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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
From the first post:

Biweeklies are supposed to start at 12pm (noon) if you are late I can try my best to postpone for 30 minutes because i know how bad traffic is. Biweeklies tend to end around 5-7pm depending on how many Tv's we have.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2006
Oxnard, CA
Jeffz0r said:
I don't have a teampartner, nor a crew yet :)
Hey sorry I took so long to answer but it looks like I'm not going to the biweeklies. I have other plans.

You could always ask my brother to be in his crew cause he will be there both days... Just look for a guy called Ultra Luigi :laugh:

Well I hope you all have a great time and good luck to all of you! :)


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
Fun biweekly. Hopefully we'll have more TVs next time so we can speed things up :)

I ended up having to fight Ultra Luigi and then Knives. The Knives set was pretty close, as it was down to the wire in the second and third match. I dunno what the heck happened with that 3 stock I had left over at the end of the first match...must've been the controller! XD!

Ultra pwned my Sheik, but it's good to know that my Marth and his Luigi aren't so far away from eachother. We're relatively close! Just gotta get that Luigi training, hehe...but yeah, you guys are good :O!!!

w00t! ChampFire...or DarkChamp got 3rd in teams! Too good n.n!! I don't know how or why, but we did really well for a first try. :)!

Was good playing everyone. Glad I didn't lose all my skill while I was away >.>

Dunno if I can go tomarrow, but it would be great if I could :)


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2005
I ordered some pizza,
Because I got pizz0wN3d

**** I really wanted to play Chu or Ken though.

And Chu, you should have MM those guys, you would have won LoL
I know you only got like 100 bucks for a month or two, but you would have doubled it hahahahaha


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
looks like ill be going tomorow :)
first bi-weekly ever, thanks for the sunday date

anyone care to team with me? i could team up with one of the peeps i bring but i want to team up with a bi-weekly person if someone was interested


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
V3G4 said:
And Chu, you should have MM those guys, you would have won LoL
I know you only got like 100 bucks for a month or two, but you would have doubled it hahahahaha
Didn't me and that other guy beat chu like 4-5 times in a row?~_~

...I didn't want to take Chu's money anyway. XD!!!!

Anyway, not sure if i'll be coming today...if someone could tell me exactly what time this'll end, I might...but it's not looking good for me atm x.x


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2006
Midway City, CA
Dark_Fire said:
Didn't me and that other guy beat chu like 4-5 times in a row?~_~

...I didn't want to take Chu's money anyway. XD!!!!

Anyway, not sure if i'll be coming today...if someone could tell me exactly what time this'll end, I might...but it's not looking good for me atm x.x
that wuz NK


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
lol o man i heard you picked up a peach too
good stuff
well i think i am teaming up with my buddy :/ but ill talk to him and see what happens

um...Mana you think you could postpone 5 minutes? im leaving right now but i have to put gas in the tank first, so realistically i wont be there on time.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
Orange County, CA
Good matches on Saturday. As always, I lose all my matches. At least I enjoyed my match against Dodger. One of my best matches in a tourney.

Won't be coming today, Sunday. Too tired. Although I did want to hang out with Melvin and PNS. Still need to give him his link cable back.


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
saturday was too good, and i especially wanted to let roger know that it was one of the closest sets i've had in a while... all you need to do is not use your second jump when you see bowser leap towards you and you'll probably win with the kirby combos:)

but yes, as for sunday (today), i have had such an unbelievable night and i'm too busy today with work and fixing my phone, so i'll have to pass on today....

but i'll hopefully see some of you guys at the staff meeting?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Knotting Falls, Linistar
Well I had fun :D

Single Skills up! Team down!xp

I guess I lost team skills xp so i better keep those up
Sorry that I did'nt come but I want to go against Chu sometime without $$

But Yayuhzz, I wonder when I'll will meet again (meaning the Hoangs, And Jenny!)


