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Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
We can't talk about "Killer Instinct" and "combo breakers" without a picture of the most iconic character in all of the KI franchise. He's the guy that screams "machismo," "gangsta," "pimpin' ain't easy," and "hard knock life" all rolled into one buff package.

He is:



This man has thug appeal. Plus, he's gotta be the voice that says "combo breaker."

Smooth Criminal

Edit: I bet ya'll saw that one comin'.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I mained Saberwulf and Orchid. But I could get max combos with all characters.. like I said I played that game on snes till I had blisters and none of my friends could beat me, I even beat the game on super ultra hard difficulty which is mean because the computers break any combo over like.. 4 hits or something.

But you can still get your ultra combo if you're pro :)

TJ combo is cool, but..

I think Fulgore says it all. You HAVE to see his ending, beat the game on normal.. its amazing.

I think its like.. since fulgor wins the tournament they make a bunch of the same robot, but then since they're so strong they end up enslaving humanity.

Edit : found it

wicked cool. said:
The combat test of the Fulgore series assault cyborg has
been a success. Mass production can now take place...
After years of research, a weapon of awesome power is
in the hands of Ultratech. The dawn of a robot controlled
empire will soon begin. The first prototype model, Fulgore
1, is deactivated and placed in a museum. The only humans
left to view it are now slaves.
1. Who runs ultratech, if not humans? Robots?
2. Why did they enter a robot in a fighting tournament to test its stregnth? Why not just mass produce them immediatly?
3. Why are humans enslaved now?
4. Why would slaves go to a museum to see a robot?

The raptors is nice too : Raptors hatch out of eggs and eat people . You beat the game, congrats.

best one though is if you use the cheat to play as the boss, eyedol and beat the game with him

Some chick comes up to you and shes like ''are you my long lost son billy'' out of NOWHERE and then Eyedol wicked clubs her into the ground and grunts. The end.

EDIT EDIT EDIT. This is what it says when you beat hard mode. And trust me, it is HARD. Took me... about 6 years of playing before I had the skill to beat it. so this message makes sense.

when you beat HARD MODE said:
You are victorious! You've done it all and are ready to battle the best KI Players. You beat Eyedol with one hand behind your back, and you crushed everyone else. You can't get any better, you are now the sensei. The only thing left is to give to the less fortunate and teach your skills to the pathetic, wimpy, clueless KI beginners. You will go down in the record books, become a hero, a legend, be envied by all, people will love you, people will want to be like you, you will reign as the true KI champion forever!
Best part of this is that the message makes sense. I only saw this message when I was good enough to beat the game.. in like... 2004. It came out in 1995. 9 years.

See, see?! thats why snes is better than ps3.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Not Really T.T

I don't understand why you guys ae into theings that Fail, Like Captain Falcon :p
OK, that is the most blasphemous comment I have ever seen. Captain Falcon is the paragon of awesomeness and pwnage. He has some of the manliest and amazing stuff around.

One day, I hope to match the sheer amazingness of Captain Falcon. :cool: Unfortunately, I will never get to that level of greatness. :(


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2007
Missouri USA
OK, that is the most blasphemous comment I have ever seen. Captain Falcon is the paragon of awesomeness and pwnage. He has some of the manliest and amazing stuff around.

One day, I hope to match the sheer amazingness of Captain Falcon. :cool: Unfortunately, I will never get to that level of greatness. :(

CF Just isn't good. If we is so greatthen why isn't he top Tier?


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Also :

*Ahem* Took tryouts today for °PÞ-§° Clan on kaillera against superboomfan and the verdict was....

Dylan_Tnga --------> ¨°PÞ-§°¨ Tnga

Sweeeeet. It's an elite clan, one of the best. iXi sucks. No offence Axem, but ive beaten like 95% of the ixi people now, if you're still ixi then I am NOT saying you suck. far from it.. have to play you axem, ice sword 2!!! Also, tigerbombsiXi rules. I havent played or beaten him yet, and I dont wanna try yet because hes really obnoxious and would gloat if he pwnd me so ill train more.

yahooo! Im in PP-S !! :chuckle:
Niiice. ¨°PÞ-§°¨ is much better than iXi, if I remember correctly. No offense taken, iXi is filled with a lot of mediocre players. You must've gotten a lot better while I was making SMW levels though.

