christians would explain the dinosaurs, id like to know why god threw them into the mix millions of years before us.

Sin is a made up religious word. Probably invented with the intent to scare and manipulate.

"Matter is neither created nor destroyed." - Law of Conservation of Mass - Antoine Lavoisier


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
Whatever happened to the Q & A? I thought it was gonna be extremely clear what was gonna go on here. If the argument continues like this no one will get anything out of this, except reason to punch a wall because "this person said I was weak", "this person called me a *******", "he's attacking my credentials." "he just judged all religious people to be stupid." Thats all thats gonna come out of this. Nothing will be gained, but everything will be lost.... respect, time, fun. Who honestly has fun doing this? After leaving this thread will you feel so good that you could just hug the next person you see or do you find it more satisfying to be angry and hateful, so you can punch the next face that crosses your line of vision. Which is better to do? Stay here and be angry or leave now and salvage whats left of your sanity.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
Na, you have no justification for trying to get you 'heaven points' by 'helping' people 'find christianity'
you dont have any justification at all, because you might think conversion of religion is good for little kids who read this influential post, but not everybody agrees with you.
i could offend you and say i think you are ruining lives when you brainwash people like this.
you come here, try to spread storys & myth that will convince younger naive people to change to christ.
i think thats inappropriate at least


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
Ireland. . . anyone?
It takes even more faith to believe that the infinite complexities of this world were created by random chance from...nothing.......riight

Athiests do not accept the idea of a higher power simply because of moral views
You do not want to be held accountable for your actions, you don't want authority and you want to live for yourself. Thats all there is to it you are all self serving and prideful.

Science? what oh your gonna tell me science goes against Flying Spaghetti Monsterism??
uh yeah ok science has never disproven The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or anything that is considered fact in it.
When you disprove the existence of The Spaghedeity or His Noodly Appendage or something come back to me then.
Ignorant people attempt to make Pastafarianism sound like an old way of thinking that people refuse to give up on because we cling to the idea of life after death. Technology and science has done nothing to disprove The FSM only now do we understand how complex life really is because of technology. I believe athiests cling to the idea that they are free and no one is watching them which sounds very attractive. If i wasn't raised by pirates i might have gone to it myself.
The Eight I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts makes sense out of this world and no one has proven otherwise.

People are sinners even Pastafarians even me you will never know a true Pastafarians only pirates lived the Pastafarian life. Athiests are afraid of The Flying Spaghetti Monster and will do anything to disprove him.
IF i'm wrong guess what nothing happens you and me end up in the same condition when we die. I don't regret going to a pirate ship or attempting to live according to my beliefs I lost nothing in the process. If your wrong when you die you will have to answer to The FSM and tell him why you refused his message when it was right in front of you. You wont have any excuse, not who raised you, not where you lived, nothing because people have been telling you your entire life and you chose to live for yourself. You have no say and you can never take it back as much as we had warned you you decided to condemn yourself.

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism doesn't sound practical? doesn't sound reasonable? get over yourself. If you still believe that live your life die sleep forever become dust and let the people have there hope. You are the speakers of hopelessness and death you have done nothing for this world. Religion doesn't hinder society in fact most of the advances through out history were because of religion. A world of hopeless advanced monkeys with a 90 year life span that become dust. You die you feel nothing. look forward to it. If there is no heaven i wont get the chance to be disappointed but i feel really bad for you if there is. It will be more than disappointment thats for sure.

I didn't become a Pastafarian because my mami told me to be. I didn't become a Pastafarian because i made nice friends hell in fact i made more enemies. people FOR SOME REASON hate people that tell them they are going to hell if they dont accept The Spaghedeity i mean i dunno why ...doesnt make any sense to me lol./sarcasm I'm not some ignorant kid that just picked it up. It makes sense , it doesnt contradict anything that we know now as fact because of science/technology. It explains the infinite complexities of life and gives me a reason for my life. The fact that I exist for a purpose that i am unique is the greatest thing to know.

If there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster
You are an animal
you have no soul
All we do here is for nothing.

And your mission is to tell me this?