Smash Ace
Feb 25, 2005
I thought there would have been more people at this one, but it's almost good that there wasn't a lot of people seeing as how there weren't that many TVs. Speaking of which, sorry for not bringing a tv, but I wasn't going back to Irvine afterwards, and if I had brought it I would have had to back track. Yay for either my best singles performance at biweekly or at least a tie of it. 2 victories baby!

Hirsine: Heh, yeah we got owned in teams. Ahh well. I'm sure we'll do better next time, assuming you'd ever want to team with me again :-).

Compy: Man my heart was pounding during our set. Especially near the end of the second round. You're getting better, keep it up!

Arash: Sooooo close. At least I have one more victory over your bowser under my belt. Sorry I got so mad, I really shouldn't have :-) I ate far too many uairs though. And I still can't believe I jumped into your usmash. Good games though. I'll get my revenge next time.

Wolf: Haha we always seem to end up playing friendlies. I'll beat you someday....maybe :-).

Hugo: LoL, good stuff against Panda's crew. You are far too good. Your shiek needs a little work though. It only one stocked me :-P.

Chu Dat: Lol man, you and your money matches. I gotta admit, I was surprised when you remembered my name, that's something Hugs couldn't do for a while and he LIVES here. :-) That Y. Link boomerang recovery was craaaazy. But I'm sure you do stuff like that all the time.

Caotic: lol at team CaoKen X 20. It's always great to smash with you, I hope I can make it down for another triweekly.

Ken & co: Sorry the whole UCI vs. UCSD thing fell thourgh. It would have been really cool to hold it at a biweekly. Thanks again for holding another awesome biweekly.

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
I had a lot of fun at both biweeklies, both very good.

It's good to see everyone there, well almost everyone.

Champ: Thanks a lot man, i wouldn't be able to make it to both biweeklies if it wasn't for you. Thanks for the smash help, we should go luigi team.

Ken: Thanks for the matches. I will deffinitly train and try to be ready by MLG LA. The stuff you said is true, i just need to work on my weaknesses.

Mike: I wondered why you didn't change character when i chose that Dk stage and now i know. The stage kind of backfired because of the stupid barrel, lol too good.

Caotic: Thanks for the friendly. Your peach has a force field man, keep it up. Stop saying your no good when you are good.

Pat: Pleasure to finally get a match against your ICs. I got really nervous when Chu was helping you out. Very close matches.

Chu: Sorry that i forgot about the 1$ MM, maybe next time i see you. As for the tourney match, that was cool. I finally got to see your ICs in action. The fox match was funny as hell, i couldnt believe i hit you both times with the rocket when we were at the bottom of the stage.

Superfriends: Great to see you guys, good to see you guys are as sharp as ever. Wolf got me nervous when he picked marth and beat me the first time, ouch. Finally got a match against Hugs, not a set but i match.

PNS Crew: Good to see you guys made it on sunday. I had some fun matches with you guys, but there was one person i didn't get to play.

Araknophobik: Too many suicides with your marth, what happened man? Great match btw.

McRusty: Your like a different person in real life, where's all the trash talk, all the pride? Poke Floats is your trump card, very strange. Good job in crews.

Jeffzor: I hope you guys had a good time in Cali. Fun friendlies we had, darn that sheik :)

Panda: If you want to ever team up just let me know, Luigi and Sheik could work out, get some up-b action. I really need to work on my team tactics, as i feel i'm the one thats putting down the team.

Zander: French Maidens :( We need to step it up man. Hopefully you can hosts some tourneys soon.

I hope i didn't forget anyone else, but that would be a lot of shoutouts for two days lol. Hope to see everyone soon, fun times. What was the name of the place that gives you free icecream when its your bday? My birthday is this wednesday so i want something for free.

EDIT: Thomas: Forgot about you man. Nice tourney matches, i dont know why but i feel really comfortable playing on that DK stage. As for the crew match, I almost **** myself. :laugh:

Socal is too good.


