I would also like to thank BattleCow for the term "astral insemination". Too good. Also, lol at the president using Smash terminology.
If Michael Bay creates a Smash movie, there has to be some kind of incredible or perhaps even unnecessary implementation of CG: The aliens, masters of technology, have found a way to perform soul transfer from the physical world into Sakurai's masterpiece (since it's a Bay movie, the fact that Smash exists outside Earth doesn't need to be rationalized). After the great intergalactic War of Bajlikgnuzk, the billion trillion citizens of the Trans-Nebulaic Alliance combined their scientific efforts to develop a means of creating a device that could put the mind of the smasher directly into a fully-functional, three-dimentional Smashiverse. The Sportsman's Treaty of Universal Peace and Oneness of 276781 implicitly states that "All formal interplanetary conducts concerning the well-being and sanctity of the ani/vaginae of any/an inferior species must be performed via use of direct consciousness transfer in order to reduce the amount of potential mechanical errors and to eliminate controller malfunctions. No johns."
Given the fact that the smashers now become the characters, we will need actors/voice actors for the characters as well. I was thinking, so far, that Falcon could be played by John Cena, Michael Cera as Marth, and Jason Statham as Shiek. Falco should be Shiz; who else? Also, no one said anything about Mango's role, so he could be played by Jackie Chan.