That's a really detailed list, I hope you feel better now.People who have been elected for eternal salvation.
Totes bitter God didn't predestine me to be saved.
Irrational people
People who get offended easily
Pretty much the entire facebook population
People who say generic crap like 'everything happens for a reason'
People who think that every opinion should be respected as equal
Manchester United fans
People who believe the media
People who are satisfied with mainstream television
People who can't think outside the box
People who are insecure or are social failures that act out on the internet by condescending others
People who say that they hate people who are fake
People who still think that mimicking skanky blondes is funny
People who try to portray themselves as hating people but always seem to get involved with people
People who think that getting angry at your teammates or committing a lot of fouls in sport is being passionate
Intelligent people who aren't mature enough to handle their intelligence and resort to condescending others
People who think they're king **** once they finally work out and make themselves look decent
People who purposely try to be different and consequently fail miserably
People who have flaws that I don't have
Stupid people, excluding the mentally handicapped
Jersey Shore fans
People who are total refelections of their upbringings and environment
People whoplace too much importance in arbitrary tradiitons
People who pick and choose what they believe in religions
Irreligious people who say they're religious
Irreleigious people who celebrate religious holidays
Irreligious people who wear crosses on chains
Irreligious people who get Bible quotes and Jesus tatted on them
Irreligious people who do the sign of the cross when playing sport
People who like Nickelback
People who say 'well they're making more money than you' when you criticise someone on TV
People who think something must be good if it's popular
People whose preferred murder weapon of choice is a knife
People who say they're animal fans but only like cute animals or big carnivores
People who think quotes that are articulated in an eastern or oriental way are actually insightful
People who think that 99% of quotes are insightful
The entire retail industry
People who are loud in public
People who criticise philosophy without being remotely educated in it
People who tell you to just be happy or stop thinking because they're assuming you're capable of that when in fact you're more intelligent and know more about the world than they do
People who think that school grades and the IQ test are actual reflections of intelligence levels
People who feel it worthwhile spending their time trolling people on the net and consider that genuine entertainment
That's all I got for now.