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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
Zamus is a good idea...as another character, but this is not the situation. I want to keep hoping it's not going to ruin Samus. For now though, I'm going to have to agree and say Zamus is screwing up the Samus character. No amount of whip can change that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
Zamus is a good idea...as another character, but this is not the situation. I want to keep hoping it's not going to ruin Samus. For now though, I'm going to have to agree and say Zamus is screwing up the Samus character. No amount of whip can change that.
Still, what are the chances of getting Zero Suit Samus? You'll only get her maybe ONCE a game, if you're that lucky. She won't ruin Samus.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok so A little late but my usual 2 cents on the update:

Love it, glad we finally got another newcomer on the character list, and the pattern is once again correct:

Monday: zelda
tuesday: bowser
wednsday: DK
Thursday: Zamus

So this pretty much means we get another character on next weeks friday, and being friday the character must be BIG :p

Finally a screenshot of zamus whip in action, very awesome...

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Ok so A little late but my usual 2 cents on the update:

Love it, glad we finally got another newcomer on the character list, and the pattern is once again correct:

Monday: zelda
tuesday: bowser
wednsday: DK
Thursday: Zamus

So this pretty much means we get another character on next weeks friday, and being friday the character must be BIG :p

Finally a screenshot of zamus whip in action, very awesome...
Nice eye :D Didn't notice that about the character updates


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
DK's update was also on a Thursday iirc.
Yup. No pattern here.

I think DK was technically released on a Wednesday, but only because the update came hours earlier than it usually does. It was still counted as Thursday's update on the Dojo site.
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Ok so A little late but my usual 2 cents on the update:

Love it, glad we finally got another newcomer on the character list, and the pattern is once again correct:

Monday: zelda
tuesday: bowser
wednsday: DK
Thursday: Zamus

So this pretty much means we get another character on next weeks friday, and being friday the character must be BIG :p

Finally a screenshot of zamus whip in action, very awesome...
wow dude you almost have 5000 posts jeez how long you been here? *bows down* lol


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
you should be used to it by now (zing) jk

anyway zamus as the new sheik makes a lot of sense

sakurai might make this the only way to transform (i said transform i still believe you can start as zamus and turn into samus) to make transformations more balanced you know what happened with zelda/sheik right

Evil E.

Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Macon GA
When u say the new sheik its like ur saying sheik is broken......

Zamus will be here own person when it comes to selecting a charater..


Pac Man Just might be there with a lil bit of bomber man.... and DK Jr.

U guys have to think out of the box

and i dont really see a pattern


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
you should be used to it by now (zing) jk

anyway zamus as the new sheik makes a lot of sense

sakurai might make this the only way to transform (i said transform i still believe you can start as zamus and turn into samus) to make transformations more balanced you know what happened with zelda/sheik right
Yeah,everyone was using Sheik and no one ued Zelda. I don't want to happen to Samus,though.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
When u say the new sheik its like ur saying sheik is broken......
Not broken...but sickeningly good; borderline cheap.

Probably not. That would ruin the game.

Pac Man Just might be there with a lil bit of bomber man.... and DK Jr.
Pac Man? That's wishful hoping. Bomberman, MAYBE (although that would be cool). And if you mean Diddy, there's a better chance there.

P.S: A little bit? What do you mean by that?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
and being friday the character must be BIG :p
i mightve flamed your behind if you meant Big the Cat from the Sonic games

When u say the new sheik its like ur saying sheik is broken......
probably cuz its true

Zamus will be here own person when it comes to selecting a charater..
likely but i think the holding-A cheat is more likely

please never say that again without proof. youre jinxing my boy

Pac Man Just might be there with a lil bit of bomber man.... and DK Jr.
i would vote bomberman long before pacman

U guys have to think out of the box
hence all our dirty jokes

Yeah shiek aint broken... rite [/SARCASM]

Not broken...but sickeningly good; borderline cheap.
slightly more true

Probably not. That would ruin the game.

I thought we were done with dirty jokes today...:lick:[/COLOR]
dude half our user names are dirty jokes (alludes to DonkeySmasher for instance)

How so? It's a better fit than Snake.
didnt someone say something about being done with dirty jokes?

EDIT: long post i know, so sue me


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2007
This isn't the place to discuss it, but anyone who thinks Sonic won't make it is fooling himself.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
i posted this on another thread...but im going to repost it just for fun.

sorry if this is incredibly off topic... but ive got some dirt to get off my chest. I care not if I'm banned...simply because it is the truth and some people need to realize this:

todays update is one of the many that have had the smash community buzzing. these news updates bring many debates and opinions on the game, and allow us to look at the upcoming game through different perspectives. What disgusts me is how some people, or "kids" as i call em, are bringing the terrible attitudes from their real life persona onto these boards. You know who im talking about. people like dylan and his butt buddies spamming "ZOMG YOU CAN ONLY play as ZSS by FINAL SMASH? COMPETITIVE SMASHING IS RUINED BOYCOTT BRAWL!!" and "IF WAVEDASHING IS NOT IN BRAWL BOYCOTT THE GAME". They arent the only ones, you guys know who im talkin about. The fact is... these might be the worst approaches to anything, in a game or in life. This childish philosophy of "IF EVERYTHING IS NOT EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT THEN IT IS NOT GOOD" does not belong in any competitive event. Frankly, id rather play BRAWL by MYSELF than play with idiots with that kind of sportsmanship. A real competitor will accept the changes brought about by brawl, adjust to them, and have fun. the fact of the matter is... BRAWL is not MELEE!!!! Everyone is so AFRAID and Scared that their skills in melee will not transition directly to brawl. Sakurai is going to give the people what they want. And true... this game may be geared to a more casual audience... and may be different than melee in many ways... but you must look at this aspect with EXCITEMENT, not fear. The competitive smash community will evolve through brawl just as the smash series will. THe bottomline is this.... if you are a punk whos going to ***** and complain about every aspect of brawl that your going to have to adjust to... dont plague the brawl community with your b1tchery. Perhaps your activity of choice should be pausing a game of tony hawks pro skater two when your doing a trick and then stick the rumbling controller up ur ***. As of this day forward.. i am starting a prebrawl organization called ABS (ANTI ***** SMASHING) Anyone with me?
You're absolutley pathetic.First of all,you need to post better and not use a huge wall-of-text.

