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Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Though he is really a shoe in at the moment unless another 3rd party company is announced to be involved with Brawl.

And the picture?
Kirby is circled in the picture holding a whip. Kid Dracula who is actually Alucard as a kid is sitting right next to him.
Lol...you have to be joking. You literally cannot even be serious.

Just because Kirby is holding a whip-like figure (which may not even be a whip), that suddenly means that he is Simon Belmont Kirby? I laugh in your faces.

And how is Simon Belmont a "shoe-in"? If anything, Sonic/Megaman/Bomberman have better chances getting in than Simon Belmont.

And don't make this into a "ZOMG HE'S A SONIC/MEGAMAN FANBOY" thing, because I don't particularly like Sonic/Megaman...I just know that they have a better chance than Belmont.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
What the hell are you talking about? Kirby is there...directly to the left of Donkey Kong, and above/to the left of Bomberman/the piranha plant.

But what I don't see is this "Simon Kirby" you're talking about.

So what? That doesn't make him a good candidate for Brawl.


Lol, WTF?
Haha Funny... (?)

I didn't say Anything 'bout BomberMan or Sonic... so reply with profs and not with childish excuses.

Croco and I made 9 reasons why he could be in. And don't forget, He was on Sakurai's poll, Sonic, BomberMan and Mega Man didn't...

Could u make 9 valuable reasons for them? I mean not like "Sonic/Mega Man/(Yur fav 3 party) is wanted for half the globe"...

If u don't remember here are the Simon's reasons:


1. He was on the NES just like Snake..
2. Is owned by Konami
3. Konami has been the only 3rd party company announced to be involved with Brawl.
4. Is a very popular Konami character and would support the Castlevania series.
5. He was in DreamMix TV World Fighters.. so he can fight.

How the hell are there any doubts? Really. HOW? Name one.

Eight Sage's:

6.He was in DreamMix TV World Fighters (you forgot to say "like Snake was")
7. He is the number one, YES, THE NUMBER ONE, third party with more exclusive-for-Nintendo-games.
8.Why there are two castlevania virtual console games featuring Simon? ....
9.He was on Sakurai's poll showing his interest in him.

And please, this is a good debate, don't show anger in replies LOL

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
1. maturity doesnt come from "Zelda saving Link" statements that are meant to downplay my integrity.
2. i spam huh? if you mean 5 to 30 min before an update like everyone else does then consider yourself twice as guilty. do the same also if you mean days when something we've known since ssb64 is repeated to us at Sakurai's convenience. for the record, im very active in discussion and bring up interesting points and prove points in this thread as well as several others and i can admit my faults. asking ANYONE in this thread..ANYONE thats not a smash n00b and they can vouch for me.
3. your main is zelda and thats fine and all. not many smashers are talented enough to use her but you dont need to remind the whole community of that in the majority of your posts when your signature already says it...especially during discussions of "This World".

i already know my reaction was uncalled for (and i partly wanted to know what it felt like to be RDK) but it pissed me off when it was blatantly obivous youre a zelda fan and yet found the need to bash Sonic when nobody said a word to you

i dunno about the whole all Konami for 3rd party deal. it seems like favoritism to give the entire 3rd party roster to just ONE company ya know.

@topic: ATs would really help clear alot up, especially more signifcant characters. just so we can better gauge whos really got a shot. i also wanna know if a handful of ATs could be 3rd party characters of the franchises associated with the 3rd party playable roster. these seems like "im-Sakurai-and-i -wanna-hide-this-stuff-from-all-you-SWF-bytches" kinda questions but hopefully things will get more clear soon


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Lol...you have to be joking. You literally cannot even be serious.

Just because Kirby is holding a whip-like figure (which may not even be a whip), that suddenly means that he is Simon Belmont Kirby? I laugh in your faces.

And how is Simon Belmont a "shoe-in"? If anything, Sonic/Megaman/Bomberman have better chances getting in than Simon Belmont.

