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Wario Q&A Thread


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Also, if you're in a position where you feel like you may be hit out of your jump (especially your bike), it is a good idea to quarter-circle DI between up and the direction of the stage. If you're hit, the resulting knockback won't be as detrimental to your recovery.

It's like how I always mash to get out of grabs when I leave myself open--It's usually a good idea to be a cynic. :)


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Also, if you're in a position where you feel like you may be hit out of your jump (especially your bike), it is a good idea to quarter-circle DI between up and the direction of the stage. If you're hit, the resulting knockback won't be as detrimental to your recovery.

It's like how I always mash to get out of grabs when I leave myself open--It's usually a good idea to be a cynic. :)
Heh, I really appreciate the advice. I have fun with Wario and I use him as much as I use Peach. I fight real well with Wario but I will admit I had embrassing KOs as Wario because of mid air jumping then pull out the bike but didn't get the height needed to make it to the stage. If I'm high in the air I can make it back safely with no trouble. Though when he is low from the stage as was mention it can hurt Wario. On free time I can practice it more. I hate to be able to fight well as Wario to not be able to recover from any spot below stages when I need to and have that weakness exploited and cost me matches.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Step 1. Know your character! Yes, explore different things in training mode. Know every limitation (or try to)!

Step 2. Mix it up. Don't be or get predictable!


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Recovery tip: If you know you're in serious trouble off the edge, a good Wario will sacrifice his Waft for another chance at recovering. However, if your fart isn't all the way charged, resist the urge!! If you just poot in vain, you will just reset your Waft timer for nothing. Save it so you can be a serious threat on your next stock :)


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
Wario should never SD if he can pull out the bike... even from the bottom corners... I believe wheelie bike jump + air mobility + UpB are enough to make the ledge.

farts should only be used for recovery if you are at low % and you'll die without it. although I've used my fart to recover once at 150% because I had no intention of killing the other person... I just aircamped and timed the other person out :p

Speaking of MK... if you wheelie when you pull out the bike you can actually knock MK out of the way before he hits you and you still get your bike jump and all... I usually wheelie and then stall my jump until I feel safe from MK because they usually expect you to jump instantly.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I think I may try backward Jab for spacing, maybe after landing the edge of a jab at low percents, where you wouldn't be able to do anything but a second jab (which could miss due to SDI, technically). It might confuse/scare people into doing things, and if they try to retaliate or roll behind you (like Meta Knight), you'll be in good position to punish.

It sounds silly, since you could simply space by walking or foxtrotting, but people definitely feel more pressure when faced with something that is new to them. We'll see what happens.


Smash Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
who is wario's most difficult matchup

I main Toonlink, and also frequent Pikachu, Pit, Donkey Kong, and Samus. I am aiming to destroy a particular opponent whom mostly plays Wario.

1) which character (out of the entire roster) does Wario have the most trouble with? (on Final Destination)

2) which character out of the ones i have listed has the best intrinsic chance of defeating Wario (on Final Destination)


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
Choose donkey kong and yell at him when he chaingrabs you.
wario's hardest MU is d3 probably.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I main Toonlink, and also frequent Pikachu, Pit, Donkey Kong, and Samus. I am aiming to destroy a particular opponent whom mostly plays Wario.

1) which character (out of the entire roster) does Wario have the most trouble with? (on Final Destination)

2) which character out of the ones i have listed has the best intrinsic chance of defeating Wario (on Final Destination)
Instead of CP'ing learn your characters and the MU's none of the MU's are to the point where you need to CP just step your game up.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Bad moves would be stuff like Ftilt and Fair. Your goal basically is to get G&W to something like 70-80%, and fart on him.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
You basically have to just maneuver around G&W's hitboxes, while sneaking in hits of your own. His Nair and Bair have really high priority hitboxes, so don't challenge those directly (unless with Ftilt, pretty sure that goes through a lot of G&W's moves if you space it right). All of Wario's moves have uses, Utilt goes through G&W's key!

