197.Enter the store in a heavy trench coat. Head directly to the trading cards. Began randomly opening packs. Slit rists with variours cards and shoot yourself in the foot with a cossbow....Then walk up grab a cart and continue shopping.
198.yell Tengo un gato en mis pantalones
199.Enter with four other men into the building and reinact the YMCA music video.
200!Film a reality TV show entitled "1000 ways to get banned from Walmart"
201.Hit on the manger.
202.Take a super soaker and drench all of the hanging infomercials on the cieling.
1.Find moose
2.pull down pants
3.**** moose
204.Pluck and skin a live ostrich and roast slowly over a burning hobo.
205(mah area code).1 word. BATMAN
206.Batman V.s Supperman, Crusifixation
207.Scream at the top of your lungs the Mexican Anthem.
208.Yell, Bush is not a dumb@$$
209.Yell, Al Gore is right. The world is doomed. Everyone your all sinin. Throw away your material possesions and take a more humble lifestyle. One of the wide out doors. One of naturality. One of (if your not dead by now you should be)
210.Shake all the Pepsis. Start a bonfire with huggys. Set Pepsis in fire. Roast marshmallows.
211.Fall asleep
212.Pole dance on the clothes racks.
213.(If a dude) put on the female underware
(A chick) put on dudes underware on and walk in slo-mo
214.Tackle someone and perform CPR
215.ask if this looks like a "Q" to you...
216.Bring a vibrator and "probe" every one
217.start screaming that the computers have finally taken over the world, then start attacking the monitors/other hardware with various items that are expensive and break fairly easily
218.Burn. Burn it all down. Then admit you were under mind control.
219.Drink all the dew eat all the dorritoes then smoke all the pall mall brand cigs.
220.do this to the manager...