And don't make this into a "ZOMG HE'S A SONIC/MEGAMAN FANBOY" thing, because I don't particularly like Sonic/Megaman...I just know that they have a better chance than Belmont.
Why would Kirby be wielding a whip in the picture? :urg:
Again.. he is standing RIGHT NEXT TO KID DRACULA.
Where has Kirby ever been seen using a whip? and Kirby is EVEN FREAKEN wearing Simon's armor. and if you look at other parts in the picture.. Mario is in the car from OutRun.. ;)

Now again.. I have to repeat myself..

Konami is the ONLY 3rd party we all know at this time to be involved with Brawl.. What does that mean? Any Konami character which was on a Nintendo Console or Handheld has more of chance of making in the 3rd party slots before ANY OTHER 3RD PARTY COMPANIES. That means before Sonic and before MegaMan.. and so on.

Simon Belmont is a shoe in at this time.. and even TwinBee because they are popular Konami owned characters. So unless SEGA or Capcom or any other 3rd party is announced to be involved with Brawl then Konami still has the upper hand.

Now.. if SEGA is announced to be involved.. Then it's obvious that Sonic is in. BUT.. that also means that Konami and SEGA characters have a greater chances of taking any other 3rd party slots before Capcom characters.
So we could end up with..
Snake, Simon Belmont, Sonic, and another SEGA character.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Okay. First of all, 8-Sage, I'm sorry if I came off as a pissy old bas_ard, lol. I was just trying to make my point.

Now onto the mass of posts:

Croco and I made 9 reasons why he could be in. And don't forget, He was on Sakurai's poll, Sonic, BomberMan and Mega Man didn't...
Does Sakurai's poll include EVERY SINGLE Smash fan on the face of the earth? It couldn't possibly. No poll is perfect.

i already know my reaction was uncalled for (and i partly wanted to know what it felt like to be RDK)
Lol...what's that supposed to mean?

Could u make 9 valuable reasons for them? I mean not like "Sonic/Mega Man/(Yur fav 3 party) is wanted for half the globe"...
1. They're basically perfect anti-mascots for Mario/Nintendo. Mario vs. Sonic vs. Megaman vs. Bomberman? How can you NOT want that?

2. Sonic has had numerous games/titles on Nintendo.

3. So has Megaman.

4. So has Bomberman.

5. Just because Simon Belmont was in DreamMixTv (come on...who played that game?) doesn't mean he would make a good fighter for Brawl, or even a good fighter period.

so reply with profs and not with childish excuses.
Again, sorry--I was shteamed, lol.


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2007
Possible Control Configuration for Brawl

The sole purpose of my joining this forum site is to be post an image of a possible control scheme that I have created for the nunchuck in the upcoming Wii game Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I understand that most likely this thread will be removed or relocated. However, whether it does or does not, I will promptly delete this account because I dislike forums. Nothing against the smash boards because I do check em out every once in awhile and like the ease of finding new information related to the upcoming smash bros. game. I just don't like internet blogs/forums due to the lack of intelligent responses, the abundance of pointless insults and conflicts, and pretty much the huge waste of time that it can become.

Anyway I would highly appreciate if someone who is skilled in computers could take this image and post it on any internet web page so that it may be viewed by the public beyond this web community. Although this control scheme is my original idea, and in my opinion a fairly decent one, I have no interest in who takes credit for its creation. What I'm saying is you can say it's your idea and you drew it up on Microsoft Paint and you deserve all the recognition for it and it will not affect me. In fact, I probably won't even know if that you did so who cares. All that is of my concern is that this gets on the internet so people can see. It's not even that great or important, but I think it is an interesting idea and it would be great if people discussed it or even created similar ideas of their own.

Thank you.

btw dylan_tnga is a turd, don't let that guy push you around cuz hes a total *******. haha wow "i can kill you in melee" well congratu****inlations big guy, im sure thats really important in life.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006

5. Just because Simon Belmont was in DreamMixTv (come on...who played that game?) doesn't mean he would make a good fighter for Brawl, or even a good fighter period.

