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Who is the Best Marth right now?(Mew2King excluded)

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Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2010
Roma, Italy

Seriously though, M2K's Marth is still the best by far, but it should just encourage us all to do better, and not making us flame :p


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2010
Seriously though, M2K's Marth is still the best by far, but it should just encourage us all to do better, and not making us flame :p
Yep, he's still light years ahead of any other marth which is scary because it leads me (and others) to believe that marth is falling off and cannot keep pace


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden

M2K is lightyears ahead vs Fox, Marth, CF (? Not sure about this one) and Peach.

Vs Falco, Taj (and Ice to some extent) are def. up there with him.

Vs the other lot it's hard to say, but I think "lightyears ahead" would be an exaggeration.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2010
Roma, Italy
I think Ice is the best against Falco. Let's see at Apex.

Anyway, I take back what I said, I like flame, let's flame.



Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
I'd like to think so as well, but as of now I can't really put him over Taj (or M2K) without being biased.

Feels like a lot of stuff will be cleared up after Apex. Together with a bunch of new questions haha.

I also think Hack will prove himself as an absolute beast in Mart dittos.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2010
i'm sorry? are you taking the internet seriously?
....what? Irrelevant. This forum is a place to share your thoughts and I'm merely expressing my opinion on yours. That was an utterly ******** response to my post. How about instead of responding to a totally reasonable post with "hahahha this *** is disagreeing with something I'm saying on the internet what a wasted of time why does he care" respond instead by defending yourself and saying why it is you have a problem with people assuming that M2k is still the best marth? (which is absolute truth) And crush stfu please......


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
....what? Irrelevant. This forum is a place to share your thoughts and I'm merely expressing my opinion on yours. That was an utterly ******** response to my post. How about instead of responding to a totally reasonable post with "hahahha this *** is disagreeing with something I'm saying on the internet what a wasted of time why does he care" respond instead by defending yourself and saying why it is you have a problem with people assuming that M2k is still the best marth? (which is absolute truth) And crush stfu please......
LOL, Since Pound V i've done just as well vs dr peepee with marth as m2k has. Which is to say neither of us have beaten him (in tournament) But since i don't use sheik and fox to plow through hard matchups with i don't place as well and therefore are seen as worse.
Not that my word is good for anything, again this is the internet.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
man you're so cocky for no reason

lee martin's marth does better vs drpp than me. I can't name a marth that does worse vs the top falcos than I do, and johns and all but the truth is half the reason is because I'm emo and have huge mental block problems which I have for other things outside of smash too (which I won't get into). Who loses to him worse doesn't prove anything.

your marth is nothing compared to mine overall, let go of your ego that you have for no reason. I don't use marth much cuz I don't practice the game anymore (I have been too sad ever since last year's ban from mlg dallas, even though that was brawl) and I think sheik is better and fox is more useful.

sorry but it's just annoying to see the arrogance some people have when it's for no reason. I've read it long enough without posting something.

I also do think marth is overrated, but I don't want to simply list all his weaknesses. At top level though, his weaknesses can be easily abused. At non-top level, you can 4 and jv 5 stock people. That's what I think.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
lee martin's marth does better vs drpp than me. I can't name a marth that does worse vs the top falcos than I do, and johns and all but the truth is half the reason is because I'm emo and have huge mental block problems which I have for other things outside of smash too (which I won't get into). Who loses to him worse doesn't prove anything.
Keep playing man, you're an inspiration to lots of us on the Marth boards. Who cares if you have some trouble with certain matchups? We all do, certainly. No one is good at all matchups (Aramada picked up yl to counter Jigs and thats totally legit). Anyway, I'm sure it's nothing you can't work past. Just stop playing brawl lol


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
to be very honest, I don't even feel like living anymore. Life would be so much easier for me if it would just end. I only attend tourneys cuz... why not what else would I do. Brawl i became so good they banned my character (that's what I get for focusing on only one char the entire last 3 years I played it) and then from being banned from dallas + char ban + what my ex-gf did to me all in the past 13 months, I really don't feel like doing anything anymore except rotting away to die


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
to be very honest, I don't even feel like living anymore. Life would be so much easier for me if it would just end. I only attend tourneys cuz... why not what else would I do. Brawl i became so good they banned my character (that's what I get for focusing on only one char the entire last 3 years I played it) and then from being banned from dallas + char ban + what my ex-gf did to me all in the past 13 months, I really don't feel like doing anything anymore except rotting away to die
Aw man, that sounds awfwul :urg:. This might not want to be what you want to hear, but I actually understand how you feel. Don't think you're the only one who's down in the dumps, feeling depressed or thinking there's no reason to live anymore. I know this might sound weird since we don't actually know each other, but I had similar issues with my ex about a year ago. Believe me it gets better. Let me know if you wanna talk man

On the subject of Melee, you **** man. Don't give up. You play Smash because it's fun and you're great at it. I don't think there are any of us on the boards who don't love the game. Play because its fun, sure play to win, but who cares if you don't win immediately? There was a time you sucked I'm sure, and what happened? With hard work and a good attitude you became an amazing player, whether or not other people are willing to admit it, give you credit, or be nice to you

Also, you're banned from Dallas wtf?