Oct 29, 2004
In no particular order

Panda - I LOVE YOU PANDAA!!!!! Awwwwww, so cute

Inks - Thanks for the close matches. I think I got about 10 tippers on 50% for death row. You owned my DI mindgames.

Oscar - Niiiiiiicccccceeeeee Ultra-Super-Duper-Luigi. I think it's pretty hard to hit, good sheezy.

Arash - Thinks he knows Jungle Japes, awwww too cute :) I love you Bowser, awwwww

Jeffzor + Roy - Glad to see Dutchies crash California. See you guys in, around and outside E3, ja ?

HugS - Nice talksies.

SEXY - Yups, the name says it all, Thomas. LOL. I like your Peach. It makes my brain melt cus I have to think.

Manacloud - You know my weakness, ********* that's sooooooo dirty LOL, OMG too funny LOL damit u LOL what can I do..... Those 4am friendlies SOOOOO went against me LOL

Zander805 - WOOT. Wow you came down for this. Nice seeing you, hope I can get some guys to come all the way up there for some awesome.

Ken - Thanks for teaming with me, sorry I got greedy in the last set and forgot about looking out for you. Thanks for pestering Krogodile off WoW about me, I appreciate it ^_^ and I got my work done!! Yups!

Araknophobik - You did pretty good, but ***dammit CAMPING Sheiks = MOAN.

McRusty - For someone who makes big a$$ claims on the net, you really **** sucked. Camping doesn't make up for suckyness, if you are good AND you camp then it's a different story.

Helen - Took out Pha CAOTIC and ChuDat in bowling. Fountain Bowling alley SUCK. JONNNNZZZZZZZZ *runs*

Chu - As a captain I trusted you... ....... ....... WTFMANGZ!!!!??????? I could say that to you all day and it'd apply at any time. LOL. Hurry up and come to SD so you can join in on the SD hawtness. Oh - best Young Link I've ever seen. CRAZZZZZYYYYY RETURNNN O_o_O-o.O

Pat - Now you know for sure Peach vs. IC is close to hopeless LOLZ I'm still waiting for the day you take my *** out cus you're too good. Thanks Pat's mommy + relatives for driving me to Esco =) LOL @ Biku vs. Squish story

Oh.... you me and Roy got pounded by the awesomest underrated wave on the Newport Beach rocks. California sunsets look nice and smoggish YAYYUHZZ

Squishy - Pat's mum calls you Squish LOL OMG too cute

Dodger - I pee my pants, scaryyyyy Kirby >.< Yayyuhzz, come for some San Diego love! You should make the trip down with a bunch of North/Mid Socalers, LOL it'd be sooo fun... ^^

Knivez - Very sharpy foxy. I got scardsies, hahaha

Champ - My style changed? Whaattttt...... it only changes against Sheik, cus my usual stuff don't work. I got several styles, all situational. But I guess everyone has that.

Krogodile - Thanks for the ride from Esco to UCSD. Smooth jazz in a pickup truck with sexy man HAWTNESS right there...

Bowser rapesies for MM :)


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Wheeeeeee!!! Good timez there, big thanks to Ken, Mike, and Helen for opening their house to us strangerz o_O

Ultra Luigi: O.o good stuff mangz that Luigi is slippery! Red Robin gives out the free sundae's yayuhzz!

Panda: *Don't tell anyone but Oscar looks like Luigi* LOLZ. Close matches in singles and good shizz in teams. Pandatrated!!

CAOTIC: Hey ev'ry body I'm fr'em da south! Too funny, Cao with American accent lolz. Always fun to hand out with you man. Cuuute

Ken: Hey I really had fun this weekend, thanks a bunch for lettin me spend the night and for the 5 AM training lolz.

Chu: YAYYYUHHHZZZ Haha, you're too funny mangz. Brain numbing shizz with the Young Link, CRAZY RETURN. One handed Ken Combo? WTFMANGZ! Thanks for the tips and the coaching, I'll see ya around SD.