Again, sorry--I was shteamed, lol.

No one played that game.And that game gave any and every character a moveset.That little baseball dude? Optimus Prime??? :psycho:


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Even if it IS simon belmont kirby, does it matter? I mean it aint like official art, look:

U can see racoon pac man...
Roll along with luigi in a SEGA car...
Bonk on some sort of pac man ship...
Some old guy hitting a yellow devil it seems while hes holding lolo and lala...
Bomberman riding a bullet bill (awesome)...
Hell even jason voorhees is over there, near eggman and dr wily...

so whats the point?


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
So,if we can stop the argueing and get on topic here,what does everyone think the update will be? I'm thinking of Yoshi's Final Smash,but I'm probably wrong.(I'd also like to see an AT update)


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
i dunno about the whole all Konami for 3rd party deal. it seems like favoritism to give the entire 3rd party roster to just ONE company ya know.
Actually I'm more of a Capcom fan..
I love the MegaMan series.. I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil.. and I enjoy playing Viewtiful Joe.
I really love the Capcom VS Marvel series.. etc.
I'm a big fan of Dead Rising..

I've never gained much interest in the Castlevania series..
Never played ANY of the Twinbee games..
Never really was interested in the Metal Gear games.. because they bore me.
Never really liked the DDR games either.

So yeah.. if I wanted to favorite anyone.. it would be Capcom.. but because Konami is currently the only announced 3rd Party involved.. it is logical to say Konami characters have the greatest chances of getting in a moment.

Now do you even see a Castlevania world logo in my bottom signature? ;)


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
I may be like late on this one but has anyone noticed this move yet for Yoshi... it looks like he is "riding" DK. If you look right under Yoshi you can see a brown saddle type thing on DK's back. I guess Yoshi wants to get back at everyone for all the years they rode him.... (oh and i already know some of you will have your minds in the gutter about Yoshi "riding" people)



Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2007
Oedo Town
I may be like late on this one but has anyone noticed this move yet for Yoshi... it looks like he is "riding" DK. If you look right under Yoshi you can see a brown saddle type thing on DK's back. I guess Yoshi wants to get back at everyone for all the years they rode him.... (oh and i already know some of you will have your minds in the gutter about Yoshi "riding" people)

Accually this pic is more evidence that Brawl will use the havoc engine

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Lol...what's that supposed to mean?
it meant kudos for pwning 1337marth 3 days ago. the arrogant fool hasnt shown his face since

apparently youre still ignoring my posts but ill say this anyways...
Simon Belmont is way too far of a stretch although your point about the companies and character slots kinda make some sense...it seems i posted this in another thread and pwned myself in the process

perhaps....once again im starting to rethink some stuff. because Konami is the only company we know of so far thats gotten a 3rd aprty character in brawl, whats to stop them for trying to take the next 2 spots. i guess favritism doesnt play a part here but more of a first come first serve deal. if thats the case and Sega gets in before Konami can throw down another cahracter and if Sega goes for the double-play and tries to pop in two characters then we might actually have something here. only thing is its Sega's choice who to throw in and if they dont like costume change idea for Sonic, then guess which black hedgehog might make the cut over Tails?
so yeah a singifcant AT update tonight would be really nice. i want to stop all this (mindless confirmation/deconfirmation of characters based on nothing *mocking Sonic on Bridge of Eldin blatantly* and have some concrete to work with. what do all y'all mother****ers think?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2006
@Eight Sage. Most of those arguement are preatty weak. and Megaman is by far the leader when it comes to exclusive third party games on Nintendo. Without even including any of the X, Z, and BN titles.

I may be like late on this one but has anyone noticed this move yet for Yoshi... it looks like he is "riding" DK. If you look right under Yoshi you can see a brown saddle type thing on DK's back. I guess Yoshi wants to get back at everyone for all the years they rode him.... (oh and i already know some of you will have your minds in the gutter about Yoshi "riding" people)
Looks like his shoes to me.

