Smash Apprentice
I haven't played 3DS FG in AGES, so it was nice to get back on the scene after I brushed up my skills a whole bunch! Anyway, I'm looking for some people that I fought in 1v1.

- migue- I have so much respect for Peach after seeing the destruction you caused first-hand! I wanna fight you again!
- Kathy- Your Rosalina was really great. I'm interested in learning how to play Rosie, so I'd like you to teach me if you're on here!
- DSF- Dear God Almighty... your Captain Falcon... I thought I was going to win with my yellow Yoshi, but you put him in his place at the end. You have a ton of skill and I'd be honored to fight you again.
- Friccion- I haven't seen a good Palutena on FG until you showed up! You know how to use her very well.
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