Working late so still don't have access to results but I'll slap them up when I get home.
Sam - Too good. Go own at Rocky so I feel better about my self.
Ric - Captain of team Captain Falcon, we were so clsoe but so far (hope you realise you and marteh share blame for our demise

). Our set in singles was really fun. I really didn't think my marth would perform any where near as well against you as it did, but I was glad I was able to give you a good match regardless. Will be looking forward to playing next tourney.
Glenn - Well done on your best placing yet, your set with Ric was fun to watch. More clutch in crew battles next time though
Alzi - Well done on 4th, you seemed to be playing really well in doubles so I have no doubt you were taking it to em in singles. Just in dubs Jupz is toooooo good

GG's man.
Bringer - Your yoshi is hilariously ****, and in Trill's words "No one expects a yoshi to be coming at you like that!"
Trav - Our set was fun man, though I hate the fact that you always seem to steal games off me with bowsercide lol. I never think about it till I'll being driven down to the chasm of fiery death that is no doubt awaiting below final destination. , and by then it's too late. Add my msn and I'll send you the turtle bowser lol.
Trill - Well done on your best placing yet, but the marth is gonna get yah >: )
Proxy - Man you played bad today, no johns, but I guess you didn't touch the game for like 3 weeks before the tourney and then had my noob marth to practise agianst like the day before lol. IMO stay snake, Diddy Kong mains are evil.
Bob - Always a pleasure chatting to you man. Didn't get to play you at all this tourney though

Though I might be catching up with you on the Gold Coast :D
Marteh - Well done on your result in dubz dude, surely your best yet. There's another marth in town now though so watch your back! Oh and sorry bout the shirt <.< We'll have to have another fest soon so you can get it back
Mic - Good seeing you again today man, and having you on team Captain Falcon made us the moral winners of crews regardless.
Jono - You played good in doubles man, and our early friendly doubles matches were awesome fun, hope to see yah at the next one.
Jupz - Is too good at doubles. Well done on singles man, probably not as high as you would of liked but still a good effort. Man I felt like we were do close to winning dubz but we just didn't step it up when we had our chances. Our team exp obviously isn't as leetso as Ric's and Sam's but if we were to play together again no doubt we'd take it to them

Play of the day was your double kill on Alzi and Jono, so clutch.
Over all the tournament was great, really well run. Infact other then an annoyingly good falco not being present you couldn't really tell the difference between Jupz' tourney and Vlade's, which is probably a sign of how well Jupz did hosting and how good of an example Vlade has set for us.
Wasn't quite satisfied with 9th with my Marth, but I barely lost to Trill and Ric so I was happy how I did considering I've only been maining him for 4 days lol. Oh and I was also proud of my resisting of Madigraknight, especially after tasting the awesome gayness in dubz :D
Was a really fun event and I hope to see you all next time, results will be up soon. Some one update rankings already!