ThomaSexy: Your Peach is still too good even after all these years. WTFROFL at Chu 2v1 MM us? Almost got 8 stocked LOLZ

Helen: You were being mean to people! Haha j/k good MM 2v2 w/Chu

Mike: Hey man the website is coming around really nicely. Thanks for lettin me stay over, and sorry about me being such a mess LOL. Dirge of Ceberus O.o

HugS: AWWWW Sooo close to taking out WCS single-handed. I had money on you man! Too good Hugo.

Superfriends: Good seeing you guys around, we'll need to see a real Super Friends vs WCS

Jeffz0rz & Roy: Crazy a$$ Dutchies, jumping into freaking 50 degree F, ocean water. Uhh.... Tc=[(5/9)*(Tf-32)] sooo... 10 degrees Celsius LOLZ. Roy, you me and Cao got 4-stocked by that wave >.<

Champ: So many up tilts with that Fox haha! Cleanest Fox player I know, by far. LOL LOL LOL @ the guy you Champ comboed like 3 times "Stupid Champ, only wins because of Champ Combos...." Too good

Zander: Nice to finally meet you man, We'll be sure to try and make it up to some UCSB Tourneys. Thanks for the TVs, too cool.

Crusty: You need to sh*t talk more in person mangz! If you're gonna bring it online bring it in real life too no matter how bad your doing, you're too quiet!

Dodger: That kirby just keeps gettin better and better, one stock away from HugS? I'm afraid! UCSD might actually have a tough time after all....


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
What's up? Well, my comuter at home is broken so I only go online at work so I always gotta keep it short because I'm so busy and I'll get in trouble if they see me on the net.

First of all, I gotta say that Pat (AznLep) Has FREAKIN INCREDIBLE Ice Climbers! His Chain grabbing is better than Chu's. (Sorry Chu) But he can spike you off the edge in a chain grab, just like he did to Chu. Haha. (Sorry again man)

McCrusty Sanchez Jr.: Wow. I've never seen a worse player in my life. You can't even camp good. If you didn't see our match, he took me to the Mario Bros. 2 stage with birdo and he was Sheik and he just stood on the higher ground throwing needles. It was so sad to see someone get that desperate.

Chu: #2 in the world! Hey! You know why everyone loves you? Because you're always happy all the time whether you win or lose. You just make the game more fun and you make the bi-weeklies more fun.

Champ: Good stuff in teams.

Everyone else: It took me 2 hours to type this. That's how busy I am at work. And now it's already time to go home so I'm leavining instead of finishing this. Hehe. Sorry. But you all rock. (Well, most of you.)


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2006
Midway City, CA
ya, but either way i would lose. i know i suk, but u guys dont have to be *******s about it. those are personal attacks aimed at me. this is just a game, and making personal attacks over how i play in a game is uncalled for.

either way im going to suk, so why cant i suk my way? does every1 have to play the same? even if i played like a "mainstream sheik player" would, i would still have lost.

never seen a worst player in ur life thomas? we all know that isnt true but u do that because u did not enjoy playing against a camper. it took the fun out of the game, so all of a sudden i have to be the worst player there ever was because i use a tactic that is frowned upon. camping will not win me many matches, but neither will playing like u guys do. camping gives me an edge because no1 camps, and no1 expects it. think of it as a mindgame, but i do not use it to its fullest potential, but none of us use anything to its fullest potential. so u want me to play regularly and lose, why cant i just lose while camping?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2005
San Diego California
those are personal attacks aimed at me. this is just a game, and making personal attacks over how i play in a game is uncalled for.

LOL It's just a game, but making fun of how I play in a game is mean Hahaha.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
great biweeklys u guys! I had fun both days!!! =)

Oscar - Improving in such a fast rate now yay. You jsut need to work on ur match up right? After that u'll becoem unstoppable haha. It was great having u over. Too good with that coffee. Yes double luigi would be great!