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
OK time for a monster post cause S!C is German.

The thing with G&W is that he has a lot of stuff to beat you out, and will frequently do just that. What nacks him is the fact that even if he hits you, he won't necessarily get funny follow-ups unless you're at low percentages.

Low percentages netting him stuff like nair > nair > lololol uair stuff which may or may not nack you your DJ and blah, requires him to get certain reads to fully utilize your position but getting racked to say, 40% from 0 isn't that rare. Those situations are fully avoidable, too.

What you don't want to be doing is committing to vertical approaches too often. He'll practically beat those out most of the time by just SH nairing, which is his main spacing tool in this matchup. Aside of beating out vertical approaches, it also beats shield approaches if spaced correctly. Shield approach is pretty much completely safe in this matchup, and will often net you a certain amount of zoning, and rarely more than that.

Commit to shield approaching too much, and it gets baired. Bair on your shield is unpunishable, don't try to nair OoS chase him or anything like that, he can practically just walk away and don't really be bothered by your reaction.

Back to nair, simple SH fairs and bairs will beat it out. It's a bit of a silly rock-paper-scissors, in which neither player will really be able to commit to high-risk, high-reward stuff. G&W can sort of wall, but it never really nets him zoning. His 'walling' consists of actually just random usmashes and dtilts, which are fairly safe for him to do. Really, if he just charges an usmash a bit away from you, the only thing you'll really be able to do is slowly walk up to him and perfectly time a ftilt. It's a rather annoying situation, obviously hitting the thing nets you 14% (or a kill), but a slight mistiming kills you in a fairly silly manner.

Dtilt is more easily punishable, dash shield beats it unless it's perfectly spaced. If he doesn't get to perfectly space it, you can either shieldgrab it or shielddrop fsmash/jab.

Random gimmick: if G&W uairs your Bike, whether you threw it or he did, it becomes his projectile and flies pretty damn high.

UpB also beats your vertical approaches, and you really need to read it in order to effectively punish it with uair, it's really his best escaping tool, getting him to think twice of doing it by at least showing you're willing to make a read like that will help you enormously in this MU. G&W doesn't like to be uaired, especially with farts killing him at the percentages they do.

If you have a lead, you are in a stupidly good position since G&W's approach game on Wario is trash. Once you have a stock lead, his non-killing nairs, bairs and upbs suddenly lose all their value while every bit of damage you manage to get in means quite a lot.

G&W's killing potential in this MU is a bit sad, he shouldn't be able to get kills with anything but fair (requiring a read), dair (requiring you to mess up) or smashes (which require a hard read). Messing up and getting hit by dair is something that can easily happen though, it's hard to beat it out with uair, especially since its fall speed differs. Damage ranges you have to keep track of:

Starting from ~80%: sweetspot smashes (avoidable)
Starting from something like 140-160%, depending on position: fair and sourspot dsmash
Starting from 160%: low dairs

Recover high, no point in recovering low.

Ftilt is situational but beats or clashes with pretty much everything he has, correctly spaced. That correct spacing requires a lot of practice and experience though.

Jab > fsmash guaranteed at like, the perfect percentages (100 or so). Nair > grab guaranteed at 0, nair > fsmash isn't.

Plenty of fart opportunities in this matchup, some situational some near-guaranteed:
- You can practically SDI bair and fart him.
- Edgehog his upB, fart him when he gets the landing animation he gets when he lands during the apex of his upB.
- Dthrowing him off-stage and farting is... well not really guaranteed. He has very few options though, none of them being too practical (or fast enough). For him, airdodging, upBing or uairing are really his best options. In my experience, it works often enough but it's kinda gimmicky, use to your own liking.
- Reading an upB not only nets you an uair but can also get you a fart.
- Offstage pressure if he doesn't recover high or low enough (read: if he messes up recovering).
- Camp the **** out of him if you have a lead and punish random desperate fairs he throws out trying to kill you :(

Nair is broken in this MU. Also, you fly over his dsmash SH nairing, hitting his head and beating the attack out.

