As a natural cynic, I find it very hard to stretch my belief to include an all powerful being.
Sometimes I feel that religion involves throwing all logic out the window in the place of blind faith. And I hate how some religious people think and see with there faith and not with there minds and eyes.
I also feel that religion (not neccesarily christianity) sometimes means dismissing common sense. In Saudi Arabia a woman was gang ***** but SHE went to prison as well because she "bought it on herself." what that means was that at the time she was with a man who was not her husband, oh and they ***** the man she was with to, not that you needed to know that. In Sudan a british teacher bought in a teddy bear for her class to name, the children decided Mohammed (because it's a very popular name) but she got put in prison on blasphemy charges!
Now this isn't a rant against Islam, but my point is is that religion clouds peoples judgement and creates divisions in people when there shouldn't be.
IMO for every bit of good religion has done it's also done a bit of evil as well.
Goodness. this topic started as one person declaring their faith and telling their real beliefs and why they believed that. I think that is an admirable thing. But it has turned into a fight between "religion" and atheism.
Christianity is not a religion. Please. You can flame me or whatever, but if you've been in church and you think that church is about religion, you've just had a bad chrch experience or life experience. If you look in the bible, God made it so that people could never be perfect. In real life, there is no way anyone could not do someting stupid for a single day, much less a lifetime. Christianity isn't about following rules, because that is impossible for people, it is about the fact that God made us and he made a way for us to live with him forever. I don't care what church experience you've had, look at the bible, and if you don't believe that, look at any christian's life.
I grew up in a church that wasted my time. It was boring and my dad was the music director, but the only thing I cared about was playing soccer with one of my friends after church. Then my dad got fired from that church and I moved to atlanta. I started going to this youth group because there were some really pretty girls there, but I found out about the holy spirit and about how God has power to touch your life and heal you.
I still go to this youth group after 3 years, and it has been through a lot. I have really had highs and lows and not believed in God sometimes, but there are always times when all my friends are gone and I hate my family, and God is just sitting there. Anyone reading this, I'm telling you, if you look for God, you'll find him. HE LOVES YOU TO DEATH, and he died for You! So stop saying stupid stuff like "religion is not for me" just cause you fell asleep in church when you were a kid.
If god doesn't exist, how do You explain miracles? They don't happen in mosques or temples. They happen when real christians pray to God and ask for something God wants to do. A lady who goes to my church had MS, and she was cured when a bunch of people prayed for her one sunday. Don't call me a liar, I watched it. She couldn't walk before w/out a wheelchair or walker, and now she can. Miracles happen every day, and just cause you don't here about them doesn't mean they aren't real.
And christianity isn't logical? What is the big bang? or macro evolution? Matter cannot come from nonematter, period. ed of story. Over. And people can't eveolve from fish. or bacteria. Even charles darwin said that. The complexity of the human body coukld not come from a single-celled organism.
Thank you, and please no flaming.