Ever notice how tourney players have extremely arbitrary rules for what's OK in a match and what's not?
Example: Final Destination is the only stage you can really play on competitively. Because platforms and other complex stage features are 'unfair' and give advantages to certain characters, apparently.(There's some tourney players who like Battlefield though, I'm aware, but there's an entire class of tourney players who hate playing on anything besides FD)
But wavedashing is in. Because it most certainly does NOT give advantages to certain characters, and most certainly is NOT an abuse of the physics engine, and is actually an intentionally designed element of the game, unlike those dumb platforms.
Turning off the snark, I'm personally glad that Wavedashing is gone. I can do it, and I've been known to do it every so often, but I've always thought it was pretty lame. Kind of like how you used to be able to make Custom Combos unblockable in one of the Street Fighter Alpha games, although it's not nearly as game-breaking as that. It was part of competitive play, sure. Was it indended? No. It was actually pretty lame, but if you wanted to win, you had to do it, because everyone else did. That's the situation with Wavedashing.
Most of the tourney players have somehow convinced themselves that Wavedashing is NOT a lame exploit of the physics system, but is actually a COOL FEATURE that adds DEPTH to the game. I'm not entirely sure how they managed this, but sometimes people get so used to something awful that they just can't imagine living without it anymore. (I'm looking at you, too, Windows; I'm guilty of this one too)
Wavedashing actually REMOVED depth from the game by making it less about predicting what you're opponent's going to do, by giving certain characters a degree of mobility they really shouldn't have had (Lessening the mindgame aspect), and it arguably limited the number of characters most people consider suitable for tournament play (Notice that lots of popular tournament characters have great wavedashes, or, lacking that, enough other features to MAKE UP for the lack of a good wavedash). Neither of these things has a positive effect on game depth.
As for the so-called positive influences on game-depth? As other have mentioned in the thread before, adding a complex button-sequence for simple movement does NOT add depth. It only promotes carpal tunnel.
Seriously, people, give up the Wavedash. There will be other strategies in Brawl. Yes, it's being made more accessible. That doesn't mean that the better players won't be able to reliably beat the n00bs. What it DOES mean is that you won't be able to use Luigi to get a burst of speed across a floor while charging a smash by using some arcane and nonsensical button-formula, which is obviously broken. Now start practicing your SHUFFLing some more.
On a different note, this is my first post here. I'm a longtime melee player; I'd put myself at the top end of the 'casual player' spectrum, where I can beat the vast majority of other casual players, and get lucky against the midling-range tourney players now and then. You'll probably start seeing more of me lurking around the forums.