When on the ledge, you have no reason to ever do anything other than ledgejumping if you actually plan on getting back on-stage. Ledgehop airdodge or something to annoy him is fairly safe.

When he is on the ledge, don't start jumping or stuff. Just wait for him to do something and proceed to exploit the bad situation he'll inevitably get himself into.

If spaced correctly, you can't shieldgrab or nair OoS his dair.

Gimmicky: If he like to usmash > dtilt on your shield, you can really beat it with jab or fsmash if the usmash wasn't spaced well.

Fthrow > uthrow.

Teching dthrow means he can never get something stronger than dash attack or grab (or lol2hitsofbair).

Too lazy for more, want to get back to chatting and gaming.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
utilt goes through the key? HAX

@CXDerp you dont need to learn D3 to be able to beat a Wario that doesnt know the matchup. just fish for grabs. If your opponent knows the D3 matchup, then stick with toon link and camp as much as you can. I dont think Wario can beat bair with anything and arrows can be very annoying... stick to your main though.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Whoa nice post LC :O

A really funny "combo" I found against G&W is Dthrow to Utilt. Definitely not a true combo, but lot's of G&W players Key right over you when they get Dthrown, and Utilt's startup lag makes it so it has a great chance of just going through the key! Haha tooo good, just a small read is all it is.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
I love utilt, but really its hella hard to time it to beat out an opponent's dair, even though it beats loads of dairs.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
thank you for that long post olaf ^-^
if the currywurst @ dogüsch smash isnt too expensive ill pay our food ;D


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
I'm fairly convinced that dtilt is a useless move at high level play.

dash attack is just as useless, except for Dacus and hitting people off the ledge.

utilt doesnt beat Link's, Tink's(not sure), MK's, Marth's, Ivy's, Ike's, not quite sure if it beats Snake's due to his magic legs and arms... doesnt beat Lucario's either.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
I'm fairly convinced that dtilt is a useless move at high level play.

hmmm, i often first jab 2 dtilt to fair
dtilt is a great move ^^


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Agreed, dtilt is great! It's just situational. The only times I use it are...

A. Comboing someone off the ledge (basically guaranteed jab to dtilt, dtilt even reaches below the ledge a little bit!

B. Maybe breaking the bike sometimes. Fast, so you can get a few move refreshes in if you have a second to spare.

3. Jab -> dtilt is tooo good even on stage xD


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
saying dtilt is "great" is horrible. Maybe its not totally useless, but its definitely Wario's least useful move...

how many chars can you dtilt without eating a fair straight afterwards?


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Agreed, dtilt is great! It's just situational. The only times I use it are...

A. Comboing someone off the ledge (basically guaranteed jab to dtilt, dtilt even reaches below the ledge a little bit!

B. Maybe breaking the bike sometimes. Fast, so you can get a few move refreshes in if you have a second to spare.

3. Jab -> dtilt is tooo good even on stage xD
Haha I combo like that too.XD


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
saying dtilt is "great" is horrible. Maybe its not totally useless, but its definitely Wario's least useful move...

how many chars can you dtilt without eating a fair straight afterwards?
uuhh don't think I've ever gotten faired after I've dtilted someone! I say "great", because it's good to be positive :) it's situational and has it's uses, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Did you know you can dthrow to buffered dtilt against Snake? Now that's what I call useful! Dtilt also clashes with Snake's Ftilt and Utilt, so if you mess up the dthrow to bDtilt then you are really quite safe :) (if you dtilt and don't turn around I mean)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
uuhh don't think I've ever gotten faired after I've dtilted someone! I say "great", because it's good to be positive :) it's situational and has it's uses, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Did you know you can dthrow to buffered dtilt against Snake? Now that's what I call useful! Dtilt also clashes with Snake's Ftilt and Utilt, so if you mess up the dthrow to bDtilt then you are really quite safe :) (if you dtilt and don't turn around I mean)
it also works against d3 ;)
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