Superfriends - Wolf nice seeing u again, but I didn't paly u much oh well. Inks I haven't paly u in ages besides team too! We gotta paly soemtiem yeah? Gabe our fox ditto was close, that last hit surprise me =) godo game man. Hugo is too good as always. Almsot taking otu west coast sandicite by urself >_<. I champ combo u finally but u took me out in winners/lsoer haha. Too good Hugo =)

WCS - Great teamnig with u thomas, we did good but no 3rd palce money aww. Oh well next time at regualr tourney we'll get thrid again so money yay. Knives I didn't paly u but I can tell that u dun know how to fight luigi haha. Dun worry u're getting better so soon enough u'll becoem suepr threat +1. Panda got my doc T_T it was so clsoe but oh well. Nice seeing u again, but next tourney I'm gonig to sue fox unless the tourney is small again. So watch out panda n_n

Caotic - Haha hey I only saw 1 match so dun be mad. I'll see how u paly next tiem we actually paly together hehe.

Pat - Ice Climber ownage haha. Where's chu??? I can't wait for pat to becoem a big threat cause then peopel will be hating on ice clibmers haha. Great job Pat

Dark fire - wow we did great man. 3rd palce in team and almost beating ken and caotic too. If only I didn't hit u. Well ncie teaming with ya and i guess wer'e compatible with each other. Next tiem we can try to team again.

arash and max - dirty brisntar haha. Great seeign u arash and ur bowser is as godo as always. Max welcome to the I got suepr champ combo club =) You guys are a threat in team but I didn't see max paly single so I don't think he enters.

Mike - ncie seeing u again, and yeah man naruto/bleach filelr marathon = funeral for champ haha.

Ken - what do u know I didn't get ken combo but i know who did a whoel lot (chu/caotic) haha. Great hanging otu with u as always but yeah I'l ltry my best to attend all biweeklys.

Chu- man I can't believe u went 2v1 on pat and thomas. Well u make the day fun as usual but u gotta do soemthing with that ear of urs man! We don't want deaf chu walknig around on the street... for oc2 donation =)

sb people - u guys came now so that's pretty awsome. Next time bring mroe sb down too yeah?

every1 else - too good guys. I'm going to have to many challenge getting a win now


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2006
Midway City, CA
[GMWii]Wii2 said:
those are personal attacks aimed at me. this is just a game, and making personal attacks over how i play in a game is uncalled for.

LOL It's just a game, but making fun of how I play in a game is mean Hahaha.
read their posts again and find the deeper meaning man.

Taco Head

Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Long Beach, CA
McWiistyJr said:
ya, but either way i would lose. i know i suk, but u guys dont have to be *******s about it. those are personal attacks aimed at me. this is just a game, and making personal attacks over how i play in a game is uncalled for.

either way im going to suk, so why cant i suk my way? does every1 have to play the same? even if i played like a "mainstream sheik player" would, i would still have lost.

never seen a worst player in ur life thomas? we all know that isnt true but u do that because u did not enjoy playing against a camper. it took the fun out of the game, so all of a sudden i have to be the worst player there ever was because i use a tactic that is frowned upon. camping will not win me many matches, but neither will playing like u guys do. camping gives me an edge because no1 camps, and no1 expects it. think of it as a mindgame, but i do not use it to its fullest potential, but none of us use anything to its fullest potential. so u want me to play regularly and lose, why cant i just lose while camping?

NO JOHNS!!!!! :chuckle:


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
Mc crusty... im not saying this to cause any harm in anyway, but if you truly want to get better you should aim towards trying to play the real way and start fighting. you aren't going to develope what you need to get better like, ways of approaching, mind games, combo'ing skills etc by just hiding behind a building all day and block grabbing.

How do you think I got good? by hiding behind peaches castle's wall all day? why do I win a lot of tournaments?

Biweeklies are here for everyone in socal to improve their skills. I hope there to be more stronger socal players than before, that's why I opened my house so everyone can train. I really want everyone to represent socal in time for MLG LA and OC2, and i would love it if a socal member would step it up and win the fair and legit way.

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