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[WA] Perth Smash Thread


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2009
Making it Rain in Perth!
. Main stage showing this would be Port Town. In my opinion it should be considered a CP because there always is a way to avoid the cars whether it's using multiple jumps, standing on the available platforms or staying to one side.
There is a transformation in port town where you are standing on a flat road the covers the screen whilst cars fly past. The onli way to avoid this is to dbl jump and use your best momentum canceling/recovery move to stay in the air for at least 3 secs. I played on these stages and knew this was coming so i jumped and up b'd with rob a sec early and i ran out of fuel b4 the cars passed and got hit ok my fault. Rob's recovery is on of the best in game think about olimar/ivysaur or marth in that transformation no chance. Also lets look at the other side what about aerial characters say jiggs/kirby/mk lets say diddy/snake are trying to recover away from cars they both dbl jump up b.Then they are easy pray to pound/hammer/up b all of which either cancel momentum or keep them away from the cars and are kill moves but what option does snake or diddy have because the cars will kill at a lower percents then those moves are they suppose to accept the damage/kill ? This argument isn't to benefit myself i play rob i can be aggressive within my up b but this stage isnt tournament viable.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2009
Making it Rain in Perth!
sigh i wish to transfer everything i said on msn to here

My main problem with this stage is the breaking up of "fighting" for such extended periods of time, not as in camping/playing keep away as in 2 competitors not being able to fight each without having a stupidly high chance of death

KK I did a little math using that thread 1 lap of port town using the longest possible transformation time is 63(7trans*9secs) without including cars. Cars passing through a transformation increase them by 6-9 secs i use 3 occurrences of 9 secs which = 27 secs. Therefore total lap time is 90 secs say 2 of these cars occur on transformation 1 n 7 thats at least 12(2 occurrences*6secs) secs of interupted play i.e 13.33333% of total lap time the percentage get higher if you don't use the max possible lap time. Now lets at just one 9 secs car passing which is 10% of the time
play is interupted. Seeing as cars can kill from 50% onwards there isnt room for error i.e. like using lava to recover

Also every1 need to remember this is per lap on average a game would go 4-5 minutes (took it down due too stage hazards) which can easily add up to a minute of avoid stage obstacles and not fighting


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2009
lol does SA have smash yet ? I heard you just got the Internets! Hows dial up ?
Funny you say that!

But indeed, SA has smash, but only a mere handful here actually play it. Instead, I spend precious internets trying to escape rAdelaide.

FFS, why am I not at Thriller?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2010
Perth, Australia
hope the smashfest went well all =) ive been non-existent for a while due to all this mid semester and assignment bs at uni.. il be back into it soon, ive dropped the Z girl, for the best too haha.. Been into the mariokart online, surprisingly enjoyable =D


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
Hey, I got bored at work on Wednesday League and tried to apply a league format to Brawl smashfests... and then forgot to post it :p

Basically, in a nutshell, because it's past 11pm and I have uni tomorrow, the league could easily run through smashfests (for a pilot season, anyway, to test out the mechanics and ****) that could either be biweekly if organisation is required, or just whenever someone decides to hold a fest (pilot season should be for the latter since that would be the more troublesome of the two :p)... Set up a schedule of matches to play for the "season" (for example, everyone plays everyone else 3 times or something, but can only play one match per fest?) and a time limit for the season (varying depending on the number of people in the league of course, maybe double the minimum time since fests aren't supposed to be all competitive all the time anyway :p)... Of course there'd be something in place to avoid people playing a few matches and then not turning up to any more fests, yada yada yada... I don't really think winning money would be necessary, since it'll be a more relaxed environment than tournaments, maybe the winner gets a chockie or something :p Or maybe just serve to act as a supplement/replacement to Bob's point system (since tournament results are getting a bit skewiff down the lower end of the scale in 2010 :p)

This should, in theory, give people somewhat relaxed yet competitive practice outside of tournaments, and thus work to improve the scene's ability in general... Tell me what you think - no point in organising it if it's a ****ty idea that no one will want to be a part of xD

Welcome back Brad - next time I'm NOR I'll PM you for a squash game xD Haven't played for so long, feeling a little sluggish ^^"


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PJ1xt-zRG1w&hl=en_GB&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PJ1xt-zRG1w&hl=en_GB&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Guesses on the singers?


