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[WA] Perth Smash Thread


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Good work glenn and alex for doing well again and ric for knocking corpse into losers. Bob - 4th to last? what happened lol :p

pete - ill help you, talk on MSN


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
Marteh is back in the game *****es!

Someone do a shout out list so I can copy.

Edit: Oh and Andy how the hell does your dad catch you wagging...


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
Marty... copy the rankings on the previous page :p All the names are right there ^^

So, tomorrow I'm going to do some calling around for 'venue fees' for EI3 because I don't have an exam so I have the day off. Anyone got any suggestions beyond the Convention Centre and Ibis?
Eh??? EI3??? Ibis???

Did I miss something important :p???


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
Ah right ^^ It has a name now :p

Was there any board discussion on this that I can go look up??


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
Edit: Oh and Andy how the hell does your dad catch you wagging...
my school, or rather old school now used to have a system where, everyone that wasnt marked as present in the class on the forms, had text messages or whatever sent to the parents to notify them of not being there..

i've gotten away with "I went to the toilet and got there late" etc.. so i havent been caught wagging before. not that i suggest anyone to do it.

Eastern Invasion 3, our national.
what. when is this happening.. aarrgghghghghg


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Good work glenn and alex for doing well again and ric for knocking corpse into losers. Bob - 4th to last? what happened lol :p

pete - ill help you, talk on MSN
I blame unseeded brackets

Anyway about EI3 I want to be 90% sure about the venue we're going to use before I make a post.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2009
Perth, Western Australia
Hey awesome tournament today guys! I had fun and so did my mate Rythm, we will definetly coming to future tournaments!

Btw, where did I rank? I forgot to check.

I claim best Link in WA (YYYY) I bet Glens Toon Link With Link in a round (L) haha.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
Sam -Blah Blah congrats on winning..Screw that...DDR is awesome, up for it again next time?
Richard - Good job on beating Sam..And wow we didn't talk to much this time....
Kane - Thanks for bring the Wiimote, shame you forgot the shirt but I forgot the game, good job in your positioning man, should do some friendlies again some time.
Vladester - Finally I got to verse you <3...End of story
Glenn - Really dude..Really...Do you ever relax :p
Alex - Good friendlies we had there, then we got kicked off..Stupid tournies.
Lord Bowser - I guess I should say thanks for being a man and letting me challenge for my name back, and thanks for hosting.
Rhythm - Sorry dude, no idea who you are..Unless your the dude who beat weegee then good job.
Josh - You suck, shut up :p
MTGod - Man can't believe you beat me, last time I get cocky >>; Oh and still up for teaming sometime.
Baconfingers - Yayyy for the lift, yayy for the Zebrahead, yayy for doubles Falcons!
Muzga - Aka Andre
Aaron - Nice doubles match amigo, despite I cant remember if you were lucario or TL
Marty - Why hello there one with the awesome name which he now owns again.
Level 9 Luigi - Epic mindgames and that "tech spike" through the level was awesome!
Tails - Long live the pants man! Long live the pants
Brsrk _ Man you really weren't playing well at all today, thanks for coping with the "rap" I listen to
Mic - Whooo Mic, man I love our FFA friendlies.
Pete - 17th is what happens to people who betray Falcon..

Sorry I didnt bring my usb guys, wow that was a blonde moment :p


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
From the User CP updating profile:::
Your date of birth and age are displayed in several places on the forum. Only the administrator will have access to your date of birth should you choose to hide it via the privacy option below.
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Anyway, @Marty: I didn't beat you, the Pirate Ship did :p Vengeance for somehow managing to spike both Mic and I in Doubles!!! Grrr... Though it was a ****in' epic final stock though :p

I would do a shout out, but I'm a lazy sod at the moment... So to everyone, [insert congratulatory comment here]...

I will say one thing, though - @Josh: the score will be settled at the next tournament :p

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
Really good tourny, church was a good venue despite being too far away, and Trav did an awesome job running this ****.

Shout outs yo!

Sam - Good **** as usual mate, playing your toon link is like chinese water torture, a very slow and unpleasent process that eventually leads to me going crazy lol. Didn't even land box damage on you with my snake :p Next time be nicer, I repped for you in dubs :p

Richard - Well done on 2nd man, I'm not gonna lie I went into our set pretty confident, but you well and trul y confirmed my own belief that I'm fail at the ditto. You played so well all day man you were very deserving of your placing, and hopefully we'll have a good set next time we play as well, the Fox will get yah :p

Kane - **** you're bad at MK, learn some match ups scrub.