Actually my comp is still non-functional, which is frustrating. About two weeks ago, it just wouldn't turn on. So we tried getting another power supply, but it has a different plug...not to mention it took two weeks just to arrive X_X...as soon as I fix this I'm playing you again Dylan. I'll prolly suck at first, seeing as I haven't played in a month, but training with a player like you means I'll be up and running in no time. Besides, I have Breaker Beam on my side XD.

Yo Red!
...Chew on your tongue!

On an unrelated note, I've been hoping for weeks that CT Battle Theme would be in the smash updates. Ah well.


CF Just isn't good. If we is so greatthen why isn't he top Tier?
If he "just isn't good" then why can his falcon punch blow up an entire planet?

alpha n00b

Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2006
Here is something to comfort the guys(gals) worried about brawl sucking: just know, that once brawl does come out it'll compleatly replace both smash games, as it'll to awsome to go back to SSB, SSBM. don't question the work of Nintendo!.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2007
A lonely place
I really can't see how it should suck. It looks as great as I've been hoping for, if not better! What are you so worried about? Just chill. :)


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket

CF Just isn't good. If we is so greatthen why isn't he top Tier?
He mindgames you into thinking he isn't top tier. He really is.

On an unrelated note, I've been hoping for weeks that CT Battle Theme would be in the smash updates. Ah well.
Same here. Why wont he do it already?!?!?! We all know he'll be there...

If he "just isn't good" then why can his falcon punch blow up an entire planet?
Half a Galaxy

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Falcon much?

I just want a F -Zero game where Falcon Falcon punches the **** out of some other racer. I can see it now.....

Announcer: And Falcon is coming in with first plac- What's this!!? A racer is about to pass him! Falcon isn't going to mak-

Falcon: FAAAAAAAAALCCCCCOOOOOOOOONNNNN PPPAAAAAUUUUNNNNCCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *atomic explosion* *falcon crosses the finish line*

Falcon: Show me your moves!

Simply amazing! How does he do it!!


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Here is something to comfort the guys(gals) worried about brawl sucking: just know, that once brawl does come out it'll completly replace both smash games, as it'll be too awsome to go back to SSB, or SSBM. Don't question the work of Nintendo!.
Maybe for you and your lame friends. I happen to rule both at ssb64 and at melee so I doubt Ill be giving either of them up in THIS lifetime.

SSBM didnt replace SSB did it? Sure its wayyy more popular and in my opinion a much better game, but SSB is played online round the clock, all day, everyday, I play matches at like... 5 -6 am sometimes.. its more active that starcraft sometimes even O.o

I also took the liberty of correcting a few grammar mistakes you had because I had trouble understanding the post at first. Im no grammar nazi its the freakin internet so im not dissing you for it, just fixing it ;)


CF Just isn't good. If we is so greatthen why isn't he top Tier?
He so is top tier. The problem is that we mere humans cannot hope to even glimpse a fraction of the Captain's true potential.

Remember, like yeahdude said. HALF A GALAXY.


Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2007
Escondido, CA

CF Just isn't good. If we is so greatthen why isn't he top Tier?
They tried to put him in the top tier, but they couldn't squeeze his nipples in. Too big and hard. So they told him, "Sorry, Captain. We'll just have to put you somewhere where there's more room." Falcon has never complained, because this results in his competitors underestimating him.

P.S. Falcon should really have some move with his nipples. "Falcon NIPPLE!!!"


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Falcon is a pimp.

Everyone knows his taunt is "show your boobs!"
Show me a moose!
Show me ya boobs!
Show me ya moves!

Those were my working theoreys when I first played ssb64 before I had the internet.

