Shoutout time
Sam - Whats that? You won another tournament? I was too busy not caring to notice

Good luck at rocky. win or lose, ill be celebrating. Im just that bitter

Ric - Okay, seriously. You played a pretty decent game in the tournament today. youve got skill. Also, you gave an incredible show of extreme lameness today. Good job forfeiting the finals!

Alzi - Its always a relief playing against a toon link that doesnt make me want to bash my face against the nearest wall or window, Thank you sincerely for those therapeutic matches
Bringer - Man you have some freaky eyebrows. seriously, go to the hospital and get it checked out. The image of those eyebrows is going to haunt me in my sleep..
Trav - You finally managed to get a half-decent placing. My faith in you has been partially restored.
Trill - My controller was sticky and wet by the time we finished our business today. I guess you did a good job
Proxy - Who?
Gatz - I may have noticed some minor improvements in your game. I take full credit for that
Kane - Didnt see you play at all today. Way to stay anonymous.
Bob - Okay seriously, What the ****!? Bacon, Trav and i were chasing you and you couldve just given us some chips. Instead you make a big to-do about losing us and jump a barbed wire fence. Sort out your priorities.
Bacon - We are so down. Repazenting in the hood
marteh - Real men nap at tournaments. Keep living it up

MTGod - Saw you a couple of times today, but next time you come down you should make a big thing of introducing yourself otherwise i dont get material. Ive got nothing to work with
Fractal - Ive got nothing.
Jono - Who are you again?

Jupz- It was actually fun playing against you. I think that was the first time we actually played singles too. Keep up the good work