Got Wario. (JP copy)
Grab release still seems to be a thing, though this is on a computer, of course. He releases much farther away though, I could only get Fair/Uair with Marth.
Other impressions:
Nair has a goofy inflation effect on it. Doesn't seem to link nearly as well as Brawl, definitely no Nair-Grab. Bair seems like it has a bigger hitbox. Fair seems like it has a bit more range.
His recovery is still hella ********. You can bike-Jump-Double jump from the bottom corner of almost every stage in the game, and should that not get you back, they buffed his Up-B, he can make it out from the bottom of the magnifying glass on FD with just DJ Up-B.
F-Smash is replaced. Doesn't seem to have super armor, but has better range. It's a very powerful punch that kills around like 90. Not amazing range, but good enough. D-Smash has been made more comical and is still awful. U-Smash is now like Mario's, except I think it has a bigger hitbox.
Waft doesn't seem as strong, but I didn't get to test the most powerful timing of it. Full waft right next to someone did 27. D-tilt lost its IASA frames it seems. Jab still seemed alright, but I don't think Jab-grab would work.
Dash speed got hella buffed, he runs pretty fast actually.