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
Needs more enthusiasm - I sense that not a single one of you closed your eyes and did a fist pump...


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2009
hey just incase any1 was planning on coming tourney at glenns is cancelled, neither of us will really b able 2 attend lol


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol, my thoughts on alzi?
wierd looking kid man, I did indeed lol as kane suggested I would.
I was gonna do some huge massive **** thing to him but I really just couldnt think of anything... :( sorry to dissapoint.

he was pretty quiet like you guys said but he didnt have a problem talking to me at all, which is kinda strange since the only communication we have on here is me ripping into him.

as far as playing, I beat him without having to try, I wouldnt say that he's bad, but more like he plays like a machine, falls into constant patterns and doesnt learn and adapt, he does have some cool little tricks though but bomb camping is **** and really easy to get around (so dont rely on it dude)

as far as that alzi V kane a few 10 or so pages back goes, kane is way better.
also he came 2nd in his pools I think, and didnt come on the second day so was forfeited out of the bracket.

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
lol, my thoughts on alzi?
wierd looking kid man, I did indeed lol as kane suggested I would.
I was gonna do some huge massive **** thing to him but I really just couldnt think of anything... :( sorry to dissapoint.
I had this image in my head of Alzi head first in a skip bin being pushed around Sydney streets by the Thriller crew with you riding shot gun shouting "Yippe Ky Yay Mother ****er". Alas was not to be.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
nah, it he was in a bin, it'd be one of those person sized green bins and it be locked shut and attached to the back of my car ;)


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
lol, my thoughts on alzi?
wierd looking kid man, I did indeed lol as kane suggested I would.
I was gonna do some huge massive **** thing to him but I really just couldnt think of anything... :( sorry to dissapoint.

he was pretty quiet like you guys said but he didnt have a problem talking to me at all, which is kinda strange since the only communication we have on here is me ripping into him.

as far as playing, I beat him without having to try, I wouldnt say that he's bad, but more like he plays like a machine, falls into constant patterns and doesnt learn and adapt, he does have some cool little tricks though but bomb camping is **** and really easy to get around (so dont rely on it dude)

as far as that alzi V kane a few 10 or so pages back goes, kane is way better.
also he came 2nd in his pools I think, and didnt come on the second day so was forfeited out of the bracket.
I agree, and it's mainly due to the fact that he's a wifi player.



   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I played Alzi.

He wasnt bad.
In my tournament matches with him I felt he had a reasonably good grasp on the game / Toon Link and also had a good tendancy for some mix ups which got me a few times (perhaps they were more things I wasnt expecting from a TL). His reaction speed wasnt too bad either.

Then he wanted to go Lylat...
Giving me a free win as Meta Knight.
He didnt really have any answers to that...
Not like beating people with MK on lylat is hard or anything.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol wifi, **** that ****

dude vlade I watched a match of you against him the other day, holy **** man, you are the ****ing ****!



Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ahh not true, ask him...
what the best anime in the world is...
what he does everyday...
what the best game in the world is...
what he plays everyday...
who the best brawl player in aus is...

you get the point.

I would very seriously consider coming down just to do that TOS speed run, being promised to be able to play kratos (and regal when kratos is not around) would increase the chances significantly


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol, well either way its kratos or the highway!

also fyi using regal, and a team with I think kratos lloyd and genis, I beat the final boss in 6 seconds.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
How do we do this, just 2 teams or NvS

Sign ups for Team Marteh are a go if it's not NvS!
Remember first player (who navigates the over world) must be a caster (ex genis, raine) so that the other players can see properly. Oh and it's decided, Zelos > Kratos when the choice happens :p
Edit: Oh and Im playing either, Lloyd, Regal, Zelos/Kratos, Collete (for infinites)
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