YEAH TACO SHINSHIN GETS THAT TOP 8 PLACING IN THE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save up some money guys, the shirts will be on sale just in time for Christmas ^^
I knew I was fine walking into a Church... I mean, why would I smite myself??? Just dun' mak cents... Regardless, I do apologise to everyone I used Lucas against - I was sorta raging at my Rob today as I couldn't or wouldn't bring out the spinny top combos, so I decided to try Lucas given that I was using him a fair bit on Friday... Turns out Lucas pretty much gets ***** if you miss even once with any of his specials and his up/down smashes... I will stick to Rob next time
RE: The next tournament, I won't be able to make it if it's before my exams... Really shouldn't have even been at this one lol, but it was in a Church so I couldn't resist... My exams are all over by the 17th Nov though, so anytime after that and you can pretty much guarantee I'll be there... Hoorah!!!!
Anyway, I'll do a shout out (gasp! my first) now that I know most people's names

If I forget anyone, I'll give you a cookie when next we meet ^^
First off, to all of you who joined in the PokeKaraoke, as hilarious as it was a part of my soul died when the realisation came that it wasn't a drunken stint... Don't take it personally, just please warn me when you're going to do it again so I can bring my headphones
Trav: Great tournament, and I know it was you who did the preplanning to get that drunk old guy to meet us out the front

I lol'd when he tried to show you where Fuse 9 was and your mum was like "I better go with him" xD Hilarity did indeed ensue ^^
Alzi: Didn't speak to you at all at Jupz' tournament, so it was good to finally hear your voice lol... The games I saw you play were pretty **** good, 'specially some of the Toon Link ditto against Sam ^^
Bob: Again, our conversations were few and far between

Good work on the commentary with Pete, though, and whilst you play a good Sheik, your Olimar was crazy ^^ Look forward to when we finally get to play each other!
Pete: Epic finish to your first battle v Sean/Fractal

Definitely should've been recorded!!! Ah well, you'll get a Pawnch off again at the next tournament, I can feel it

And good job with the commentary as well - way to use your voicebox???
Andy: Didn't talk to you much yesterday, but I did see your Diddy Kong in action and it was awesome... Keep it up, eh?
Andre: 'Nado to Shuttle Loop is a very technical skill, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Good job with the piano too - I only heard you play but it sounded quite awesome ^^ I was gonna suggest you play the ending theme from Eternal Sonata, but I was afraid of a little girl being pushed off a cliff by a hallucinated spectre of her dead disapproving mother...
Sam: Tio keeps matching me up against you, man - it must really hate me

Still well done on winning, thanks for the pity kill (yeah, as you could tell I'm not afraid to take advantage while you're showboating

) and kudos on the piano thing too

I don't play DQ myself but I'm told it was a good rendition ^^
Steve: Good games, man ^^ IMO your Wolf is a little better than your Fox, but I was kinda being a little annoying with the spot-dodge Dsmash combo, so I apologise about that

Hope to see you again soon!!!
Glenn/Alex: Argh, second time we've come up against you in doubles, and second time we've been ***** with the infinite grabs

Good games, though ^^ Also heard you took a match off Sam, Glenn, so WD for that xD
Ric: Unfortunately the only conversation we had (or at least what I remember) is the introduction, but aside from that I saw some of your games and have to commend you on your great work

Good placing in the tournament, too ^^
Level 9 Luigi: Man, your awesomeness is just too much to comprehend on the forums... You and Pete work amazingly together, so keep it up

And you should represent at Squat!!! But, knowing you, you'd be too modest to go and fight for us

*cry* such a great guy!!!
Vlade: So close, twice!!! Unlucky man, your Falco game is epic - mad reflecting skills against those bombs... Hope you like the recordings you got, and if you find any flaws in Sam's game please, for the love of God, forward them onto me
Sean: Yeah bro, I realise this shout out is redundant but why not

Thanks for holding the Maccas/speakers while I was driving, I guess??? And sorry for my Doubles playing - I was too focussed on not hitting you that I kinda got you chain grabbed a lot
Marty: Magical Rooster hats

Thanks for grabbing my USB and taking the detour to bring it back, man - really appreciate it ^^
On the USB topic, there was some .mp3s uploaded onto it yesterday at about 10.20AM (Metal Gear Solid themes among other interesting musical choices............) I hope you didn't want them back, because most of them got deleted off my drive... I've still got the MGS and some of the ACTUAL songs (y'know, the ones with drums and guitars and stuff) in my recycle bin, so PM me if you want them otherwise I'll be deleting the rest permanently in a few days...
EDIT: Scratch that, all of them got deleted... Try PMing Marty as he might have a copy (not sure though)...