Accually this pic is more evidence that Brawl will use the havoc engine
Wasn't it confirmed somewhere that the Wii actually has it integrated into its software?

I expect to see a character move update. Not a FS. A B Move update.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
look carefully at what you just quoted...

no, you nincompoop. i meant NINTENDO favoring a certain company because they allow more character slots for them. and besides, ignore that stuff and read my last post...uh *trying to be polite*...please


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I may be like late on this one but has anyone noticed this move yet for Yoshi... it looks like he is "riding" DK. If you look right under Yoshi you can see a brown saddle type thing on DK's back. I guess Yoshi wants to get back at everyone for all the years they rode him.... (oh and i already know some of you will have your minds in the gutter about Yoshi "riding" people)

That, good buddy, is his feet...


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
One thing if you not noticed Yoshi's Final Smash may end up being a call-back to SSBM as with Many Many Yoshi's Stampeding the whole stage... Its a weird picture yes, but It looks more like he's lieing on him, perhaps he slipped from DK's throw


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
W/e, Phalanges, Sternum, Femur, same thing.

That's pretty cool, because the Baby Yoshi in Paper Mario TTYD's "Final Move" was a stampede of Yoshi's! It would be cool if they brought that back!

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
So on stages like battlefield a horde of yoshis would just run on air across the screen? Outrageous!


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
I actually no that, the bummer is that I have not beaten Bonetail yet...But I still wonder what the Egg Bomb Recovery will look like...

Who said they would run on the air, maybe all over then fall off... starting from where yoshi is and going outward in all directions

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
Okay. First of all, 8-Sage, I'm sorry if I came off as a pissy old bas_ard, lol. I was just trying to make my point.
I appreciate that u recognized it. ;) I understand.

Even if it IS simon belmont kirby, does it matter? I mean it aint like official art
so whats the point?
REAd the posts, the debate is based in 9 real reasons.
It was fun to see why Kirby is Belmont-suited and not Normal, No one ever said that Simon was in Brawl 'cause of that picture.

So,if we can stop the argueing and get on topic here,what does everyone think the update will be? I'm thinking of Yoshi's Final Smash,but I'm probably wrong.(I'd also like to see an AT update)
Agree. And I think Tomorrow's update will be what we are waiting for...

A song.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
geez everyones still talking about yoshi? how about tonights potential update or this weeks potential updates and what the best possible (and reasonable given how far we are away for 12/3) update this week could be for discussions anyways..so that basically eliminates items and character profiles for returners


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
That is an interesting Idea, but isnt this a Yoshi Move that I was saying... They would. Still a mass of yoshi's would be pretty affected. But another Idea would be throwing a Mega-Egg at the center of the stage... or multiple at people... Like Mario Final Smash.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
Speaking of Yoshi, he just helped confirm another character in the Dr.Mario thread.:pAnyway,I'm sure his FS will be nonetheless cool.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
I like how they gave Yoshi his modern look rather than going for something more along the lines of what they did for Melee. This look is definitely the silliest and cutest, but I like it that way.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
I like how they gave Yoshi his modern look rather than going for something more along the lines of what they did for Melee. This look is definitely the silliest and cutest, but I like it that way.
Melee one was good,but I like this Yoshi because it looks like it stays more true to the mario games he's in such as Tennis,golf,etc.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
A thousand nations of the Yoshi empire descend upon you!

Yoshis! Eat a hearty breakfast for tonight, we dine in Smashville!

Speaking of Yoshi, he just helped confirm another character in the Dr.Mario thread.Anyway,I'm sure his FS will be nonetheless cool.
I fail to see how Yoshi confirms Dr. Mario...unless in the story mode Yoshi has malaria, and needs the good Doctor to stick the long rubber glove up his dinosaur hiney and cure him.

so that basically eliminates items and character profiles for returners
Kirby's FS, FTW!

I have a sick feeling that it might be an item/music combo. A really bad feeling.

Homerun Bat FTL. Din's Fire FTL, lol. 'Ja hear that, Ethano?
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