I wasn't flaming it at all, though I was probably a bit harsh calling it a wasted effort. I understand what they're doing, and if I had the necessary tools to do so, I'd hack my Wii and get Brawl+ just for kicks. It just ticks me off that these people act like Brawl+ is the only thing they can do, and many of them don't want to play melee because it's "dieing". The only way Melee would ever die is because of those people that dismiss it solely because it's old or they think it's dead even though it's not. They also sometimes dismiss Melee because it's hard for new players to get into, or that new players don't play it or w/e, and meanwhile they're banking on a completely hacked version of Brawl to enrich the tournament scene.
It's kind of sad that the community has even come to the point where it starts severely modding smash to suit their tastes. I completely understand their motives in doing so, but it just bothers me that a lot of them don't even consider playing Melee still, even though they appear to care so much about the competitive side of smash.
That's all I'm saying.