Great job

Your awesome

If you want something else in your life ...no im not gonna say go pick up The Gospel or talk to a pirate. Accept The Flying Spaghetti Monster and His Noodly Appendage and you will live forever its not harder than that.

If you have doubts because you feel like it doesnt make any sense to follow Flying Spaghetti Monsterism because it doesnt make any logical sense. Try going here:

Im probably never going to post here again because people hate you after you post these kinds of things.

God bless :laugh:

-That Zoro

Zoro, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It is not enough to defie anyone to be capable of disproving something, you must offer proof.

Aside from which, it is quite clear to me that you are not a Christian because you believe in Christianity, but because you have "nothing to lose" by believing. You are afaid of death, not an uncommon fear, you, however, have allowed yourself to be bullied into believing by your fear.

You are not a Christian, you are a scared man with his head in the sand, lashing out at and discrediting any and all logic that approaches.

Well I think I'll take my chances, and not let the terror of my own mortality intimidate me into believing. And even if you are right, and I wind up in hell for my sin, with you in heaven living it up, I will have no regrets - a descicion's merit is judged based on the information available at the moment of making.

I will burn in hell secure in the knowledge that I made the right choice in embracing intellectualism and rational thought over a groundless, unlikely, arbitrarily conceived and designed belief system.

Oh, and you're right about one thing, after posting such things, I do hate you.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Slightly north of Toronto, Canada
Well, it seems to me like you rejoined Christianity, not out of belief in the religion, but out of desire to be part of a group. I don't know how that benefits a belief based argument, in fact, I'd go as far as to say it does the opposite.

This is the biggest reason benefit I would say religion has going for it. Any group has this benefit.

However I still choose not to believe in anything. Whatever happens will happen, and if I go to "hell", "drown in tomato sauce" or "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu Rl'yeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" for the way I act in life, I'm O.K. I try to help as many people as I can and not cause any discomfort to them, and if that is "judged" as "poor behaviour" in the "afterlife", well then what's the point in believing in something so conceited? I'd much rather just stop existing after death, it would be a nice break from the pace of being something. However, I will not discriminate against you if you believe in Jesus Christ, Muhammad, the Prince of Sorrow, et cetera. Believe what you want.

Also I think you kind of misinterpreted the Gandhi quote... when he said "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians" I think he meant "I like the belief of christianity and the message (ie. be kind to and love one another), but I do not like how people interpret it and use it to their advantage"

Anyways enough debating for me >.> this entire argument has made me want to go sit in a corner for a thousand years.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2007
Wayne, New Jersey(god its boring here...)
uh oh... i think im a cultural christian... i used to go to a christian camp and learned stuff there, and i have a bible, but im not all crazy learning it and stuff. my parents aren't into that, so im not. sure, i pray and ask for forgiveness and stuff, but i dont even go to church! maybe ill go by myself when i can drive... what im tryin to say is, i dont know where i fit in the world, no one does, and that what religion tries to teach: where we fit in.thats what i believe, anyway...


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2007
I really don't mean to offend anyone here, but I think that the majority of these posts are grouping Christians together, in a bad way. It really reminds me of racism and the like.

No offense, but not all Christians are the "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DON'T REPENT" kind of people. There are a lot of us out there that actually try to do something positive for the world, and not make it worse.

Again, no offense to anyone!

And, awesome story Topic Creator (I can't remember your name right now, eek sorry) I'd love to share my testimony, etc with you sometime, feel free to PM me anytime!


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
Deadtosin, if Chrstianity makes you life better, then by all means, embrace it. Just remember to not force your opinions on others, not that I'm saying you are. It is very easy once you embrace a new movement, to want to get others to join it as well.

To be honest, I cannot stand Christians. It is because of them that I will never get to marry in the US in my lifetime. Its also because of them, that millions of Americans live in fear of hate on a daily basis, for a myriad of reasons. However, if a Christian lifestyle and set of values enriches your life, and makes you a better person, then great. Just remember that no one has the absolute correct answer, and the Bible can be made to say anything.

I wish you the best.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
I honestly don't see how in this day and age that someone could not be a Christian...
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