Some people may not want Brawl to change,but why do you care if a random person doesn't like the changes in Brawl? You can accuse someone of hypocrisy,but can you make youreslf not look like a hypocrite when you do it? No.

A lot of people want brawl to remain the same because of several good reasons.One of the main reasons is the game engine itself.It was simple yet intuitive at the same time, and it provided great universal balance in the game.Game mechanics such as L-cancel are only one of the great applications in Melee that provideed a great depth of play.

Yes,it's obvious that the mechanics of Smash Bros. is changing,but the people don't fear the change of the game,they fear for the depth of the games mechanics.As evidence is pointing towards the loss of depth in the game.Simple mechanics of the game are being more of an emphasis in the games development cycle.I'm sure that there will be a wide plethora of techniques that we will be able to explore once Brawl is released, but some people want some of the things that made Melee great.Just as in SSB64,everyone wanted Z-canceling back.What's wrong with having some of the same?

Now,about your little "organization"...Why exactly are you going through the trouble?Sure, you don't like it when people are complaining abuot Brawl changing, but what's wrong with just ignoring them? You're becoming the exact thing you're protesting against.Potesting against a populas on a forum is pathetic. Nothing they say or you say is going to change what happens in Brawl,so why do you waste your time and effort to protest against people who only want Brawl to have the same depth as Melee? Your misinterpretation of us elitist smashers is a misconception.

The tournament community is very intuitive when it comes to high level smash play.I, personally find nothing wrong with wanting to have the great tournament mechnics in melee to remain in tact along with other things that can enhance tournament play.In my experiance,those who are positive towards the brawl change were those who weren't good in Melee to begin with because of the steep learing curve.Coincidentally, a majority of the people complaining are those who are new here, and have not had a form grasp on tournament play.

To the new members on this site: Have you ever been to a tournament? Have you ever played this game on an advanced level? I know that when I first came here I tried to protest against Melee as well, but I didn't have a firm grasp on what the tournament community was and how it worked.I thought that it was reliant on L-cancel,shuffle,Jc grabs etc.But it isn't about that in general,those things only enhance the mechanics.The real depth of Melee was the ability to use these techniques in a variety of ways, not to abuse them at every moment.This, is why we want these mechanics to return, so we can use these techniques with the same depth.It's a great thing if you ask me.

I know everyone wants a chance to be professional, but changes to Brawl won't make you more of a professional.The skill of a professional comes for the diversity of a persons playing style and tactics.The ability to be tactical can only come from the ablity to take advantage of a situation and react accordingly.

Now,about Dylan.In his blight, I actually have to agree with him. Sure,his words may seem harsh and informal(Also a slight detection of hypocrisy),but he's absolutly correct.The mentallity of those who don't tournament experiance only comlain about how 'unfair' certain things are, or say that technical abuse only leads a professional to victory.Because of this, noobs(Dare I say) often boycott melee with the whole " change is good" theory.In my defense I can say thatmajority of new players have not been exposed to the tournament community to relize how much of a great and intuitive experiance it is.Dylan doesn't hate Brawl,he just loves the tournament community and fears that it may be changed or become non existant because of the lack of tournament playability(worse case scenario).

Some one said this earlier about Dylan that I generally agree with.Dylan just doesn't want Brawl to be a bad game,so he gets his hopes up,and that often evolves into misinterpreted anger.Don't get mad at Dylan because he isn't formal.I know without-a-doubt he wants Brawl to be a good game.

Now, this boycott thing you are talking about really won't work as well as you may think.Why? Because it really has no effect on us at all.Gathering up as a community will only make you like us elitist smashers.So spare us the BS and enjoy Brawl on your own without neing worried about another persons opinion on the game.If anything, I believe you actually care about the opinions of us elite smashers and only want us to enjoy the game as much as possible, but creating an organization to protest against us doesn't actually help the cause.

I'm pretty sure if you tried to understand the tournament community more you wouldn't be protesting.But as of now, some people are going to hate Brawl, some are going to love it, so just enjoy the game yourself without worrying about someone else.

Elitism will always exist despite your actions, so I suggest you NOT waste your time.

I'm out...


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Snake is as worthy as Sonic is. Not just because of past games on the system, but it just works... honestly, who cares where they're from or what they do - if they look like decent fighters, why not?

Yes Pac-man has a deep history.

But Pac-man is stupid, and eats dots.

Sure Snake's only got one game on the cube, and a couple on the Gameboy,


I can't wait to use Snake to tear up some porcupines, lol.. Seriously though, I say Brawlers should be in the game based on fighting plausability.

@ Xanderous - Snake was brought up for inclusion during Melee's developement. Also, being mental is better than being ignorant IMO.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Before Sonic? Are you mental? Sonic won't be shown till right before the game comes out, to build hype. I'm sure Sonic was chosen YEARS before Snake.
actually, no. kojima wanted snake in melee, and by the time melee came out, sega still had the dreamcast, and therefore was still competing against nintendo.

besides, Snake>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sonic


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2007
You guys are totally wrong. If you think that the developers didn't think of Sonic immediately after making Smash 64, you're just ****in' dumb.
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