Vladester - Man I know you don't enjoy our sets, but if I don't play defensive you just camp me to death so you don't give me much choice. We had a good set IMO and I always feel I learn something from playing you, much <3

Glenn - Didn't get to play you today in singles, but our doubles sets were fun. Um you make some odd character choices in doubles, I feel like if you were a bit more consistent with your team strat you and Alex would do really well. Hope we play next tourney, you and Alzi and the two high level players left (other then sam) I really want play and *hopefully* beat :p

Alex - Good **** in doubles, really solid play. Your Peach was hot imo, really fun playing her and you made life way harder for my MK then I thought you would when you selected her for our match :p Would like to see how she develops.

Trill - Good finish despite using a **** character :p Not much you could do against double mks in dubs :( I think we did pretty well though and it was good to finally partner with my number #1 training partner in smash lol.

Lord Bowser - Man MK is a ****ing piece of ****, do not use. If you're mega pro with a low tier charcter I reckon you should just represent, always enjoy watching your bowser. Good **** in dubs though, ***** us no johns etc.

Rhythm - Felt really sorry for you in the weegee match lol, I've been there before and the pressure is ridiculous lol. Our singles set was good, your Lucas was pretty tricky and if you keep coming to tournys you'll keep getting better.

Josh - Good chattin man, your hyperness is always entertaining :D Good D.O.N games too :p

MTGod - Didn't get much of a chance to chat today but it's godo to see you've become a regular in the community, keep coming and the placing will go up :)

Baconfingers - We had a friendly or two I believe, GGs.

Muzga - Well done in doubles man, good play. Not sure what went down for you in singles but no doubt you'll be back up there next time.

Aaron - Sorry didn't really get the chance to chat/play but good to see you there.

Marty - Good **** getting your name back bro :p Was really impressed by your set with Vlade, you really hung in there.

Level 9 Luigi - Lucky you keep getting byes, you're a scrub and I'm the only person game enough to say it!

Tails - Didn't get to play or talk to you but good to see new members in the community. Try and make sure you can play dubs next time, always good fun.

Brsrk - Man this is why seeding and *possibly* pools are good, this sorta **** doesn't happen. Always good chatting to yah man and hopefully you'll be back up where you belong next tourny.

Mic - Didn't get to play or chat, but always good having yah, lynch pin of the WA community :p

Pete - GW book worm :p I know I give you **** for your libarian tendencies at times, but you're always a good dude to have around and fun to commentate with. Hope you keep involved in the community, and next time I see yah I'm gonna have to own you at sf4 as well :D

This was a GREAT tourney thanks so much for hosting Trav. Just wanna let everyone know this is the last tourney I roll mainly with MK. I just wanted to prove to my self after my marth debacle that if I focus I am one of the top players in the state and my 2nd placing a few tournies ago was NOT a fluke and now that I've done that I'm gonna put madigraknight on the shelf as I don't enjoy playing him at all.

Fox and D3 next tourny!!!! Can't wait for the next one, GL for exams every one lets go own them :D


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
if im able to stay at my mates place in Bindoon, i'll be able to come along to Jason's tourny he's hosting on the 29th im pretty sure it is with my friend as well (different friend this time)


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
Just wanna let everyone know this is the last tourney I roll mainly with MK. I just wanted to prove to my self after my marth debacle that if I focus I am one of the top players in the state and my 2nd placing a few tournies ago was NOT a fluke and now that I've done that I'm gonna put madigraknight on the shelf as I don't enjoy playing him at all.
Said like a true man, I'm glad you have proven yourself and if you can do that with a character you don't enjoy just wait until you get **** with your other chars..


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
It's intresting how we have 4444 good people. Elton has layed a curse on the perth smash scene were the number 4 occurs alot.

Tails play Jono's Link it's actually pretty good from what i have exprienced.

Hope we play next tourney, you and Alzi and the two high level players left (other then sam)

I wasn't at the tourney Kane! lol.

Level 9 Luigi loves to show off doesn't he!

Play toon link Kane.



Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Yes they should. Since once they start playing that guy and get good at him you can never drop him. If i stop playing toon link it's like me getting my brawl case with the disc in it and just throwing it to the moon.

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
Yes they should. Since once they start playing that guy and get good at him you can never drop him. If i stop playing toon link it's like me getting my brawl case with the disc in it and just throwing it to the moon.
You are a ****ing whacky dude lol.

My Toon Link is super bad or else I would contribute to Perth pride but using TL :p


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
I'm actually pretty good with tlink, but I don't use him because everyone around here knows the matchup. Plus I'm worse then Alzi and Sam obviously.

Yay Kane uses DDD now. And trav you didn't have to use MK but I'm glad you did anyway. I love watching your boozer! :p


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Kane plays some intresting characters.

Does he play fox now? He is coming to the good side now and using unique characters.
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