To reply to Maikeru17 in the other thread:
I dunno, because before Brawl's release I had spent a good long time, almost a year, trying to become a competetive Smasher. I never got to go to any tournies and I still havn't, but I did spend a lot of time trying out wavedashing, and it's easy enough to do. The only problem is, I can't put it seamlessly into my play, and I've been trying for so long, and even when I do put it into play, there are times I mess up. Times I shield before I can jump, or times I jump too high and then leave myself open with freefalling. L-Cancelling on the othe hand I'm fine at, but only with aerials that have really long recoveries (Like Link's DownA...) and when I use it in other moves I always end up hitting it too late and shielding instead.
I dunno, maybe I had been playing Melee for so long before I discovered the competetive scene that it was hard to change my playing habit, or maybe I just suck at ATs. If I'm ever going to be good, (as in really good) it'll probably be in the way Aniki does it. Without ATs anyway.
I personally find Brawl more fun to play than Melee, and I completely understand the competetive problem with Brawl, but I don't want limited air dodging for the sake of something that I never really enjoyed doing in the first place. The whole "wavedash is the only way to win" thing made it feel really forced, infact it was the reason I left SWF for a few months. I dunno, maybe the competetive scene just isn't for me.