Yes, I was born in a time when there was NO internet, and no fatalities in mortal kombat. This will classify me as an old fogey more than anything in the future. same with the rest of you round my age.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Here is something to comfort the guys(gals) worried about brawl sucking: just know, that once brawl does come out it'll completly replace both smash games, as it'll be too awsome to go back to SSB, or SSBM. Don't question the work of Nintendo!.
That doesn't make any sense. Dylan is right--lots of people still play the first SSB. There is not a chance in hell that people will stop playing the first two games just because Brawl might be better. Too much nostalgia.

I also took the liberty of correcting a few grammar mistakes you had because I had trouble understanding the post at first. Im no grammar nazi its the freakin internet so im not dissing you for it, just fixing it
:psycho: GRAMMAR NAZI!!!! :psycho:

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Show me a moose!
Show me ya boobs!
Show me ya moves!

Those were my working theoreys when I first played ssb64 before I had the internet.

Yes, I was born in a time when there was NO internet, and no fatalities in mortal kombat. This will classify me as an old fogey more than anything in the future. same with the rest of you round my age.
God****, Dylan. You're making me feel old an' ancient, too. I remember those times clearly.

>.>; Fond memories of my Sega Genesis come to mind. I clearly remember the first day I got it and how I conquered the first Sonic the Hedgehog game in one sitting (yes, it took me all of four hours to beat it). Then, a couple of years later I was introduced to my first fighting games: Mortal Kombat 1, Street Fighter II, and Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo. I was amazing at those games. Nobody on my block could touch me.

Then I got SNES and it was all downhill for my Sega from that point on. Lol.

Plenty of good times were on that system, too. Killer Instinct being one of them (I, too, was a Saberwulf main. If I could only find an emulator that allows online play for SNES roms like SSB 64, I would totally show you my skills with Saberwulf to you Dylan) and Yoshi's Island being the other (that's one of my favorite platformers aside from any of the GOOD, 2-D Sonic games by the way).


Lucina Clash

Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2007
They probably won't get rid of air dodging, but there will probably be a fix for wavedashing. There's gonna be another way to abuse the game physics... like what happened in Super Mario Strikers Charged, there is a way to abuse tackling (I saw it on YouTube).

I'm not too worried about this. However, I am worried on what this game will truly get from video game websites. Par with Melee or more or less than Melee?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
If I could only find an emulator that allows online play for SNES roms
Dude, all we need is ZSNES and MSN. We just have to exchange IP adresses over an instant messenger and we can play ANY super nintendo game for 2 players online. Its easy as pie.

PM me for more details, and no I dont have AIM just MSN.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
No McCloud Master, you don't understand Captain Falcon's godliness. If you ever actually have fun with your friends while playing captain falcon, you will understand why he is so much better than every other character.

BTW, that was not sarcastic at all. And I wasn't being sarcastic there.


*dash dances off the ledge*


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2005
Hmph....Pew Lasers Mutha Fuka
Hmmm its thursday so probably not as big as friday :p thats my 2 cents....more like 1/2 a cent but probably kirbys final smash or snake, ZS, or Metakight get them out of the way

then hes out of info and all new stuff?

Hopefully but i'll hit the sack so i can have somtin to motivate me at work tommorow


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
EDIT: what was this thread's topic again?
Exactly ;) *whispers mindgames in a foreign language while moonwalking off a platform to a falcon bair*

Watching your combo video now, title caught my eye man. :laugh:

Edit :


But, your friend has NO DI. NONE. Thats the worst ganon DI I've ever seen, vs someone non sucky you wouldnt nail those 10 hit combos at all. But your falcon is SOLID, if only you could teach me your ways...

ALso, GREAT music!!!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
Exactly ;) *whispers mindgames in a foreign language while moonwalking off a platform to a falcon bair*

Watching your combo video now, title caught my eye man. :laugh:

Edit :


But, your friend has NO DI. NONE. Thats the worst ganon DI I've ever seen, vs someone non sucky you wouldnt nail those 10 hit combos at all. But your falcon is SOLID, if only you could teach me your ways...