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
He was banned from the Dallas MLG event in 2010 because of splitting w/ ADHD at a prior MLG event. ******** considering what Cheese/Chibo did, but w/e.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
and never paid anything from adhd yet..

then he helped get my char banned

then my gf (who still owes me 1000 dollars) cheated on dabuz and dabuz thinks he can still be friends with me which will never happen

hate brawl community too

worst part is i was used as a scapegoat since i already knew ahead of time that mlg was gonna drop brawl because they made no money because nintendo didn't allow a livestream. I am sure A.Zealot knows this too, but he fooled newbs into thinking if mk is gone then mlg would come back. Everyone's ********. Nothing I have learned and no experience I have had over the past 14 or so months has been positive to any aspect of my life.

Everybody just lies to make themselves look better. People and companies only care about looking better, or getting their way. [most] Everyone is selfish. That is the truth of the real world.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
Dude truth is people can be terrible. People do awful things all the time, and they hurt other people. There's no avoiding it and no point in sugarcoating it. But there are good people too. The good part about being hurt and having doubts is that by overcoming them we become stronger too. Kind of like how getting ***** consistently makes you a better player lol


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
being good only matters if god exists

and as much as id like him to exist (im leaning towards no but hope I am wrong), even if he does, I will just go to hell because I don't believe with all my heart that he does exist. So it's either nothingness or hell for me regardless, which means all the bad luck and bad things I've had in my life (which is most of my experience in past several years) won't be karma fixed at all. I have no reason to have a positive mindset for anything.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
M2k, on the real man, you are the homie, like seriously, you've helped me so much at Pound V, letting me play you with my Yoshi, getting owned by you, playing you etc... haha you learning Yoshi w/your Marth. everything it was a great experience man...

You've motivated not just Marth players, but players outside of marth as well..
I know I've been motivated by seeing some things you do, and I was honored to meet you..

You're a hero to many of us man.
"real talk"

<3 Mew2king <3

On another note, I feel the same way about "things" at times.... Playing Yoshi for me, has been, nothing but pure stress on my part.... It's almost to a point where i feel I need to stop playing Yoshi, I've only received "hate" pretty much ever since i've started using him... Even in my own thread in the Yoshi forums, Im just target fodder for the Yoshi players..

My success with Yoshi, ironically, is also causing me negativity towards things.... I'll most likely go back to Mewtwo, or develop Roy... I'm sick of so many things atm...

Either way Most importantly.. You're a hero M2k, to more people than you can imagine..

Love you man! Be Strong man!, You've always been strong...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
Great post by Vman, agree with what he says. You have to be strong man. Also, on the topic of God, I think you have a strict Christian conception of God which is really unforgiving and punishes those with no faith. But if you look into Eastern religions, many of them have no such requirement and one of the main components is Karma (which you mentioned). Those who do good reap good in the next life, while those who do bad will suffer from it. Not that we should be putting anyone out there, but if as you say (and I believe you) others have wronged you, they will have to answer for it one way or another. The pity you feel for yourself you should feel for them. Don't be good for God, be good for you, and for others.

Wasted your life how? Pretty sure there are people with more time on Smashboards and facebook than you have spent playing lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
Unfortunately, no one can answer these questions and instantly make you feel better because no one can offer any tangible evidence either way. But Christianity aside, let me ask you something. If there is a God, what do you think is more important, faith in him, or being a good person?


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Christianity makes the most sense to me of the religions

and as you said, it's strict

while being a good person might be more important logically, according to the most believable (imo) religion out there (besides atheist or agnostic), that is not the case.

so it's hell or nothingness for me

even if i said id believe or wanted to, id just be lying to myself, even though that's not what i WANT.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
Hmm why do you fear that which you don't even believe in? Consider this, 1/3 of the Earth's population is Christian. That means that 2/3 of them either don't accept, have never heard of, or don't believe in the Christian God (in any sense, including Jesus). How can the majority of the Earth's people be damned? What about good folks raised by agnostics or Eastern religions?

Not to offend you or anyone else, but this is one of the things that upsets me most about Christianity in general. It makes good people fear things no one has ever seen and can't verify


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
It sounds like you believe in a wrathful Christian God, while at the same time have no faith in him and are terrified of going to hell/being cast into nothingness. These things are contradictory you know lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
you can't fool me so easily, i'm not stupid. You said yourself (which i already knew) that if u dont believe in god you go to hell. That is the most believable religion (christianity) and that is what the rules are. So, I'm ****ed.
Woah man I'm not trying to fool you, sorry if it came off that way. I was trying to point out that you DO believe in God. Even in you don't realize it. Your fear of potential consequences of not believing in him is proof enough. At least in my opinion. Also, I did imply that those are the rules of Christianity, but only for the sake of defining it. Personally I think it's BS that people who don't have faith in God go to hell

Also, I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm actually a Buddhist/Hindu in terms of personal beliefs, though I think trying to label it is dumb


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
I dont believe in god but im still nice. No point in fighting ur upbringing. My parents didnt raise me to be a mean little ****, so im not.



Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden

If the only reason you're being nice is because you want god to approve, then you need to start actually caring about other people.

Atheists can be nice without such an incentive, so you should be able to as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2011
Evanston, IL / Miramar, FL
M2k is concerned that without faith you can't be saved though. I agree with you guys entirely, but telling him atheists can be good people won't make him feel better :(
I sort of tried that too he seems really set on the Christian idea
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