ALso, GREAT music!!!
OMG... The Great Dylan Tnga, the legendary noob pwner, has given his seal of approval to my video... I can only be flattered... All I can say is thank you ;)


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
OMG... The Great Dylan Tnga, the legendary noob pwner, has given his seal of approval to my video... I can only be flattered... All I can say is thank you ;)
Holy ****, ''Legendary Noob Pwner'' that's toooooooo sweet. Ill probably siggy it later but.. I really like the quote from NES n00b, grammar mistake included. I dunno why it just makes me smile.

Your falcon owns though. Like, really owns. You combined huge falcon combos with metal music for my entertainment.

God... ie : Captain Falcon is pleased with you.

Captain Falcon religion anyone??? Id join.

@ Sensai

YES!!! we must play some online ZSNES, game of your choice ;)


Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2007
Escondido, CA
You, dear sir, fail to realize Captain Falcon's uber amazingness.

EDIT: what was this thread's topic again?
Watched your vid too. Ooooohhhhh, that was amazing. I don't know how many times I saw the ledge-walljump > dair edgeguard, but I wouldn't have noticed if you put in the same instance twice or maybe thrice. That combo repeated itself soooo often. The Falcon Punches were the best though. Precisely timed.......... man it was beautiful.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket
Zsnes is the exact Emu I have. And I already have the ROM. Gimme a week and I'll fight y'all aight?

Some quality Owning rite there Mr. Cyberdemon. You get cookies. COOKIES, I SAY!! LOTS OF COOKIES!!


Your friend needs to learn some DI, though. Pronto.

Oh, and if you guys got Mortal Kombat ROMs count me in for the online stuff.

Half a Galaxy!!!

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I wanna make vids of myself playing smash but I have a few problems:

1) No camcorder
2) No capture device
3) No VCR [that I can use, my mom won't let me touch her's -.-]
4) No Gamecube [that's fully functional, I hardly consider access to the menu functional]
5) No one good enough to test my skills against [I need the arcade for that]
6) I have no idea how to use a capture device >.<


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Nice falcon video. You have great combos, but I wish you would have shown more character matchups. It felt like a Falcon vs. Ganon combo video. You get Frog Coins for including a theme from Doom though. Now you can buy a kerokerocola.

Btw Dylan, would it be posible to play Turtles in Time with online coop using ZSNES?


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Fox is going to be god tier again.

And Yeahdude,I deleted all my cookies trying to get this effing site to work during the server change, so could you bake a few extra for me?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Btw Dylan, would it be posible to play Turtles in Time with online coop using ZSNES?
HELL YEAH it is :chuckle:

Its actually the most played online ZSNES game for me I beat it like 20 times with my friend back in the day when we were bored on msn.

PM me if you wanna set something up, Im free tonight and all of tomorrow if you have any time, id totally run through the game with you, Im nagging Leonardo or Raphael though, either one just because I think they're the coolest :)

Well...mikey is awesome but I dont like his weapon very much, not enough range. Donatello has great range and **** but he's purple. I don't wanna go through that game with a purple turtle.

Edit : Yes, I still have the ROM, we need the same one for it to work so Ill have to send you mine later if you wanna play.

double edit : Turtles in time is sex


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Does anyone play Marble Madness for Nestopia???? Let me know if anyone would want to, its bada**

Back onto SSBB, its definetly going to be a good game. Some people will probably hate it at first because some of the moves/techs have changed, but once everyone starts to discover the new techs for brawl, the melee discussion will dwindle to ssb64 size (and all of these "what-if" threads on brawl will stop, thank god). I imagine that they will mess with some of the advanced techs, maybe make them more even for each player like they did from ssb64 -> ssbm. A good example is the zcancel in ssb64 would eliminate the entire lag time for Links dair, and for most other players aerials. They noticed this, and instead of eliminating zcancel (l cancel) they designed it to eliminate 50% of the lag time. Sakurai is a smart guy, and knows what people like about the game, and I would imagine changes similar to those form ssb-ssbm are what we can expect for brawl.

But seriously, let me know if anyone wants to play Marble Madness sometime.
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